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the marauders.

james potter was running without restraint. he was a warm laugh on a cold night. he was a hand to hold onto when the world looked ready to collapse. he was messy hair and untucked shirts and ink spilled all over his hands. he was a boy in love who barely had time to be a man in love. he was the oversized quidditch hoodie that lily secretly loved to snuggle into. he was unconvincing lies and heartfelt apologies. he was the world's worst poker face. he was belting "bohemian rhapsody" in the shower at 3 a.m. he was everyone's hero. he was the first days of summer vacation and midnight around a campfire. he was mr. prongs.

sirius black was leather jackets and long hair. he was the red and gold streaks of sunset in the sky. he was cursive with one hand and print with the other. he was lonely nights by the black lake. he was tangled feelings and stubborn independence. he was breakdowns brought about by bottling emotions. he was shivering on the potter's porch at age sixteen. he was cleaning his spaces out of childhood habit. he was desperate to be in love but didn't even know the meaning of the word. he was bruised internally and externally. he was singing abba obnoxiously as others attempted to study. he was perfect grades with no effort. he was tall, but not that tall. he was a good friend because others showed him how to be one. he was mr. padfoot.

remus lupin was watching the snowflakes dissipate on a windowpane. he was so perpetually fixated on tomorrow that others had to remind him about today. he was chocolate wrappers scattered all over the carpet. he was nervous ticks, from biting his nails to scratching his neck to jiggling his foot. he was self-hatred without cause. he was pushing others away to keep them safe from himself. he was unbelieving of the love that his friends gave him without a thought. he was loopholes in the hogwarts code of conduct. he was glancing at the clock every few seconds. he was the feeling of scratchy wool against dry skin. he was curse words - so many curse words. he was mr. moony.

peter pettigrew was noticing the little things. he was forgetting birthdays but giving presents because it was tuesday. he was sneaking down into the kitchens just to visit with the house elves. he was muggle graphic t-shirts and ripped jeans. he was staying after class to ask the teacher a question without the prying eyes of students. he was wanting to play the guitar but lacking the rhythm. he was the one others forgot to remember. he was helping first years with spells he once struggled with. he was layers of scarves and hats. he was smiling at all of his friends, and they were smiling back. he was hugging anyone, even strangers, who were in distress. he was mr. wormtail.

mischief managed.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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