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Cinderella AU
A Dreamnoblade story.

Dream wanted to go to the ball and see who was this prince everyone was falling head over heels for, especially since they say he was one great fighter. It was his intent to challenge the prince to a duel. But his stepmother had other ideas and forbids him from stepping foot inside the ball, for this special occasion was meant for ladies and ladies only. The male was determined to attend...but because he is a man himself he cannot attend the ball. Unless..

Yes, Dream decides to cross dress.

A man who looks like a deity - CHAPTER 1

At the age of 6, he loses his beloved mother to an illness.
At the age of 10, he watched hopelessly as his father remarries not letting go of his previous loss.
At the ripe age of 14, his father unfortunately dies during a business trip at the southwest, leaving him alone with his stepmother who have inherited the house and his step sisters who made him nothing but a lowly servant.


A male with dirty blonde hair with tanned skin and the prettiest emerald green eyes one could ever have laid their eyes upon with a slim and lanky frame was gardening at the Bloxov's manor, all different kinds of animals have gathered around the male helping him finish. Oh what a beautiful deity he was in all the villagers eyes, the male had the brightest smile that shone brighter than the sun above, with one of the most beautiful laugh the village has never forgotten, and the caring heart of the young individual.

How could such deity be a servant?


"Darelle! Come get my laundry and get it cleaned!" Stepsister Lame(yes im still picking names dont blame me) stated loudly despite the two being literally face to face. "Sister you don't have to shout like were in the mountains" Darelle told the now fuming raven haired female, walking in her room, taking the basket that was overflowed(overfull?) despite it being only three days after the previous laundry.

"Darelle! My breakfast!" His stepsister lazyass called from across the the hall, "On my way!" Darelle told back quickly placing the basket near the stairs and getting lazyass's food.
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