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Kick the bucket = nalları dikmek
John kicked the bucket because of COVID-19. I'll miss him.

Make haste = acele etmek , çabuk olmak
We'll miss the flight if you don't make haste.

Jeopardize = riske atmak, tehlikeye atmak
I'm not going to jeopardize my career for this.

Godspeed = Allah yolunu açık etsin.
A: I'm going to Spain for a vacation.
B: Okay. Godspeed!

Celestial = cennet ile alakalı (selesçıl)
Celestial sword = cennetten çıkma kılıç
Angels are celestial beings.

Butter someone up = birisini yağlayıp ballamak , övmek
Taylan is so good at basketball. He is the best. There won't be any players like him in the future.

Loanshark = tefeci
I was going to get a surgery but I didn't have enough money. So I went to a loanshark and loaned some money.

Upfront = peşin, önden
Can I buy this iPhone? Yes, but money upfront.

Wayward = başına buyruk
Mete is a wayward kid. He doesn't listen to his parents. He does what he wants to do.

You dig? = anladın mı ? , çaktın mı ?

take a rain check = ertlemek ( to postpone)

I was going to go to the dentist today but I have something more serious to do. So , I'll take a rain check.

Longing for something = iple çekmek , dört gözle beklemek
I'm longing for the quarantine to end.

Creed = inanç, mezhep
In Islam, we have 2 major creeds.

Tables turned = keser döner sap döner , gün gelir hesap döner.[işlerin tersine dönmesi)

Adressing the elephant in the room = aşikâr olan bir mevzuyu açığa çıkarmak, ondan bahsetmek

Scoundrel = dolandırıcı , üç kağıtçı.

Umut didn't give my money back. He said that he would . He is a scoundrel.

Swift = hızlı (fast)
Come swiftly = Come quickly

Germ = mikrop, bakteri (cörm)
I do not handshake because of germs.

Bib = yemek önlüğü
I've just bought this cool suit. I need to wear a bib while eating something. I cannot risk to lose it.

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