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General Server Rules

You must join the CAD and register your characters, vehicles, license plates & weapons. (Yes, you MUST change your vehicle license plate and register it.)

You must change your PED once you are in-game -- do not use default PED. (PED can be edited through the F1 menu)

When choosing character names for your RP, choose a real sounding name and do not use troll names, names of famous people or character names from media.

Do not use offensive names or words as part of your Character or Steam nicknames.

Do not use colored names or images/emojis in your name or steam nickname. (colored names is reserved for ELRP Staff only. If you have it from another server/community, you must update your Steam nickname to remove it while on ELRP)

Use Common Sense -- we aim to be a serious roleplay server most of the time, which means you must obey the rules of the road and react how you would in real situations.

Respect ALL players.

There is no discussion of other Role Play servers on ELRP discord OR in-game.

There will be an exception to this rule for a select few who are granted a "Server Partner" role. This exception may only be granted by a ELRP DIRECTOR.

Owner/Director of another server may have the short name of their server in brackets before their nickname on discord only, AFTER being granted the server partner role.

Resource Developers, graphic designers, others who serve to better the RP experience may be designated a server partner and put their craft in brackets before their nickname on discord only.

Again, this applies to discord only. These descriptors are not considered part of RP and therefore if carried in game you will be asked to leave and change your in-game name

You must be able to use voice chat in-game (mic & ears)

Only staff is permitted to have colored names.

You must value your Life & Freedom

If you have a gun pointed at you, react in such a way that would spare your life

Don't run from the police if you haven't actually done something wrong that would cause the need to run (warrants, drugs, suspended license, etc clearly you need to run!)

You must comply with requests/demands of LEO (within reason)

If you are cuffed and within a ~5ft distance of an LEO then you can not realistically get away.

Teleporting may only be used in the following situations:

To enter Area of Play (AOP) at login

When released from Hospital that is NOT in AOP

When released from Prison that is NOT in AOP

Fail RP is not permitted.

Pulling full-length firearms out of thin air (pull from a vehicle or bag.)

Shooting through walls/floor/roof/etc

Teleport breach killing

(anything listed as "will not be tolerated")

Use your imagination, do not repeat scenarios over and over--robbing the 24/7 which leads to traffic chase which leads to foot chase is very tired.

Vehicle and Driving/Flying Rules:


Speed limits are displayed on your screen on the lower left above the map. These limits override any speed limits posted on signs throughout San Andreas.

Randomly driving around at high speeds or erratically with no obvious intentions for roleplay (including drifting) is called NITRP and may result in your removal from the server.

You must drive using common sense real life physics. (We all know GTA physics often allow vehicles that should be disabled from an accident to keep going but you are expected to know and RP how damage would affect the vehicle normally).

Theft of Fire/EMS vehicles is PROHIBITED.

Theft of LEO vehicles is only allowed by the subject of a current priority.

You must be able to evade/disable an officer to take their vehicle

You may NOT establish a priority by theft of an LEO vehicle -- you must have priority status prior to the theft.

Theft of an LEO vehicle under any other condition is prohibited.

You may only spawn LEO/Fire/EMS vehicles or aircraft if

You are in that department

You are on duty

Your rank permits you to pilot/drive that particular apparatus.

All vehicles & driving on the server must be part of an RP scenario; the following are considered Fail RP

Unrealistic driving

Sports cars or crotch-rockets off-roading

Driving through properties

Driving through fences


Speed Boosting

Super Cars are inoperable after 1 significant crash

Super Cars are not to drive off road /dirt even during priority

Regular vehicles being involved in significant crash and driving off.

Offroading non off road vehicles at high speeds. (you may take your car off road but you must do so at slow speed).

Being involved in a major crash and getting out of your vehicle like nothing happened (in a major crash, you would have received injuries and would not be able to jump out and run away).

Unrealistic Vehicles

Any vehicle with a mounted weapons (functional or not) are not permitted.

Armored vehicles are not permitted (except vehicles being used by Emergency Services and a limited selection available to CIV2s/CIV3s).

The ONLY vehicles permitted to use bullet proof tires are armored vehicles that would realistically have them (Armored Military Vehicles, CRT (SWAT), etc...) Civilian owned armored vehicles are not permitted to run bullet proof tires. Normal service emergency vehicles are also not permitted to run bullet proof tires.

Aircraft/Flying rules

You must be CIV1 or higher to fly ANY aircraft. (types of aircraft available to Applied CIVs varies by CIV rank). Passengers in the aircraft are NOT required to be Applied CIV, only the pilot.

The pilot of all civilian aircraft must be in the Flight RTO Channel in Discord (LEO, Fire, and EMS aircraft must be either in Flight RTO or an RTO for emergency services.)

No armed, armored, attack or emergency service aircraft may be used by civilians.

Civilian pilots may only take off/land at airfields or on CIVILIAN helipads (do not land on helipads belonging to emergency services or hospitals.)

Civilian aircraft MUST remain at an altitude keeping them above the tallest building in their area.

RP’ing a controlled crash is permitted but is considered a priority and therefore is subject to priority rules.

Jumping out of aircraft & causing it to crash is NOT permitted at any time.

Actions that will NOT BE TOLERATED on this server:

Not complying with staff warnings/information

Complaints about hospital/jail time/warn/kick/ban issued to self or others

Complaints about staff in chat

Accept the answer given by the first staff member--do not keep going to different staff members in search of the answer you want.

If you have an issue use the /report command in game or #reports channel in Discord

Client Side Scripts or Hacks (visual/audio mods that do not affect actual game play are permitted)

Server Side functions that give you an unfair advantage (Drift Mode, Speed Boost, or other unrealistic functions)

Leaving vehicles everywhere--clean up after yourself!

Repeating the same message 3+ times in chat/discord

Mic Spam (shouting into the mic, playing music over in game VC, etc...

Disrespect to Staff or other community members

RDM/VDM (Random Death Match/Vehicle Death Match)

Stating “I was told I could by [Staff member not currently online]”


Cop Baiting - Purposefully doing something illegal in front of an officer

Repeatedly speeding past officers

Popping wheelies on public streets

Burnouts on public streets or government owned property

Illegally passing emergency vehicles

Failure to yield to emergency vehicles


Racist/Bigoted/Sexist chat or user names

Being outside the specified AOP longer than it takes to spawn & move.

Interfering with an active RP Scene

Bulk object spawning/actions that affect all connected clients

GodMode, ‘no-ragdoll’ or ‘no-falloff’

Combat logging (leaving to avoid punishment, LTAP)

Starting RP in or just outside of a Police Station, Hospital, or Fire/EMS building

Shooting/killing while Jailed or in the Hospital

Metagaming (using outside information to your advantage)

This list is not all-inclusive and is subject to change at any time

Priorities Explained:

Priority In Progress (PIP) means there is an active MAJOR RP scenario in progress. The only people allowed to commit felonies during PIP is those that are directly involved in the scenario. All others must observe Priority rules.

Priorities on Cooldown (POC/PCD) is the time period immediately following a priority scenario. This cooldown time allows the emergency services a moment to catch up and relax so they are not running non stop major situations. During POC/PCD, nobody is allowed to commit any type of felony offense.

Priorities on Hold (POH) is when priorities are locked. This occurs during times when there is not enough emergency services to effectively respond to major situations, times when there is large scale FailRP/RDM/VDM occurring, or if there has been several major incidents in a row and emergency services needs a break. During POH, no felonies may be committed.

When Peacetime is in effect, the same limitations as POC/PCD/POH are in place.

Only one Priority is to be in progress at a time. You may not start a new priority RP while Priorities are on Hold, Priority in Progress or during Priority Cooldown.

Priorities Consist of but are not limited to

Vehicle pursuit

Foot pursuit

Shooting at anyone

Bank Robbery


Major motor vehicle accident

Fire (vehicle or structure)

Auto Theft

Emergency Service vehicle theft is only allowed once priority has commenced BY the subject of priority

Do not repeatedly request termination of or complain about “Priorities on Hold”. LEO want to chase you as bad as you want to go on a shooting spree. It will be removed when able.

Specific Objects/Scenarios:

The following objects require PRIOR ADMIN APPROVAL


Explosive Ammo


Flares/Flare Guns

The following Scenarios require PRIOR ADMIN APPROVAL

Kidnapping of any Fire/EMS/LEO personnel

Sniper RP

Gang RP

Terrorist RP

The following Scenarios are strictly prohibited

RP Racism (or any racism at all)

LEO impersonation

Hitman RP

Rape/Sexual assault of any kind

Use of nude PEDs is not permitted. Stripper PEDs that are covered are permitted within reason.

Jesus Christ/other religious deity RP

RP that is intended only to cause chaos

Suicide RP

The following Scenarios are ENCOURAGED subject to reasonable restrictions

Military RP should be confined to Ft Zancudo except transports and other non-emergency events

Gruppe 6 is permitted but are subject to the same restrictions as any other civilian as GRUPPE 6 IS NOT LEO.

Animal & Child PEDS

Animal PED players MUST

Be a Level 2 CIV (CIV2)

If you are not currently on in any LEO, Fire, or EMS department and but want to be a K9 for one of them, you must still achieve CIV2, then you may apply to the department of your choice requesting to be a K9 for them. It will be at the discretion of that department to decide if they want to hire and train you for that position.

If you are already on an LEO, Fire, or EMS department and want to be a K9 for your department, you must still achieve CIV2 first. Department personnel who focus on their department duties and are not active as actual CIVs are still able to achieve CIV2 ranks. Each department has ranks that will coincide with CIV promotion ranks. Upon achieving the appropriate rank in your department to qualify for a higher CIV rank, you may then fill out the appropriate CIV rank promotion application. Be advised, this is not automatic/guaranteed CIV promotion. Upon submitting your CIV promotion application, the CIV management will review your application just like any other CIV promotion application with the one exception being that the requirement for "quality of CIV roleplay" is disregarded as your RP quality is already factored by your department promotion.

Animals may NOT

Use default skin texture (a fiveM bug makes them invisible)

Speak in RP (animal sounds are acceptable)

Operate any vehicle (may ride as passenger if realistic)

Call 911

Register in CAD

No water animals are permitted.

Animals are permitted to

Interfere with ongoing RP where it makes sense but NOT PRIORITY SCENES

RP as an aggressive animal but this would qualify as a priority call and is subject to priorities & cool down

Use unlimited stamina where appropriate

Child PED players MUST

Be a level 3 Civ

Act as a size/age appropriate child (8-10 years old)

Register in CAD - make drivers license invalid

Child PED players may not

Operate any motorized vehicles

Enter bars/casinos/otherwise adult establishments


cuss excessively

carry weapons

use weapons except as outlined below

be aggressive with no obvious reason

interfere with ongoing RP that they are not involved in naturally

Child PED players are permitted to

Use weapons in an adult-led & supervised instructive/constructive environment (such as going hunting, target practice, etc.)

travel by bicycle

be held hostage

loiter in groups at places kids would hang-out (beach, outside the bowling alley, gas station)


Staff must adhere to the same rules as any other member of the community with few exceptions


10-22 (disregard) any scene to the benefit of the server

Drive vehicles with performance upgrades

have authority to issue warnings/kicks/bans as their staff tier allows

Exempt themselves from Jail/Hospital times if doing so benefits the server

Act out of character/out of RP as necessary for staff role

Pull players out of character/out of RP as necessary in accordance with staff procedure

Staff must abide by the ELRP Staff Guidelines and Procedures at all times.

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Regards; Team

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