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*school was almost over and Herogami (Hero for short) was just finishing his swimming class. He walks into the changing room and grabs his cloths shyly* [Herogami Daru, 5'2, 14, ninth grader, red hair long-ish, green eyes with glasses, childish figure, uke]

ou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like yaoi roleplay, and yaoi rp.

Stranger: School had just finished. Most of the students had gone home. just a few clubs were still hanging around...and Eric. Currently, he was riding the school's coach in a locker room shower stall. The older man was seated on the handicap bench while Eric bounced on top of him, a ball gag in his mouth and hands cuffed behind his back. His normally completely buttoned up dress shirt all undone and messy. The grunts and moans were loud and the occasional slap echoed through out the empty locker room. At least they thought it was empty. The next thing that they knew, there was a swish and the teacher froze in horror. Eric looked back to see what was the problem and saw a figure towering over them with the curtain pulled back. His face didn't exactly have the most pleased expression, and if it wasn't for how angry he looked he could almost be seen trembling. The coach practically threw Eric off him in a chaotic attempt to get away, running out of the school as he pulled up his pants. Eric groaned around the gag, his head hurting and feeling a bit dizzy since he hit it on the shower tile. He looked up at the person, just staring.
[Eric Pierce, 5'5, 16 but is a senior black hair, blue eyes, extremely skinny, super pale, feminine body and a very beautiful face. Uke. His body covered in tattoos and piercings. If you aren't interested please just DC. Any questions just ask.]

You: (1sec)

You: (okay)

You: [Dominic Daru, 6'5, 17, Senior, red-orange hair the sides of his head are shaved, green eyes, muscular tan-ish, handsome, seme, one tatoo on his back of an eagle.]

You: *Dominic bends down, taking off the gag* "are you alright?" *in a calm yet comforting voice*

Stranger: "Yeah...thanks..." He said, swallowing his spit. "Can you undo this too?" He asked, turning around for the other to take off the tie around his wrists.

You: *he unties it* "there..."

Stranger: "Thanks." He rubbed his wrists for a moment, standing up and starting to get dressed. "Do you mind keeping quiet about what you just saw."

You: "wh- what do you mean?" *he's a bit confused*

Stranger: "You know, not telling anyone what me and the coach where just doing." He smiled, buttoning up his shirt. "Of course you will be compensated for it. How much would you like? A hundred? Two hundred even."

You: "I-....I don't want your money.." *he starts walking away*

Stranger: Eric grabs the other's wrists. "Then what do you want?" He asked. "I am sorry, but I don't trust you enough to just let you walk out of here without something to keep you quiet."

You: *he rolls his eyes* "I don't really care, besides i won't gain anything by telling anyone..."

Stranger: "So why not just take the money? It gives me piece of mind and you get a few extra bucks in you pocket every week." He smiled.

You: *he sighs* "if it means i can leave.. fine."

Stranger: Eric smiled even brighter. "Wonderful!" He took his wallet out and pulled out two one hundred dollar bills. Before he handed them to Dominic he looked up at the other seriously. "You swear you won't say a thing?"

You: "I. Sware." *he ruffles Eric's hair*

Stranger: "Alright then." He smiled and handed him the money. "Here you are."

You: *he takes it and turns around and starts walking*

Stranger: Eric finished changing and left the school as well.

Stranger: [Brb]

You: (kk)

You: *the next day at school, Dominic is in the same locker room as last night, smoking*

Stranger: Eric goes back, looking around to be sure everything was clear and then he saw Dominic. "Oh....cause I am not the only one doing bad things on school grounds..." He chuckled.

You: "sure..." *be blows out smoke*

Stranger: Eric looked around then checked his phone. "Mind if I join you?" He asked, sitting next to the other.

You: "sure..? " *runs his fingers through his hair*

Stranger: "Do you have an extra smoke?" He asked.

You: *he chokes* "y-you smoke!?"

Stranger: "..Um...yeah?" He raised an eyebrow. "Is it really that surprising?"

You: "uh..a little.." *reaches into his pocket, pulls out a cigarette case and gives him a smoke*

Stranger: Eric takes one then leans over to connect the end of his cigarette to the end of Dominic's. "I don't see why...considering what you caught me doing yesterday."

You: "meh.. by the way how the hell did that happen and why were you so cheery after?" *he leans back on a wall*

Stranger: "How sex always happens. I flirted with him a bit, he got horny and we did. Same old same old. And I wasn't cheery. I threw me to the ground and left me there hard and to deal with the mess by myself. I just figured you'd me more willing to cooperate with me is I was nice." He shrugged, taking a long drag.

You: "hmm.. " *his phone vibrates and he takes it out with a sigh*

Stranger: Eric glances at him. "Everything alright?"

Stranger: [brb]

You: "yeah it's my stupid girlfriend... she won't leave me alone..." *he puts it backin his pocket*

Stranger: "Eww..." He stuck out his tongue. "Relationship. Why don't you just break up with her?"

You: "everytime i try to she bursts out crying or calls me a heartless jerk... "

Stranger: "And you give a shit....why?" He gave the other a look.

You: *he blushes realizing what he just says* "I! i-i-i-....."

Stranger: "Dude, calm down." He says and takes another drag. "The way I see it is that you either go through with it and stop being a bitch. Or do something to make her hate you."

You: "i-it's harder to do then that.. I've broken up with her before but she would cry whenever she saw me in the hall.. she made all her friends and most of mine hate me..." *he rubs his head*

Stranger: Eric rolled his eyes. "You give a shit about that?" He looked at the other. "You broke up with her, it's natural thing couples do. Tell her to stop acting like a little bitch."

You: "hey, your social statas may not matter to you but mine matters to me.."

Stranger: "Oh, so this is about social status now~" He hummed. "How I thought seniors didn't give a shit about that stuff." He let a puff of smoke out through his nose. "I guess the only option is to make her break up with you."

You: "yeah but she's obsessed with me..."

Stranger: "So crush her dreams." He said. "Be gross, obnoxious. The typical jock."

You: "that.....might work..."

Stranger: "Of course it will. I am smarter than you after all."

You: *gives you a semi-angry face*

Stranger: Eric chuckled. "Calm down calm down, it was just a joke." He grinned.

You: *he smiles the his phone goes off again*

Stranger: "Is it her again?" He asked.

You: *he picks it up* "nope..."

Stranger: Eric stays quiet while Dominic answers his phone then he looks at him and sighs.

You: "it's my brother Hero..."

Stranger: Eric nodded. "Everything alright with Hero?" He asked.

You: "he says he's hurt..."

Stranger: "Oh, then you should go and see him." He stood up. "I'm leaving anyway. My 'date' was cancelled.

You: "'date'?

Stranger: Eric scratched the side of his face. "That was sarcasm. My fuck buddy for today couldn't make it is all."

You: "oh...well see ya..." *gets up*

Stranger: "Bye bye~ hope your brother feels better." He waves.

You: *he waves back and heads out a different way*

Stranger: The next day Eric is back in the locker room again, going the same thing as the first. This time they finished, the man leaving while Eric just say in the shower stall with his shirt half done, smoking a cigarette.

You: *Dominic walks in carrying a small-ish, red haired boy in his arms.* "does it still hurt?" "?: don't have to carry me..."

Stranger: Eric scrambled to his feet as soon as he hears someone, quickly fixing himself up then peeking out to see who it was.

You: *Dominic puts the boy on a bench* "D: you need to rest your leg.. you shouldn't even be at school.."

Stranger: Eric comes out once he sees it was just Dominic. "Everything alright?" He asks, walking over to the other two.

You: "D: oh hey Eric.. This is my brother Herogami." "H: h-hi..."

You: (brb)

Stranger: Eric smiled at the little boy. "Hello Herogami, how are you?" He bent down a bit to be at eye level with the child.

You: "H: y-you don't have to treat me like a kid... i'm 14..."

Stranger: Eric chuckled. "You shouldn't try to grow up too much...I wish I was still fourteen." He smiled.

You: "D: I don't.."

Stranger: Eric chuckled. "I guess not everyone does...puberty sucks ass for most people..." He smiled. "But for me it was the last time I was happy...So I really like my fourteenth year." He said with a bright smile.

You: "H: you look pretty happy right now...."

You: *looks disbeiliveing ly at Eric*

Stranger: "...Hmm...Looks can be deceiving Herogami..." He stood up and patted the boys head.

You: "H: please call me Hero... I hate my first name..." *crosses his arms*

Stranger: Eric laughed. "Alright then, Hero. I like it though, very unique." He smiled.

You: "H: that's the last thing I need..."

You: "D: stop being rude Herogami."

Stranger: "It's fine." He assured Dominic. "Why?" Eric looked at him curiously. "What's wrong with being unique?"

You: "H: I'm allready getting beat up because I'm smarter then all the Idiots here, i don't need another reason to get beat up..."

Stranger: Eric stared at Hero for a moment before sitting down next to him. "People are assholes." He said bluntly. "That's never going to change unfortunately...but, what we can change is how we view ourselves...being smart doesn't make us bad people Hero...having a different names doesn't make you bad makes you you." He smiled. "I know what it's like to be a but smarter than everyone I understand." He said. "If you need help with the bullies just let me know, okay?"

You: "D: dominic beat them up yesterday..." *he looks at a bandage arund his leg*

Stranger: Eric laughed a bit. "Why does that sound like him." He grinned up at the other.

You: *dominic rubs the back of his head* "D: no one hurts my little bro! right Hero?" "H:yeah I guess.."

Stranger: "...sounds like it doesn't believe you~" Eric whispered mockingly.

You: *Dominic frowns* "H: that's not true I was Just!......" *dominic laughs at his little brother*

Stranger: Eric laughs some more then ruffled the kids hair. "Just teasing~"

You: *hero pouts*

Stranger: "Awww~ come on~" Eric pouts as well then kisses the child's cheek. "Forgive me?" He grins.

You: *the kid blushes* "H: ...fine...." *dominic laughs*

Stranger: Eric giggles then stands up, stretching out. "Well then, now that I have Hero's forgiveness I feel much better."

You: "H: yeah...right.. why did we comedown here anyway..?" "D: oh yeah!" *he walks over to a few high up pipes and reaches his hads up and grabing his smoke pack*

Stranger: Eric watches then snatches the pack from Dominic. "And what exactly were you going to do with these?" He asked, moving away every time the other tried to take them back.

You: "uh..? I'm going to smoke them... " *keeps trying to take them back*

Stranger: "In front of your little brother?" He asks, still moving away.

You: "D: I do it all he time. nowgive those back!" *tackles Eric*

Stranger: "Nope." He says the yelps as he was pushed to the ground. The cigarette being crushed during the crash. "Oops...looks like you can't use them now." He smiled sweetly at the man hovering above him. "You shouldn't smoke in front of your little brother. You could make him sick." He said and bopped the other's nose.

You: *he sighs sitting up, still on top of Eric*

Stranger: "Oh come on, what's the matter? Do they calm you down or something?" He asked, sitting up on his elbows. "You know there are plenty of ways to calm down besides smoking."

You: "D:like what?"

Stranger: "Well you still have your girlfriend right?"

You: "D:NO"

Stranger: Eric rubbed his ear. "Jesus Christ, it was just a suggestion. And even if you don't have her they have plenty of things that can replace her."

You: "D: It's just easier to go out and buy more smokes.."

Stranger: "Do what you want, just not in front of your little brother." He said. "And you prefer smokes over sex?" He whispered so Hero couldn't hear as he raised an eyebrow.

You: "course not, but it's not like i have anyone to do that with..." *also whispers*

You: (can i have your email or something so we can continue this at any other point?)

Stranger: Eric stares at him for a moment before leaning in to whisper into the other's ear. "You never asked..." He hummed.

Stranger: [Sure! my email is [email protected] ^-^]

You: *Doninic blushes a bit and bit and smiles* "H: are all older people like this...?"

Stranger: Eric looked up at Hero and laughed. "Nope, just the weird ones." He grinned the pushed Dominic off.

You: *he falls on his back* "H: Dom I'm gonna head home i have homework to do.." *he goes to get up* "D: you arn't allowed to walk!" "H: why not!?" "D: because you're hurt!"

Stranger: Eric chuckled. "He can walk, don't baby him." He said. "Why don't you walk with him to make sure he is okay? Don't go carrying him like you did before."

You: "D: he can't even stand up..." "H: I can so!" *he stands up but falls back down*

Stranger: Eric chuckled. "Just let him help you Hero." He smiled. "He is just concerned as your big brother is all."

You: "H: you're no help..." *dominic gets up and helps up hero*

Stranger: He shrugged. "I care more about your safety than you preference." He smiled.

You: *hero sticks his tongue out at Eric as he walks away*

Stranger: Eric laughs again and gets up. Grabbing his stuff and leaving as well.

You: *the next day at lunch Dominic goes to find Eric*

Stranger: Eric is in the hallway, going through his books in the locker. He looks like a real teachers pet during the day. Hiding things like piercings, tattoos, love bites, bruises.

You: *Dominic leans on the locker beside him* "hey, Eric"

Stranger: Eric looks up at him and smiles. "Hello."

You: "what's up with this?" *gestures to him*

Stranger: "What?" He looks over himself. "I am always like 'this'."

You: "really?.. you hide your piercings...?" *smiles*

Stranger: "Yeah. I am a teachers pet in school. The good boy. No one needs to know anything other than that."

You: "well, haninging out with me might make you look a little weird"

Stranger: "Stop talking to me then." He smiled and closed his locker.

You: "I can't."

Stranger: "Why not?"

You: "because that would be boring."

Stranger: Eric leaned in a bit. "Don't say stuff like that then." He bopped the other's nose. "Did your girlfriend finally breakup with you?" He asked, starting to walk.

You: "nope! I broke up with her!"

You: *smiles*

Stranger: "Oh, Mr. Popularity grew some balls~" He sang.

You: " oh shut it. 'Teacher's pet'~" sings back

Stranger: "I like being teachers pet." He hummed. "Makes my life easier when they love me and I try to 'love' them."

You: "speaking of 'love', meet me in the shower room tonight~" *he says softly*

Stranger: Eric glanced at him, a small smile on his face. "I'll think about it." He chimed.

You: *he smiles* "i'll meet you there~" *starts walking away*

Stranger: After school Eric is patiently waiting in the showers for Dominic.

You: *he walks in, looking around*

Stranger: When he saw the other he waved. "Hey, you actually came." He chuckled.

You: "oh course i did" *he smiles* "i'm still out of cigarettes"

Stranger: "Oh, so I am just a replacement for cigarettes huh?" He said, grabbing the bottom of the other's shirt and pulling him closer. "I feel rather pleased to hear that actually." He smiled.

You: "why are you so pleased~" *he smirks*

Stranger: "Cause it means I am just a replacement...that I mean nothing to you." He kept his smile as he hand slipped under the other's shirt. "You seem like my type...I don't want to ruin that with emotions..." He licked his lips.

You: *he lifts up Eric's chin* "I'm not anyone's 'type'~"

Stranger: "Really? Then what are you?" He asked.

You: "me." *puts his hands on Eric's hips*

Stranger: Eric chuckles and pressed their bodies together. "Should have seen that coming..." He said as he leaned in for a kiss.

You: *he presses his lips against Eric's*

Stranger: Eric eagerly kissed back, his lips parting slightly.

You: *he sticks his tongue in his mouth*

Stranger: Eric's tongue plays and dances with the others.

You: *he puts his hands in Eric's pants*

Stranger: Eric lets a small moan out.

You: *he smirks and rubs Eric's ass*

Stranger: Eric's hands move to go into the front of the other's pants.

You: *he lets out a small moan and rubs on Eric's length*

Stranger: Eric moans again, panting a bit.
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