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Some common stimulants are:

Pep pills
Diet pills

Cocaine is one of the most commonly abused illegal stimulants. Its short-term consequences include:

A euphoric experience that peaks after 15 to 40 minutes and fades quickly
A sense of well-being that includes alertness, painlessness, and confidence
Physical symptoms such as dry mouth, blurred vision, sweating, loss of appetite, and rapid heart rate
Lapses of attention and coordination that make it difficult to operate a vehicle safely

Some depressants include:

Opiates (including morphine, codeine, and heroin)
Some antihistamines

The most common types of hallucinogens are synthetics such as phencyclidine (PCP) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and organics like mescaline and peyote.

Marijuana is a hallucinogen

Review the penalties for a DWI conviction:

First offense: A fine up to $2,000, 72 hours to 180 days in jail, and a 90-day to 365-day license suspension
Second offense: A fine up to $4,000, 30 days to one year in jail, and a 180-day to 2-year license suspension
Third and subsequent offenses: A fine up to $10,000, two to ten years in jail, and a 180-day to 2-year license suspension

Ignition Interlock Device (IID)

high BAC of 0.15

Administrative License Revocation (ALR) law that allows a law enforcement agent to immediately suspend a drivers license for certain offenses related to driving while intoxicated.

If you refuse to submit to a chemical test when requested by an officer, the officer can immediately order your license to be suspended.
All drivers will receive a 180-day suspension for a first offense of refusing to submit to a chemical test, and a two-year suspension if their license has been previously suspended for an ALR or DWI offense.

A first DUI offense is a Class C misdemeanor. The penalties include:

A fine of up to $500
Between 20 and 40 hours of community service
A suspension or denial of your drivers license for 60 days
Mandatory attendance of an Alcohol Awareness Program

A second DUI offense is a Class C misdemeanor. The penalties include:

A fine of up to $500
Between 40 and 60 hours of community service
A suspension or denial of your drivers license for 120 days
Mandatory attendance of an Alcohol Awareness Program

Delinquent Conduct. third defense of minor DUI

For drivers between 17 and 21 years old, a third DUI offense is a Class B misdemeanor. The penalties include:

A jail term of up to 180 days
A fine of between $500 and $2,000
Between 40 and 60 hours of community service
Mandatory attendance of an Alcohol Awareness Program
A suspension or denial of your drivers license for 180 days

For drivers between 17 and 21 years old, a third DUI offense is a Class B misdemeanor. The penalties include:

A jail term of up to 180 days
A fine of between $500 and $2,000
Between 40 and 60 hours of community service
Mandatory attendance of an Alcohol Awareness Program
A suspension or denial of your drivers license for 180 days

Under the Zero Tolerance Laws, it is illegal for minors to:

Purchase alcohol
Attempt to purchase alcohol, even when unsuccessful
Consume alcohol
Possess alcohol

There will be additional penalties, including a fine of up to $2000 and possible jail time, if this misrepresentation of age involves license fraud, such as:

Using a false name or information to obtain a license
Using another person's license
Using a cancelled or revoked license
Using or possessing a fake license
Possessing more than one license
Lending your license to someone else

A person charged with a drunk driving offense should expect to pay:

Fines of up to $10,000
Legal fees
The cost of any court-mandated alcohol education courses
The cost of an Ignition Interlock Device
Increased insurance rates
License reinstatement fees

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