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I was being chased by wrinkly, black-eyed beasts in white shirts. They were so grotesque that I couldn’t bear to look at them without my eyes watering and the strange thing was that my tears weren’t blue they were grass-green. At first, I thought that it was radioactive ooze and I was only surviving because this was not Earth it was some other planet. Then one of the perilous alien-looking monsters leapt at me fangs bared and bit. I woke up in my luxurious king-sized bed and gasped, what a dream, it was not a dream but a nightmare. I got out of bed and got dressed. Oh, sorry I haven’t introduced myself yet I’m the eighteen-year old Charlie Johnson and I live here in London with my dad James Johnson who’s an important professor at the international space industry. I headed out of the mansion and got into my new £80,000 whitish silver Kia then drove off to college. On the way back home, my dad called me and said, “Son I’ve got a surprise for you when you get back home you might like it, or you might not but we’ll see when you get back home”. Did I mention that I hate surprises most of you are probably thinking, why do you hate surprises they’re the best? Well they might be for you but they’re not for me, the best “surprise.” I got since I was ten years-old was a pair of socks with a picture of me on them from when I was a baby. So now my so-called amazing surprises are nothing but black and white socks to plaid, itchy sweaters. And I was very excited for them, and for those who doesn’t understand sarcasm I wasn’t. When I got home my dad said in an extremely serious voice.” Charlie, I signed you up for an astronaut training course…” I was shell-shocked, A. It wasn’t a bad surprise and B. I had a chance to go to space and find a new planet just because some people have absolutely no care for their surroundings. As I was getting into my dad’s kingly Ferrari, I heard something speak it wasn’t in any language known to Earth I’d know because I’m fluent in every language in the world. Then I smelt it, it smelt like my dad’s stinky old socks mixed with sewer water and a rotting, old, dead fish but the strange thing was it didn’t seem like it was dead or alive and it didn’t seem quite like a human or an animal. When we arrived at the astronaut training base everybody ran to me, correction ran past me and treated my dad like a king I mean I’m his son the prince of space knowledge. My dad showed me the first activity if you looked at it you would think it’s cool, I thought that, and I was very wrong. It was this machine that looks like a wrecking ball. It was basically a tree -sized tower with this truck-sized giant ball which was swung by the tower. Dad said before you can get in you have to meet the other trainees. There was a twenty-year old guy called Tyler Smith, A nineteen-year-old called Nathan Juerss, a fourteen-year-old called Bob Clad and a thirty-year-old called Charlotte Stuarts. When I got in the ball started spinning around, I kept crashing into the sides and when I got out, I felt car-heavy nausea so I threw up in a sick bucket then my dad announced “Alright everyone to your dorms Tyler show Charlie his Dorm.” “Hey when did your dad become a space professor?” “When I was only four years old.” I replied. Then I got onto my bed and darkness took me. I woke up to my dad staring into my eyes as if he was trying get an old secret out of me. Unfortunately, I had no secrets because they were literally forced out of me. When my dad finally got off me, the other trainees and I were introduced to a machine called the gyro sphere.
It was this ball thing that rolls around in in different directions but stays still. I know that sounds weird but if you saw it you would understand. When I got in in it, I felt weird because it felt like my insides were being tossed around and my heart screamed get away! And so, did all my nerves and but my soul felt like the meditator the Yoda of my body and that felt strange because my soul was usually the one screaming “GET OUT OF HERE!!!” And all my other body parts were trying to calm it down.
Anyway, when I got out of the gyro sphere, I was so relieved. When my dad showed me the next activity, I thought I was going to pass out. We had to fix a spaceship and we had to do it under water without any suits or protection my dad said it was special water that provided “A space-like atmosphere” I dived in and tried to say something, but it came out muffled. Then I tried to lift a fuel tank and put it back in but before I could do that the lid fell off. The people hadn’t screwed it properly! I swam back to the surface as quick I could everybody else also came out safe and sound except poor Charlotte who suffocated and had to be rushed to the main Hospital. Did I mention that only two people get to go to outer space so now only four people left and at least there’s a fifty percent chance I’m going to succeed? It was quite the same for the next few months. Then it was the day I’d been waiting for the day that the results for who’s going on the mission came out when I was standing the first person who was going into the mission was Nathan Juerss with the score ninety five out of one hundred and the next they called out was mine and score was ninety one I was relieved then sleep took me. When I woke up there was a space suit on the floor labelled Charlie Johnson, I took the tag off and I think I felt polybutadiene? Well it could’ve been anything really example, metal or even polystyrene but polybutadiene that’s just weird do they want to make us stretch to the goldilocks planet if they did, I would be having a hard time not being stepped on. But still I was galvanised that I was going to find us a new planet and this mission was out of this world literally. I picked it up then I sensed something it was the same kind of feeling from when I was getting in my dad’s car to drive to the space training academy. I relaxed it was just was my imagination. I was escorted to the final speech about space safety and all that by a robot who told me “Please Lord Johnson may I escort you to our quite eminent grand hall oh sorry I haven’t introduced myself I’m Bill, Bill the automaton AKA BTA as everybody calls me.” “ok BTA that’s a weird name” I thought to myself. When I arrived [sorry Bill], we arrived the first thing that came in my mind was” Where’s the music?” This day is the final day on the world for our young initiates “my dad said. My heart was racing over fifty miles per hour my nerves were cracking and I’m pretty sure I was going to drool that’s how it feels when it’s you hear it’s your last day on Earth. After that terrifying speech we had the biggest, most delicious feast I had ever looked at and trust me that’s saying something there was chicken legs times a hundred, cake times ten, turkey times fifteen, pizza times eighty, pie times thirty and chips times a thousand. I only ate one pie, eight chicken legs, ten pizzas and two hundred chips. When I went back to my dorm, I collapsed on the floor I couldn’t even finish saying OW! Sleep took me. I slept like the dead which, to me was worrying. BTA escorted me to the launch area, the spacecraft was colossal [sorry I can’t describe it] My dad told me to get in because Nathan Juerss had I already got in as I climbed the ladder my dad waved to me, but I was already like fifty feet up then I got in. The launch started T-ten nine eight seven six five four three two one. Fire broke out from the bottom of the rocket… We took off my stomach twisted into a knot and my insides were paining as they were inside out. Now we were in the clouds I couldn’t believe it we were going to space, now I was an astronaut officially working for N.A.S.A. After this mission I was going to be famous [sorry Nathan we will.] As we were soaring through the skies, I saw a UFO shaped vehicle glide a few hundred feet away I immediately reported it I said “Houston we’ve got a problem I just saw a UFO glide by a few hundred feet by” “we are going to give you main communication comm the ability to say whatever I say but that’s only if I have my special headphones because they can allow me anyway we are going to give that update to your comm that update in exactly twenty-four minutes and thirty-two seconds starting now . ” Houston replied. Then I found a diary all the other pages had been ripped out
This is my diary entry it is 2068. I have travelled to the future I was supposed land on Earth, but I don’t think this is it. I’ve asked everyone, and they said yes so, I guess I’m wrong then. Everyone is a slave in the future except these weird alien things who are the kings only because these two astronauts called Charlie Johnson and Nathan Juerss. AAH!!! Missile. this is my last entry cause I’m going to die. I headed straight to Nathan and showed him the book. He said to report it in a few minutes to the main comm because we were going to part. Imagine you on a roller coaster and then the roller coaster goes on a ramp and you are on the front of the roller coaster but when you’re in mid-air you fall to the back then the roller coaster splits in half then you are back on the rail again. Imagine that. Parting is like that but ten thousand times worse. After we parted I reported immediately about the diary back to N.A.S.A. I went up to Nathan and said, “You’ve been in control for the first half of the day so now it is my go to control the space craft.” ‘fine.’ He replied. I felt a warmness of freedom in my heart. I felt like could do anything, I could be a prisoner in jail but be treated like a king. I could steal my dad’s Ferrari with him right in front of me. I could steal a rocket with every justice enforcer imaginable watching. I felt like I could fly beyond hundreds of galaxies. I slouched until I realized I was doing it. I sat up straight and looked at the puzzling but aesthetic controls. I grappled the steering thing on it and thrusted it forward then my nose crashed against the rock-hard steel, it started bleeding, I didn’t have a single care, but the rest of my body did, then I blacked out I woke up on the goldilocks planet at least that what my planet tracker said. The first thing I asked out of about a million questions was “where am I” they replied but not in any language I knew suddenly one of those aliens came up to me the smart one I presumed and said “You are on the planet that we are going to leave for war with the wretched humans of Earth” “I hope you are not a human our dungeons do not have too much space and also that would be one more prisoner to sacrifice to our ship that we are going to destroy Earth with.” The first thing I thought was ‘smart people/aliens are normally the nice ones’ I resisted to reply Then I realized something the aliens from my dream and the ones I sensed were the same ones and those aliens were right in front of me. A sense of terror and relief filled my heart, we had completed the mission, but I was probably going to be killed by disturbing, deadly aliens. They were still staring into my eyes so in a monotone voice I said “No I am from the planet Monocrat” ‘hum well you do have the voice, so I guess you are from Monocrat’ the aliens said in unison. The that surprised me was that Monocrat was real. I looked back I saw the ship it was still in one piece I dipped into pocket and I felt something it was my comm! Suddenly the aliens carried me into a palace then onto a throne and started bowing to me. One of the aliens picked up the throne then threw me onto the floor then a huge, muscular alien picked me up by the neck and threw me into what seemed like a dungeon. When I was in the dungeon, I saw Nathan and a lot of strange-looking aliens that appeared to be like one of those creatures from Star Wars. While I was gazing around, I didn’t notice the guards and that was a good thing because when I did notice the guards I once again I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in chains and hanging from the wall. “We need to get out of here” I whispered to Nathan. “But how?” he replied, ‘I don’t know but we have to’ “LIGHTS OUT!!!” the guards shouted but they took me and Nathan to a volcano we were on the edge before the guards sent us falling to our deaths… As we were falling, I was thinking if we could get back up, maybe if there were some rocks for us to land down on but I couldn’t see anything in the cloud-filled distance. I got my comm out and asked N.A.S.A how they were doing “Well we are watching your progress and it looks like you’ve found the goldilocks planet, but you and Nathan are falling to some magma in a volcano “he replied. “Wait how do you know where me and Nathan are?” I said. “We put tracking devices on your astronaut costumes” “Why didn’t you tell us” “We didn’t think you would need to know.” “Fine” I said. I snarled into the comm. Now I could see the magma it was only about five hundred feet away and getting nearer. Finally we landed on one of the stone floors inside. It was floating on the magma, if you were in our position you would be the suffocating and most likely be hallucinating stairs to get out with, but we weren’t like that because we had two oxygen tanks, I was had ninety two bars and Nathan’s had eighty nine bars. “How are we going to get out of here?” Nathan asked. “I’ve got an idea but its crazy dangerous and life threatening” I replied “What is it I’m desperate” pleaded Nathan. “So, we have to get one of our oxygen tanks and use them as a jetpack” “Are you crazy we could die” “Would you sacrifice yourself for the world and everybody would know or would you give up and survive but you be known as a loser for the rest of your life and beyond” Nathan stayed silent “That’s what I thought” I said. The volcano erupted and we collapsed to the floor like a heap of bones… There was mist around me it seemed like I was on the world war two battle field there was city worth of lifeless bodies scattered around me. I couldn’t feel any pain, but blood soaked my clothes and my face was drenched with fresh sweat, but I felt no tiredness. A tall man with a black suit appeared in front of me at least I think that was he looked like, I couldn’t see too clearly through the mist but I did see a weapon in his hand it was a large, bloody, silver dagger with spikes as big as a Viking’s battle axe. He said “Charlie you don’t have to go on this mission you could have a much more peaceful life if you were dead so just die now and end the state your already in look at the dead alien bodies all around you that is two thousand alien lives you’ve took, they also have family like you” “YOU ARE LYING I HAVE’NT TOOK ANY LIVES THE BODIES AROUND ME ARE FROM THE VOLCANO ERUPTION!!!”I shouted. “Oh, really how do you explain all the blood and the axe in your hand” He replied in an annoyingly soothing voice. Out of anger I threw axe at his chest, but it went through him. Then he got a dual pistol out and shot. I woke in a forest a pack of wolves were growling down at me there were many alien bodies around me, bleeding. There was the same axe from my dream lying down next to me. As I looked around, I noticed everything from my dream was the same but there were wolves and the man wasn’t there. With new found courage I shoved the wolves off me. I got up and sprinted towards the action, it was chaos there were humans of aliens pushing against each other. I saw a funeral and walked towards it. I pushed past the crowd only to glance at the grave, I howled in rage as I found out it was my friend from the astronaut academy, Nathan Juerss. I charged into battle cutting down all the rotten aliens face I saw. I kept moving forward past what seemed like bodyguards as the were huge and muscular with business suits that were bulging as if the were going to rip any time, they jumped towards men, no feeling showing in their eyes except pure hatred. My survival instincts kicked in, I swerved out of the way, I glanced back at the unconscious bodies of the aliens. I looked forward only to see their king, I got out my immense battle-axe and with barely any strength and tossed it straight at the king’s heart. Time seemed to slow down. Something terrible happened, wind swept the axe away. Everything came back to its normal speed and then I saw reality, missed, the world was going to end. Now there was only one way out of this, talking. “So, I hear alien kings can only die if they kill themselves.” “I mean who’s stupid enough to do that right” “How do I know your not lying you weak, pathetic, little creature” “How about we test it then your Highness” “Ok” Finally with all the power I could muster I threw my axe at him. It killed him and when he fell it made loud hollow thump that shook me. When the rest of the army saw their leader’s dead body they fell with an equally hollow thud. We had done it. We had won the war! It only took about three months to build the rocket for the whole world to fit in. When we got to our house, I found a piece of paper on it and it said, COME TO MONOCRAT IF YOU WANT YOUR DEAR FRIEND NATHAN.
But that’s for another time.
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