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((Not a bot, please say if reading!!)Hi! I'm Night, they/them, bot/sub, panromantic-asexual. I'm about 5'2 and have a smaller build. My hair is short and black with a small streak of dark purple that usually covers part of my face, and my eyes are dark grey with rings of gold around the pupils(My description may vary between the different rps, only with certain additions and maybe a change to eye colour). Please read through and choose whichever one you'd be interested in! The ones that I have no preference in which character I play will have the main two labeled as "Character A" and "Character B")
1: In the world of this roleplay, there are three beings that take up the majority of the population - angels, demons and humans, there being much more humans than the other two combined. Any relations between people of a different species has been forbidden and can be punishable with death(for the humans) or being tortured for life(for the others). Because of this, hybrid children of any combination are very rare. Only one has been known, Character A, and they are being hunted by the council, a diverse group of twelve with a combination of the three species, as they are the child of an angel and a human. However, there is one other, the offspring produced by a human and a devil. This one had been taught to hide, living in the human realm with their mother as not many humans knew about the other two.
2: This world contains a different sort of magic, allowing for most people to be born with some animalistic characteristic. This varies person-person, but most people have the ears and tail of the animal they are characterised as. The animals associated with each set of characteristics have a certain amount of rarity with them. Dog characteristics are by far the most common, followed then by cats, rabbits, racoons/tanukis, wolves, and birds in that order, the specific species of that animal differing on the person. A lot of the less common ones are discriminated against in big cities, too, a sort of species-ism being present. Character A has one of the rarer characteristics and has been trying to find a safe place to live. Character B has a more common one, but they are also a hybrid, so they have been doing the same.
3: (This is set in a medieval time period) Dragons have existed for longer than humans have, at this point, and even the elves. Despite this, though, the humans have waged war against the dragons and elves, saying that they are unnatural. My character is an elven assassin who has been sent with a group to assassinate the king of the humans, as well as the two possible heirs to the throne, one of which was assigned to me specifically. Following behind to help them escape is their dragon, Shadow, who looks similar to Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon, except with purple specks that glow when he gets upset or excited. Your character will be one of the heirs, although they can react however they want to the attempted assassination.
(Thank you for reading! Feel free to ask any questions if they pop up. If you are interested, please let me know which one you'd be interested in, which character you'll be playing(if applicable) and a description. After that, I'll send any possible changes to my description as well as a starter prompt. If not, that's ok and I hope you have a great rest of your day/night!)

1 starter(me as A):(In this, I'll have feathered grey wings as well as gold eyes) I raced through the alleyway in the human realm, needing to get as far away as possible from the portal that I had used to escape the angel's dimension. I knew that at least one of the councilmen was on my tail, but they'd probably give up if I got far enough away. As I ran, I was paying more attention to the ground beneath me, my feet hurting the slightest bit as I had no shoes on, as well as looking back every once in a while to see if I had lost them. My breath was getting lost, but it'd be fine. I'd push through it. I closed my eyes as I neared the end, keeping my face towards the ground. This caused a problem though. I didn't notice the person who was walking right pass the entryway into the alley, causing me to run right into them and both of us to fall to the ground. I quickly check behind me, thankful that I wasn't seeing the council members anymore, but started panicking at the thought that I just ran into what was probably a human. I could do nothing but stand up, though, freezing after that and waiting to see what you would do with my breath getting quicker by the minute.
1 starter(me as B): (In this, I'll have scaled dark red wings with small scatterings of silver scales throughout) I held the grocery bag in my hands, the hoodie that was concealing my wings making me a bit uncomfortable, although I knew that I'd have to deal with it seeing as I didn't need anyone knowing that I was part-demon. My mom had explained it to me when I was younger, and it had just become habit at this point. I planned on dropping the groceries off at my house and then heading to the park at night for a bit of stargazing, seeing as it was getting dark. I was humming a song quietly to myself when out of nowhere, something crashes into me, causing me to fall and drop the bags. "Gah-!" I shout, surprised as they stood up. I quickly got up to my feet, concerned at how frantic they seemed. It was then that I noticed the wings. They were an angel...but why were they here. I looked around, seeing an abandoned building nearby and grabbed their wrist, pulling them into the door and locking it. "Who...who are you?" I question, trying to keep my voice stern.
2 starter(me as A): (In this, I'll have the wolf characteristics with both black ears and tail, as well as completely silver eyes) I looked up from my phone, seeing the nearby island approaching. I was stowed away on the top of a ship that I knew was heading to Automous Island, the place infamous for taking in at-risk individuals. Since I was a wolf, it was difficult to find safety back on the mainland, but here I'd be able to survive. I'd finally be able to have an actual life that didn't consist of hiding. Soon, the ship docked and I hopped off, sliding down the side and landing on the wooden flooring, pulling down the hood of my hoodie. I started walking towards what seemed to be a coastal lobby, taking in my surroundings. I signed in, having said that I'd be here earlier this week, and walked through the gates, ready to start my new life. It wasn't long before I was stopped, my own stupidity causing me to run into someone else who seemed to have been heading from the same direction and knock us both over. "Oh my lord, I am so sorry," I tell them, quickly standing up and offering my hand, not noticing that they were somewhat different, like myself.
2 starter(me as B): (In this, I'll be a bird-cat hybrid, my wings being crow-like in colour and having the same black ears and tail) My eyes were filled with new sights as I stood on the top of the ship, still keeping my wings concealed beneath a jacket as I didn't feel that safe yet. My curiosity was piqued the closer we got to Automous island, a safe-haven for people who were different, like me. It wasn't long before we docked on the island and I decided to take off the jacket, tying it around my waist and stretching my wings a bit. I checked into the lobby and then headed through the gates,more than ready to start off new here. I looked around, somewhat excited and very anxious, very confusing emotions to have mixing in your brain. I folded my wings against my back but when I went to look at a nearby place with a sign saying "Start here," someone rammed into me and the two of us fell. I quickly hopped to my feet, making sure that my wings were ok and aside from a feather that had fallen off, they were fine. I looked at you, seeing if you were going to do or say anything.
3 starter: (In this rp, I'll be an elf and have swirls of silver and black inkings that go around my wrists. I'll also have a small moon tattoo underneath one of my eyes) I flattened myself against the back of Shadow, still looking over him to see when we were getting close and make sure that we weren't going off track. We arrived at the castle quickly and landed on the roof, waiting until I saw the signal shot to be sent before I headed inside. I went into the window that was located close by and found myself in the exact hallway that I had been told to start in. My hand wrapped around the dagger at my side as I dashed through the different halls, there being many that would probably be hard to navigate. 'You only have one target, don't screw this up,' I thought to myself once I found the eldest heir's room. I opened the door slowly, knowing that they'd most likely still be at dinner and hid inside of the attached restroom, closing both of the doors behind me. I sat in wait until I heard the main room's door open. I looked through the keyhole and seeing that it was my target, quickly opened the door and rushed to them, holding the dagger at their throat and pushing them against the wall. But...I couldn't make myself do it. I couldn't make myself kill them, so I backed up, staring at them, frozen in place and waiting for the expected calling of the guards.
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