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I thought of this study before the schoolyear starts and originally it should just be an antiperspirant, but with the pandemic we have I would like to let my product be in use of helping to not spread and passed viruses from a host to another. My main variables are baking soda and powdered calamansi peels. Baking soda, from the articles I Read, this material can sip or dry any surface with its properties, plus baking soda is often use an a cleaning agent too, however, it's not clear if it can disinfect but I hope I can fix my disinfection problem later, calamansi peels or any citrus peels and juices has a capability to treat or act as an anti-bacterial variable. The two variable is a good material to be an anti-perspirant, and I hope in combining this two, I can get a much more satisfactory benefits from the final product. Moving on, after knowing the potential of the variables as an anti-perspirant, then I thought of making it a sanitizer, but I cant make one with the ingredients I have. After, I thought of adding aloe vera, and isoprphyl alcohol, well, this two ingredient are the most common used ingredient for/or in making a sanitizer, and I ought to also add and mix them with the main variables. Next, during experimentation stage I had problem with one of my main varibales which is the camalamsi peels. supposedly I should dry the calamansi peels before I make it as a powder, but with continuous bad weather, rain keeps on pouring therefor I have no chance to have one of my mains, I thought of using an alternative and that is kamias dried peels. i grind the ingredient to make it a powder and then i proceeded on making the product. I was honestly surprise that i needed to modify greatly the amount of ingredient i will use. it turns out here that i need less of my main and more of the other varibles to achieve my sanitizer however its justifyable since my main is solid and my addins are liquid. second problem i encountered is the dissolution of my main which is the baking soda, here i found out that alcohol is not so good in dssoliving, and with that i am forced to dissolve my baking soda frist in water. i then also add the water as one of ingredients i used. With my product finished i then thought of my respondents, i used snowball sampling since i though it would be best if my respondent can refer a friend that is willing to be part of my study, my first participant refer another and then i have two. moving forward. during the week 1 applying of product, i received and encountered problem with the container of my product, small amunt of calamansi peel was stucked on the tube of the spray resulting into blocking the liquid anti-perspirant sanitizer, and there i suggest to just open the lid if the respondents need to apply the product again. Second week passed smoothly and data gathering also. I have trouble with my data analysis since i don't know where to start, but i am able to finish it and the result is good but i assume it will be greater. first data analysis of week 1 and 2 shows that the product effectivity increase in terms of the product's endurance or how many minutes it lasts,
data analysis 2 shows the products effectivity and performance, week 1 helps the proponent determine that it still needs improvement but in week 2 the product shows satisfactory performance
The product is effective as a sanitizer and as an anti-perspirant. As the observation is done and results are out, it leads us to limitations and errors that may be the cause of the product’s not being operational to the assumed potentiality however still shows some effectivity. According to the results in week 1, the proponent still need to make modifications to the product in order to improve it, and in week 2 results it shows satisfactory level of performance however, some days of its performance shows that it still needs improvement. With my results i therefore conclude that The proponent’s error and limitations encountered during experimentation stage lead to the product’s showing the half potential of it. However, the research study does not failed to determine the Baking Soda and Calamansi Peels effectivity as an anti-perspirant and the product’s effectivity as a sanitizer. Even in a small time-frame but with using the product consecutively in a span of specific time, then it performs not perfect but satisfactory. With the results in week 2, the product still need to be improved, however, the proponent assumed that the product’s effectivity depends on how many will be the appliance of the product to the sweaty area, and how that area will adopt to the treatment the product offers.

RECOMMENDATIONS: -To be able to experiment in the right assigned time, gather materials one week before the implementation is about to happen -If there will be something to be dissolved, make sure the solute is dissoluble to the solvent -Have a bigger tube for the spray/material of the product or fined/grind well the ingredients to be able to pass through -Use another container if the first recommendation doesn’t work
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