NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

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$lang['b_01'] = 'Maintenance Mode';
$lang['b_02'] = 'Your account is banned!';
$lang['b_03'] = 'You need to confirm your email!';
$lang['b_04'] = 'Wrong username or password!';
$lang['b_05'] = 'Kayıt Ol';
$lang['b_06'] = 'SSS';
$lang['b_07'] = 'Jeton Al';
$lang['b_08'] = 'VIP Üyelik';
$lang['b_09'] = 'Günlük Bonus';
$lang['b_10'] = 'Kupon Kullan';
$lang['b_11'] = 'Jeton Transfer Et';
$lang['b_12'] = 'Ortaklık Programı';
$lang['b_13'] = 'Giriş Yap';
$lang['b_14'] = 'Kullanıcı Adı / Email';
$lang['b_15'] = 'Şifre';
$lang['b_16'] = 'Şifreni mi unuttun?';
$lang['b_17'] = 'You have -NUM- Coins!';
$lang['b_18'] = 'Account Manager';
$lang['b_19'] = 'İçerik ekle';
$lang['b_20'] = 'İçeriklerim';
$lang['b_21'] = 'Social Accounts';
$lang['b_22'] = 'Jeton Kazan';
$lang['b_23'] = 'E-mail address was successfully verified!';
$lang['b_24'] = 'Wrong confirmation URL!';
$lang['b_25'] = 'Please complete all fields!';
$lang['b_26'] = 'URL must contain http://';
$lang['b_27'] = 'Please do not use special characters in the URL!';
$lang['b_28'] = 'Please only use alphabetical characters in your title!';
$lang['b_29'] = 'CPC must be between -MIN- and -MAX- coins!';
$lang['b_30'] = 'Add Page';
$lang['b_31'] = 'Type';
$lang['b_32'] = 'URL';
$lang['b_33'] = 'Title';
$lang['b_34'] = 'Add your url here';
$lang['b_35'] = 'Add your page title here';
$lang['b_36'] = 'Coins per Click';
$lang['b_37'] = 'Add page';
$lang['b_38'] = '<b>-NUM-</b> daily bonus coins added to your balance!';
$lang['b_39'] = 'You already got your bonus today!';
$lang['b_40'] = 'Get daily -NUM- bonus coins!';
$lang['b_41'] = 'You already got your bonus today! Come back in <b>-TIME-</b>!';
$lang['b_42'] = 'Jeton';
$lang['b_43'] = 'There are no available coins packs for sale!';
$lang['b_44'] = 'Loading';
$lang['b_45'] = 'Wait for the timer and then your website will be confirmed automatically.';
$lang['b_46'] = 'Please wait for -TIME- seconds.';
$lang['b_47'] = 'İletişim';
$lang['b_48'] = 'Ad-Soyad';
$lang['b_49'] = 'Email adresi';
$lang['b_50'] = 'Mesajın';
$lang['b_51'] = 'Güvenlik Kodu';
$lang['b_52'] = 'Gönder';
$lang['b_53'] = 'Mesaj Gönderildi!';
$lang['b_54'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have provided an invalid security code!';
$lang['b_55'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please enter your real name!';
$lang['b_56'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please enter your email address!';
$lang['b_57'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please enter your message!';
$lang['b_58'] = 'Kayıt';
$lang['b_59'] = 'Coupon Code';
$lang['b_60'] = '<b>SUCCESS!</b> You have received <b>-NUM- coins</b>!';
$lang['b_61'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This coupon code doesn't exist or is already used!';
$lang['b_62'] = 'If you have received an coupon code, you can validate it here.';
$lang['b_63'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Passwords are wrong or doesn't match!';
$lang['b_64'] = 'Password successfully changed!';
$lang['b_65'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please enter a valid e-mail address!';
$lang['b_66'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This e-mail address is already registered!';
$lang['b_67'] = 'E-mail address successfully changed!';
$lang['b_68'] = 'Change Password';
$lang['b_69'] = 'Change Email';
$lang['b_70'] = 'Email';
$lang['b_71'] = 'New Password';
$lang['b_72'] = 'Tekrar Şifre';
$lang['b_73'] = 'You can't block this page!';
$lang['b_74'] = 'Your site was successfully updated!';
$lang['b_75'] = 'Status';
$lang['b_76'] = 'Enabled';
$lang['b_77'] = 'Disabled';
$lang['b_78'] = 'Banned';
$lang['b_79'] = 'Güncelle';
$lang['b_80'] = 'Are you sure you would like to delete your site?';
$lang['b_81'] = 'Sil';
$lang['b_82'] = 'İstatislik';
$lang['b_83'] = 'Welcome';
$lang['b_84'] = 'Neyi değiştirmek istersiniz?';
$lang['b_85'] = 'Jeton kazanmaya başlamak için aşağıdaki simgeye tıklayın!';
$lang['b_86'] = 'Edit Your Acount';
$lang['b_87'] = 'Logout';
$lang['b_88'] = 'You have -NUM- coins available';
$lang['b_89'] = 'and -SUM- earnings';
$lang['b_90'] = 'Find us on Facebook';
$lang['b_91'] = 'Web sitemizde neler yapabilirsiniz?';
$lang['b_92'] = 'Çoğu sosyal ağa hizmet veriyoruz, işte şu anda sunduklarımız.';
$lang['b_93'] = 'Select';
$lang['b_94'] = 'Total Exchanges';
$lang['b_95'] = 'CPC';
$lang['b_96'] = 'Edit';
$lang['b_97'] = 'Withdraw money';
$lang['b_98'] = 'ERROR: The minimum payout is <b>$-MIN-</b>!';
$lang['b_99'] = 'ERROR: You don't have enough money!';
$lang['b_100'] = 'ERROR: Enter a valid email address!';
$lang['b_101'] = 'Your request was received with success!';
$lang['b_102'] = 'Here you can request your money, when you have at least $-SUM-.<br />After your request was sent, you have to wait up to a week to receive your money.';
$lang['b_103'] = 'Amount';
$lang['b_104'] = 'Payment Email';
$lang['b_105'] = 'Paypal';
$lang['b_106'] = 'Date';
$lang['b_107'] = 'Waiting';
$lang['b_108'] = 'Rejected';
$lang['b_109'] = 'Paid';
$lang['b_110'] = 'ERROR: Email address is not registered in our database!';
$lang['b_111'] = 'SUCCESS! Please check your email inbox!';
$lang['b_112'] = 'Recover Password';
$lang['b_113'] = 'Add our banner/link on your site and you will earn';
$lang['b_114'] = '-NUM- coins for each user that sign up to our site';
$lang['b_115'] = '$-SUM- for each user that sign up to our site';
$lang['b_116'] = '-NUM-% from money spent by your referrals, on our site';
$lang['b_117'] = 'Referans Linkin';
$lang['b_118'] = 'HTML Code';
$lang['b_119'] = 'Total Referrals';
$lang['b_120'] = 'Unpaid Earnings';
$lang['b_121'] = 'Referrals';
$lang['b_122'] = 'Kullanıcı adı';
$lang['b_123'] = 'Active?';
$lang['b_124'] = 'Yes';
$lang['b_125'] = 'No';
$lang['b_126'] = 'from <b>-NUM-</b> referrals';
$lang['b_127'] = 'Username or email already registered!';
$lang['b_128'] = 'We allow just 1 account per IP address!';
$lang['b_129'] = 'Please enter a valid username!';
$lang['b_130'] = 'Activate your account';
$lang['b_131'] = 'Success!';
$lang['b_132'] = 'You need to confirm your email address now!';
$lang['b_133'] = 'Now you can login on site!';
$lang['b_134'] = 'Registrations are currently disabled!';
$lang['b_135'] = 'Active Members';
$lang['b_136'] = 'Online Members';
$lang['b_137'] = 'Banned Members';
$lang['b_138'] = 'Total Members';
$lang['b_139'] = 'Members';
$lang['b_140'] = 'Pages';
$lang['b_141'] = 'Clicks';
$lang['b_142'] = 'TOTAL';
$lang['b_143'] = 'Your coins';
$lang['b_144'] = 'You will receive -NUM- coins!';
$lang['b_145'] = 'Skip';
$lang['b_146'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You don't have enough coins!';
$lang['b_147'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This user is disabled or doesn't exists!';
$lang['b_148'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Coins amount must be between 10 and -MAX- coins!';
$lang['b_149'] = 'You have sent -SENT- coins and <b>-USER-</b> received <b>-RECEIVED-</b> coins (-FEE-% fee)!';
$lang['b_150'] = 'Transfer coins to';
$lang['b_151'] = 'Coins amount';
$lang['b_152'] = 'Transfer fee';
$lang['b_153'] = 'Last 10 transfers received';
$lang['b_154'] = 'ID';
$lang['b_155'] = 'Sender';
$lang['b_156'] = 'coins';
$lang['b_157'] = 'There are no transfers received!';
$lang['b_158'] = 'Days';
$lang['b_159'] = 'Your VIP membership expires at';
$lang['b_160'] = 'With VIP you can set <b>CPC up to -MAX- coins</b> and your content will be put above everyone's content who isn't VIP!';
$lang['b_161'] = 'Please wait while we transfer you to Paypal.';
$lang['b_162'] = 'Earn Coins';
$lang['b_163'] = 'Sorry, there are no more coins to be earned at the moment. Please try again later.';
$lang['b_164'] = 'Feel like you need more coins? You can purchase them now!';
$lang['b_165'] = 'Signup now for free';
$lang['b_166'] = 'Get Bonus';
$lang['b_167'] = 'Please enter a valid URL (including http://)';
$lang['b_168'] = 'This ad pack doesn't exists!';
$lang['b_169'] = 'This website was already added!';
$lang['b_170'] = 'Your banner ad was successfully added!';
$lang['b_171'] = 'Your banner format must be JPG, PNG or GIF!';
$lang['b_173'] = 'Add Banner';
$lang['b_174'] = 'Website URL';
$lang['b_175'] = 'Select Banner';
$lang['b_176'] = 'Your banner must measure 468x60 px';
$lang['b_177'] = 'Ad Pack';
$lang['b_178'] = 'days';
$lang['b_179'] = 'Manage Banners';
$lang['b_180'] = 'Running';
$lang['b_181'] = 'Finished';
$lang['b_182'] = 'Banner';
$lang['b_183'] = 'Impressions';
$lang['b_184'] = 'Clicks';
$lang['b_185'] = 'Actions';
$lang['b_186'] = 'Your ad expire at';
$lang['b_187'] = 'Add more days';
$lang['b_188'] = 'Add more';
$lang['b_189'] = 'Banner Ads';
$lang['b_190'] = 'Success! We have successfully sent your activation email!';
$lang['b_191'] = 'ERROR! This email address was already confirmed!';
$lang['b_192'] = 'Üyelik';
$lang['b_193'] = 'Bronz üyelik';
$lang['b_194'] = 'Altın Üyelik';
$lang['b_195'] = 'Maksimum TBM';
$lang['b_196'] = 'Günlük bonus jeton';
$lang['b_197'] = 'Önce sayfalarınızı gösterin';
$lang['b_198'] = 'Küçük bir ücret ödeyin';
$lang['b_199'] = 'Şimdi satın al';
$lang['b_200'] = 'Var';
$lang['b_201'] = 'Ülke';
$lang['b_202'] = 'Cinsiyet';
$lang['b_203'] = 'Erkek';
$lang['b_204'] = 'Kız';
$lang['b_205'] = 'Tamamlanmamış';
$lang['b_206'] = 'Bilgileri Değiştir';
$lang['b_207'] = 'You can change your info -NUM- more times.';
$lang['b_208'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please select your gender!';
$lang['b_209'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please select your country!';
$lang['b_210'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You can change your info only -NUM- times!';
$lang['b_211'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> Your profile information were successfully saved!';
$lang['b_212'] = 'Edit Site';
$lang['b_213'] = 'Receive Clicks From';
$lang['b_214'] = 'All Genders';
$lang['b_215'] = 'Men';
$lang['b_216'] = 'Women';
$lang['b_217'] = 'and';
$lang['b_218'] = 'All Countries';
$lang['b_219'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please select from which genders do you want to receive clicks!';
$lang['b_220'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please select from what countries do you want to receive clicks!';
$lang['b_221'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> Settings successfully saved!';
$lang['b_222'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You can change your info only -NUM- times.';
$lang['b_223'] = 'Cinsiyeti ve ülkeyi değiştir';
$lang['b_224'] = 'zamanlar';
$lang['b_225'] = 'Yapman gerek<b>Beeğni / Takip / Abone</b> en azından <b>-NUM- sayfaları</b> günlük bonusunuzu talep etmek için!<br />Kalan tıklamalar: <b>-REM- clicks</b>';
$lang['b_226'] = 'Payment processor';
$lang['b_227'] = 'Resend activation email?';
$lang['b_228'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have to be registered for at least -DAYS- days to use this feature!';
$lang['b_229'] = 'Beni Hatırla';
$lang['b_230'] = 'registered users!';
$lang['b_231'] = 'Only VIP members can transfer coins!';
$lang['b_232'] = 'Transfer Coins';
$lang['b_233'] = 'Add banner ads';
$lang['b_234'] = 'Only VIP members can add banner ads!';
$lang['b_235'] = 'Are you sure you want to report this page?';
$lang['b_236'] = 'Page was successfully reported!';
$lang['b_237'] = 'An unexpected error occurred!';
$lang['b_239'] = 'Top 3 active users today';
$lang['b_240'] = 'or pay with coins';
$lang['b_241'] = '<b>SUCCESS!</b> Thank you for your purchase!';
$lang['b_242'] = 'Get clicks based on Country & Gender';
$lang['b_243'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have to be registered for at least -DAYS- days to withdraw money!';
$lang['b_244'] = 'Commission Paid?';
$lang['b_245'] = 'Haberlere kayıt ol:';
$lang['b_246'] = 'VIP Days';
$lang['b_247'] = 'Transactions';
$lang['b_248'] = 'Item';
$lang['b_249'] = 'Price';
$lang['b_250'] = 'Hiçbirşey Bulunamadı!';
$lang['b_251'] = 'To receive commission, your referral must complete at least -NUM- exchanges at our website';
$lang['b_252'] = 'Limit reached! You can't have more than -NUM- active reports!';
$lang['b_253'] = 'Please enter a valid amount!';
$lang['b_254'] = 'You have to add at least -MIN-!';
$lang['b_255'] = 'Hesap Bakiyesi';
$lang['b_256'] = 'Jeton Al';
$lang['b_257'] = 'Last 10 Transactions';
$lang['b_258'] = 'Gateway';
$lang['b_259'] = 'Complete';
$lang['b_260'] = 'Pending';
$lang['b_261'] = 'Hesap Bakiyesi: -NUM-';
$lang['b_262'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This pack doesn't exists!';
$lang['b_263'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You don't have enough cash on your account balance!';
$lang['b_264'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> -NUM- were added on your account!';
$lang['b_265'] = 'You have to convert at least <b>-MIN- coins</b>!';
$lang['b_266'] = 'You have successfully converted <b>-NUM- coins</b> into <b>-CASH-</b>!';
$lang['b_267'] = 'Transform coins into cash';
$lang['b_268'] = 'Coins to Cash';
$lang['b_269'] = 'You will receive';
$lang['b_270'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> You have received <b>-NUM- VIP days</b>!';
$lang['b_271'] = 'Top 15 Referrers';
$lang['b_272'] = 'User';
$lang['b_273'] = 'Active Referrals';
$lang['b_274'] = 'This Month';
$lang['b_275'] = 'All times';
$lang['b_276'] = 'Delete Account';
$lang['b_277'] = 'Please tell us why do you want to report this page:';
$lang['b_278'] = 'Tekrar Email';
$lang['b_279'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Email addresses don't match!';
$lang['b_280'] = 'Comments are temporarily disabled!';
$lang['b_281'] = 'You must be logged in to post comments!';
$lang['b_282'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Your comment must have between 20 and 255 characters!';
$lang['b_283'] = 'Author';
$lang['b_284'] = 'Comments';
$lang['b_285'] = 'Write a Comment';
$lang['b_286'] = 'Read more...';
$lang['b_287'] = 'Blog';
$lang['b_288'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please wait 60 seconds before posting other comment!';
$lang['b_289'] = 'remaining characters';
$lang['b_290'] = 'Total Exchanges';
$lang['b_291'] = 'Funds';
$lang['b_292'] = 'Views';
$lang['b_293'] = 'Hide ads from website';
$lang['b_294'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This email (<i>-EMAIL-</i>) is blacklisted and cannot be registered on our website!';
$lang['b_295'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Your IP (<i>-IP-</i>) is blacklisted on our website!';
$lang['b_296'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> <i>-URL-</i> is blacklisted and cannot be added on our website!';
$lang['b_297'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You reached your daily clicks limit (-CLICKS- clicks). Upgrade to VIP membership and you can give unlimited clicks!';
$lang['b_298'] = 'Daily clicks limit';
$lang['b_299'] = 'Unlimited';
$lang['b_300'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This page is no longer available!';
$lang['b_301'] = 'Please wait';
$lang['b_302'] = 'Please choose what type of page do you want to add!';
$lang['b_303'] = 'Payment Proofs';
$lang['b_304'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Please select a valid payment to upload proof!';
$lang['b_305'] = 'Your image must have less than -SIZE- KB';
$lang['b_306'] = '<b>SUCCESS!</b> Proof was successfully submitted for approval!';
$lang['b_307'] = 'Upload Proofs';
$lang['b_308'] = 'Select Image';
$lang['b_309'] = 'Select payment proof';
$lang['b_310'] = 'Select Payout';
$lang['b_311'] = 'Select for what payout do you want to upload proof';
$lang['b_312'] = 'Payout';
$lang['b_313'] = 'Uploaded Proofs';
$lang['b_314'] = 'Total proofs: <b>-NUM- proofs</b>';
$lang['b_315'] = 'Proof';
$lang['b_316'] = 'Upload';
$lang['b_317'] = 'Uploaded';
$lang['b_318'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have to upload proofs for received payouts before requesting another payout!';
$lang['b_319'] = 'Approved';
$lang['b_320'] = 'Payouts';
$lang['b_321'] = 'Total Payouts';
$lang['b_322'] = 'Total Paid';
$lang['b_323'] = 'This Week';
$lang['b_324'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You must have at least -NUM- exchanges performed before requesting payment. Now you have -DONE- exchanges!';
$lang['b_325'] = 'Faster Help';
$lang['b_326'] = 'Rewards';
$lang['b_327'] = 'Reward';
$lang['b_328'] = 'Requirements';
$lang['b_329'] = 'Claim';
$lang['b_330'] = 'You have to complete <b>-NUM- exchanges</b>';
$lang['b_331'] = 'Claimed';
$lang['b_332'] = 'Not Available';
$lang['b_333'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This reward doesn't exists!';
$lang['b_334'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You already claimed this reward!';
$lang['b_335'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> You have received <b>-REWARD-</b>!';
$lang['b_336'] = 'You currently have <b>-NUM- exchanges</b>!';
$lang['b_337'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have to complete at least <b>-NUM- exchanges</b> to use this coupon!';
$lang['b_338'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Your banner must have exactly <b>-SIZE- pixels!</b>';
$lang['b_339'] = 'Banner Size';
$lang['b_340'] = 'Received Commissions';
$lang['b_341'] = 'Commission';
$lang['b_342'] = 'Referral';
$lang['b_343'] = 'Transaction';
$lang['b_344'] = 'Selected Countries';
$lang['b_345'] = 'Choose Countries';
$lang['b_346'] = 'Selected Countries';
$lang['b_346'] = 'Exchanges Today';
$lang['b_347'] = 'Daily Clicks Limit';
$lang['b_348'] = 'Total Clicks Limit';
$lang['b_349'] = 'Levels';
$lang['b_350'] = 'Level';
$lang['b_351'] = 'Free Bonus';
$lang['b_352'] = 'VIP Bonus';
$lang['b_353'] = 'Daily bonus received by users with Free Membership!';
$lang['b_354'] = 'Daily bonus received by users with VIP Membership!';
$lang['b_355'] = 'Up to';
$lang['b_356'] = 'Current Password';
$lang['b_357'] = 'Your current password doesn't match!';
$lang['b_358'] = '<b>SUCCESS!</b> You have received <b>-NUM- coins</b>!';
$lang['b_359'] = '<b>SUCCESS!</b> Page was successfully skipped!';
$lang['b_360'] = 'skip';
$lang['b_361'] = 'Traffic Exchange Type';
$lang['b_362'] = 'Hard';
$lang['b_363'] = 'Easy';
$lang['b_364'] = 'You've tried to login too many times. Try again in -MIN- minutes!';
$lang['b_365'] = 'Last 5 Used Coupons';
$lang['b_366'] = 'Toplam -USERS- Kayıtlı kullanıcı var';
$lang['b_367'] = 'Aylık abone';
$lang['b_368'] = 'Free monthly coins';
$lang['b_369'] = 'or';
$lang['b_370'] = 'Never';
$lang['b_371'] = 'Seller';
$lang['b_372'] = 'Total coin packs: <b>-NUM- packs</b>';
$lang['b_373'] = 'coin';
$lang['b_374'] = 'Coins sold by Users';
$lang['b_375'] = 'Jeton Sat';
$lang['b_376'] = 'Add for Sale';
$lang['b_377'] = 'Coins for Sale';
$lang['b_378'] = 'Coin Value';
$lang['b_379'] = 'Fees';
$lang['b_380'] = 'Revenue';
$lang['b_381'] = 'Added Time';
$lang['b_382'] = 'Sold Time';
$lang['b_383'] = 'Sold Coins';
$lang['b_384'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> Coins pack was removed from sale!';
$lang['b_385'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> Your coins were successfully added for sale!';
$lang['b_386'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have to sell at least -COINS- coins!';
$lang['b_387'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Price must be over <b>$-PRICE-</b>';
$lang['b_388'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Coin value must be over <b>$-VALUE-</b>';
$lang['b_389'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> Upgrade your membership to be able to add more coins for sale!';
$lang['b_390'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You can't have more than -LIMIT- coin packs for sale!';
$lang['b_391'] = 'Sell coins limit';
$lang['b_392'] = 'packs';
$lang['b_393'] = '<b>ATTENTION:</b> A fee of -FEE-% will be deducted from the price, when someone purchase your coins!';
$lang['b_394'] = '<b>ACCESS DENIED!</b> You must complete <b>-CLICKS- exchanges</b> or uprade to VIP Membership, before being able to add pages!';
$lang['b_395'] = 'Exchanges required to add pages';
$lang['b_396'] = 'exchanges';
$lang['b_397'] = 'Not required';
$lang['b_398'] = 'Dil';
$lang['b_399'] = 'Menu';
$lang['b_400'] = 'Reward';
$lang['b_401'] = 'Report';
$lang['b_402'] = 'More';
$lang['b_403'] = 'Görev';
$lang['b_404'] = 'Job';
$lang['b_405'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This job doesn't exist.';
$lang['b_406'] = '<b>SUCCESS:</b> Job was submited and is pending approval.';
$lang['b_407'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> This job is pending review.';
$lang['b_408'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> You have already completed this job.';
$lang['b_409'] = 'This job is pending review. Please wait!';
$lang['b_410'] = 'Bu iş tamamlandı. Onaylandı ve aldınız <b>-REWARD-</b>';
$lang['b_411'] = 'Jeton Teklifleri';
$lang['b_412'] = 'Do you need more coins?';
$lang['b_413'] = 'Why don't you start mining them? All you have to do is to click on <i>Start Mining Coins</i> button bellow then leave the new window opened and you will receive <b>-COINS- every minute</b>. In this time you can earn coins by doing other tasks on our website, or you can go away from your device and our system will keep mining coins for you.';
$lang['b_414'] = 'Start Mining Coins';
$lang['b_415'] = 'If you want your website to appear into mining page, <a href="http://'.$config['cm_domain'].'/" target="_blank">click here...</a>';
$lang['b_416'] = 'Mining Coins';
$lang['b_417'] = '<b>ERROR:</b> System couldn't connect to CM System!';
$lang['b_418'] = 'ERROR';
$lang['b_419'] = '-REMAIN- exchanges until Level -LEVEL-';

// Splash
$lang['s_01'] = '<li>We always pay on time</li>
<li>We provide full access to real stats</li>
<li>FREE for life! No catches, no subscriptions</li>
<li>We don't sell followers, likes, views or website hits</li>
<li>Earn rewards and bonuses for being active</li>
<li>Increase your social reputation FREE</li>';
$lang['s_02'] = 'Like + Share = <span style="color:#63b129;">$ Earn Money $</span> <br />The best Social Exchange System for...';
$lang['s_03'] = 'AFFILIATES';
$lang['s_04'] = 'Refer new members and earn...';
$lang['s_05'] = 'Commission';
$lang['s_06'] = 'BONUS: Get <span style="color:#63b129;">-COINS- COINS &amp; $-CASH-</span> after signup!';

// Horserace
$lang['hs_01'] = 'Horserace';
$lang['hs_02'] = 'Replay';
$lang['hs_03'] = 'Race';
$lang['hs_04'] = 'You have to buy at least 1 ticket!';
$lang['hs_05'] = 'You don't have enough coins to buy -TICKETS- tickets. Every ticket costs <b>-PRICE- coins</b>.';
$lang['hs_06'] = 'You can't buy more than -LIMIT- tickets in the same time!';
$lang['hs_07'] = 'You bought -TICKETS- tickets and you have paid -PRICE- coins.';
$lang['hs_08'] = 'Buy tickets for the horse you think is going to win next race. Every ticket costs you <b>-PRICE- coins</b>.';
$lang['hs_09'] = 'Round ends at <b>-TIME-</b>, server time. To check past 5 rounds, <a href="'.GenerateURL('horserace&history').'">click here</a>.';
$lang['hs_10'] = 'Speed';
$lang['hs_11'] = 'Win chance';
$lang['hs_12'] = 'Condition';
$lang['hs_13'] = 'Payment';
$lang['hs_14'] = 'bet';
$lang['hs_15'] = 'Reputation';
$lang['hs_16'] = 'Tickets';
$lang['hs_17'] = 'Buy tickets';
$lang['hs_18'] = 'Buy';
$lang['hs_19'] = 'Last Horserace';

// Banner ads system
$lang['banners_01'] = 'Banners';
$lang['banners_02'] = 'Total Banners';
$lang['banners_03'] = 'Total Impressions';
$lang['banners_04'] = 'Total Clicks';

/* Index description */
$lang['index_desc'] = '<h1>Sitelerinizi ve sosyal ağlarınızı bizimle tanıtın</h1> Değişim sistemimiz web sitenizin popülerliğini, sosyal varlığınızı ve daha fazlasını artırmanıza yardımcı olur.
Değişim sistemi çok basit. Ne zaman isterseniz, bir kaç basit görevi yerine getirerek kredi kazanırsınız ve daha sonra takipçilere, beğenilere, ziyaretçilere, web sitenize veya sosyal medya sayfalarınıza ziyaretçi çekmek için kullanabilirsiniz.';
$lang['index_desc_2'] = '<h2>Earn money with our website!</h2><img src="img/banner.png" alt="" width="660" height="180" /><br /><ol><li><b>REGISTER</b> <small>- free, quick and simple</small></li><li><b>EARN COINS</b> <small>- like, share, subscribe, etc</small></li><li><b>TRANSFORM COINS IN CASH</b> <small>- and receive your payment via Paypal</small></li></ol>';
$lang['index_desc_1'] = '<h2>Neden bizi seçmelisiniz</h2><br />
<li>Her zaman zamanında öderiz</li>
<li>Gerçek istatistiklere tam erişim sağlıyoruz (size sahte istatistikler sağlamıyoruz)</li>
<li>Her zaman Ücretsiz Hizmet veriyoruz!</li>
<li>Takipçi,abone,beğeni,site ziyaretleri kazanmanızı sağlıyoruz!</li>
<li>Hiçbir hesabınızdan durum güncellemesi tweetleri göndermeyiz</li>
<li>Hiçbir sosyal ağ hesabınız için sizden asla şifrenizi istemeyeceğiz</li>
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.