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That was really bizarre. The topic reminded me, for some bizarre reason, of the bloody hell pornographic movie teaser that once a mate of mine described in a conversation. Two women defecating in a glass and taking turns suggesting that they are consuming their excrement and vomiting into the mouths each other. I wonder what must be going through your mind right now: "What kind of friends does this girl have?" Well, apparently, the kind of friend that makes me want to have a lobotomy on myself to forget that I heard that in the first place. Just joking.

Well, my account in contrast to yours will look like a fairy tale. But when I experienced it, I found it a bit bizarre, although, on the other hand, do not. I mentioned this to a mate and she said that this type of odd request is very common here. I am not a veteran in this universe, but it was the first time that I came across this type of situation. And I say that as someone who has a "stalker" in his tracks since he started his journey in RPG, for being a bibliophile and writing enthusiastic , besides to love watch TV series and movies, not to mention listening to music.

On one occasion, I talked to a guy who, although he seemed to have a restricted mind and a generalized, distorted and sexist perspective of what a woman should look like, dress and behave to be classified as a woman, seemed like an investment reasonable of time. That was until he started asking me to describe specific pieces of clothing that I could have in my wardrobe while praising my writing. Not to mention suggesting that I was the woman of his dreams due to the content of my responses before the conversation took that inespected direction. He had a fetish. Nothing wrong with that in itself. I found the insistence, the obsession, the denial of reality, the hopelessness bizarre, but sadder and lonely. On the other hand, I must have to admit I thought it was a bit droll as well. Oh, the human being. An amalgamation of emotions colliding with each other. I was tempted to ask if he wanted to wear a tiny skirt as much as he asked me to describe the shortest skirt I had. I did not do it because I was aware that he would be offended. I calmly elucidated him about the fact that I was not interested in him the same way that he proved to be in me. I said that he would eventually find this person he is looking for. I explained that I did not intend to describe my wardrobe. I could, but I did not want to. I was really empathetic. I am an empathetic person. In short. The man practically begged. He refused to accept my position. But, then he stopped and left, because he realized that it was not just a losing battle, but an epic failed war.

As for your question, of course you can ask about it. You can ask me anything. Now, whether I will answer or not your questions, that is another story, my friend.

I perceived in you a dreamy soul full of love, kindness, empathy, hope, conscious and proactive positivism, Yodo. Continue to be loyal to who you are and to everything that makes up the person you become day after day, facing your every choice. Do not let the choices, words and attitudes of others have the power to shape your reality in a toxic way. Do not allow your light to be obscured by the darkness of others. Keep being light, keep being the mirror that reflects the light. Remember the words from Audrey Hepburn: "Nothing is impossible the word itself says 'I'm possible'!". Remember her words when you are faced with the impossible. Do not settle for surviving. Remember our first conversation. You deserve to live your life fully, intensely, consciously. You deserve to allow yourself to inspire and change the world and also to be inspired and changed by it. "What the helldo you mean, Lisa?" Each person is a world. An entire universe. Your world touches the world of other people and likewise their world touches yours. Nobody remains the same after that. But the nature of the change (whether positive or negative) will depend on each one. I know you for what, five minutes? Okay, one day and counting ... I would like you to know that I believe in you. Never stop believing in yourself, even though you feel that no one else does. I could go on, but I do not want to spoil you nor do I want you to being cocky about that.

I will catch you later, Skeleton.

P.S. 'Skeleton' because of the gif I sent you earlier. Did you notice that he has a heart? When I came across that gif our conversation involving hearts lit up on my mind and I laugh imagining what your reaction would be.

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