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1.) Banga Dance or Pot Dance - A contemporary performance of the kalinga of the mountain
province in the Philippines. This dance illustrates the languid grace of a tribe otherwise known
as fierce warriors.
2.) Idaw - This dance has many names and different versions. It depicts hunting ritual
performed before a tribal war. The tribesmen would go out and look up and watch out
for the scared idaw bird which is said to lead the tribe to victory.Considering the Philippines
as a very humid country , the traditional clothing was made to cover not much of the body.

3.) Idudu - The family is the basic structure of family life among the itneg or tinggian people.
Caring for the children is shared by both the mother and father. While the men are clearing the fields
Breaking the soil with bamboo and their feet , the women watch the children. Soon as the men are done ,
they take care of the children while the women do back breaking work. You can see in the dance how the women
will take the bamboo baskets and shaking themin the manner of drying rice , while the men are going in circles in
the background like they are tilling the land.
4.) Ragragsakan - The kalingga borrowed the beutiful word "ragragsakan" from the ilocano , which
means "merriment". The two biggest occasions for a ragragsakan in a kalinga village are for the
homecoming of successful head takers and the culmination of peace pact beetwen warring
tribes. Kalinga maidens balance "labba" or woven baskets on their heads , wave colorful tribal blankets
And sing short salidumay songs as they snake through the tarrace dikes and skip through breaks in the path.


1.) Maglalatik - The maglalatik is an indigenous dance from the Philippines in which coconut shell halves
that are securede onto dancers hands and vests upon which are hng four or six more coconut shell halves.
The dancers all male perform the dance by hitting one coconut shell with the other.

2.) Sayaw sa bangko - Sayaw sa bangko or sayaw ed tapew na bangko is a dance which originates from
pangasinan as research by Jovita Sison. It is performed by a coupleon a narrow bench. They do not compete
but rather complement each other , so that no one falls. Sayaw sa banko is usualy performed during town fiesta.
3.) Subli - The term "subli" is from two tagalog words "subsu" meaning "falling on one's head" and "bali"
means "broken".This version is originally a ritual dance of the natives of bauan , bantangas , which
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