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Romeo and Juliet's Scenework parts

Page 11- Prince Escalus’s speech “Rebellious subjects” p.12 “to know our further pleasure in this case”. Monologue

Page 14: Benvolio and Romeo: “Good morrow, cousin”... to p. 16- “I’ll pay that doctrine or else die in debt”. Dialogue

Page 18: Servant of the House of Capulet, Romeo, Benvolio “God save you sir, I pray sir, can you read?… p. 20 “I’ll go along… to rejoice in a splendor of mine own.’

P. 34: Tybalt, Lord Capulet. dialogue.. “This by his voice…..t0 p. 35- “to bitterest gall”.

P. 45 Romeo, Juliet: (Balcony scene) p. 45- “But soft” p. 54- “parting is such sweet sorrow” Long dialogue

P.65: Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo: “By my head, here come the Capulets”….. To p.74- : “this day’s black fate but begins the woe others must end.”
Four person scene

P. 81: Juliet, Nurse: “Now nurse, what news?”- to p. 85- “Bid him come to take his last farewell.” Dialogue

P. 86:Dialogue Friar Laurence, Romeo: “ Romeo, come forth!” P. 88- “Farewell!”

P. 94 Juliet, Lady Capulet, Lord Capulet, Nurse: Four person scene: “Why how now, Juliet?’to p.98: “ If all else fails, myself have power to die.”

P. 101- Friar Laurence: “Hold, “Abate thy valor in the acting it.” Monologue
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