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dear diary

Right now i hate my mom because I though about it when I was with mama nena and recardo that altough the person who i used to hate a little was my own fater who saved my sister but cheated on my mom.In addition now i hate my mother because although my dad cheated on her, he didn't make her pregnant so he remembered that it would end up worst if we found out but im still not sure of that theory but my mom in the other hand also got a new partner but instead SHE GOT FUCKING PREGNANT and im really mad because i'm not sure that her other promisises that she made with us will become lies too and so im mad because now she change BECAUSE OF HIM, HE CHANGED HER SHE USED TO BE HONEST AND HARD WORKING AND SHE WAS MY IDOL IN HIGHSCHOOL BECAUSE IN HIGH SCHOOL I WILL ACUALLY TRY BUT NOW SHE BECAUSE A WOMAN WHO NOW LIES FROM HER PROMISES AND NOW IM SAD SEEING HER IN PAIN ALTOUGH SHE WENT THROUGH THE PAIN BEFORE AND IT ALL BECAUSE OF THAT HIM THAT SHE CHANGE AND NOW IT JUST SAD I SHOULD NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER SAID YES THAT THEY SHOWED BE TOGETHER AND I WAS LIKE IT GOING TO BE FINE AND I WAS SURE OF IT BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS NEVER BROKE HER PROMISE AND NOW LOOK AT THE PRESENT TIME SHE BROKE THE ONE FUCKING PROMISE SHE MADE AND IM PISSED AND NOW I WON'T BELIEVE A SINGLE PROMISE UNTIL I KNOW I KNOW SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH AND MAMA IF YOUR READING THIS, GOOD BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO KNOW WHAT WAS IN MY HEAD.
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