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what happened was this guy named jonathan, well we have been like best friends for a year now. he liked me for awhile but i never really saw him that way until the end of the summer. so i told him and he said he liked me too. so for a month everything was perfect i was the happiest I've been in a while! than there was a "dance" so he went and made out with 4-5 girls. so the next day my friends went up to him and starting freaking out on him. than i kinda felt bad cause they were being mean so i texted him and he was totally ignoring me. so i said k can we still be friends at least and he said i don't know if i want to be friends with you. i was so torn up because the one thing i hoped wouldn't happen, happened. so my friend texted him saying i didn't tell my friends to say that stuff so than he texted me and he said they only reason he was mad is because of what my friends were saying about him. so they next day we had our terry fox run and me and my friends were running than jonathan was behind me with his friends and so i started talking to them and me and jonathan started talking and by that time everyone kinda left us and for the whole hour and a half we were talking and walking with each other and idk it was just perfect. than the next day we had cross country and when we got back to school i just hung out with him for the rest of the day and now i can't get him out of my head but idk if he feels the same way anymore and it turns out that he went to the mall with a girl that night and its honestly killing me cause he's probably texting a million girls right now.

what i want to say to him: "hi, so i know i told you that i just wanted to be friends but after terry fox and hanging out with you guys after cross country i just can't stop thinking about it. i know your probably texting a million girls and you haven't really been texting me anymore and I'm always the one who has to start the conversation but i just can't get you off my mind and I'm gonna regret saying all of this to you but i know i need to."

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