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infectious desieses-illness thatpasses from one organiosm to another.
Clostridium tetani, -realeses toxins or poison that causes deadly teatunus desies

antibiotic-chemical that can kill bacteria without harming a persons cells.
antibiotic resistance-some bacteria are able to survive in the precence of an antibiotic.
no meds can cure viral infections
vaccines-made from dead or alternated viruses or bacteria

protists do share some characteristics. In addition to being eukaryotes, all protists live in moist surroundings.
For example, most protists are unicellular, but some are multicellular.
Some are heterotrophs, some are autotrophs, and others are both.
Some protists cannot move, while others zoom around their moist surroundings
All protists are eukaryotes and live in moist surroundings.
protists-A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus.(as the “odds and ends” kingdom.)
animal-like protists-
heterotrophs-donnot obtain own food
pseudopods- Pseudopods form when cytoplasm flows toward one location and the rest of the organism follows. Pseudopods enable sarcodines to move.
contractile vacuole-a structure that collects the extra water and then expels it from the cell.
cilia-hairlike projections from cells that move with a wavelike motion.Ciliates use their cilia to move and obtain food. Cilia act something like tiny oars to move a ciliate. Their movement sweeps food into the organism.
symbiosis-The interaction between these two species is an example of symbiosis (sim bee OH sis)—a close relationship in which at least one of the species benefits
mutualism-When both partners benefit from living together, the relationship is a type of symbiosis called mutualism.
sacrodines-group of protozoans

amoebas use pseudopods to move away from bright light.

Sarcodines also use pseudopods to trap food. The organism extends a pseudopod on each side of the food particle. The two pseudopods then join together, trapping the particle inside.
Paramecia usually reproduce asexually by binary fission.
animal like protists are grouped based on the way they move
Sometimes, however, paramecia reproduce by conjugation. This occurs when two paramecia join together and exchange some of their genetic material.unicellular heterotrophs that move from place to place to obtain food

'''''''''''''Animal-like protists are unicellular; animals are multicellular.
The fourth type of protozoans are characterized more by the way they live than by the way they move

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