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There are buildings, crashed on the floor, surrounding them for more than just miles upon miles. They found each other, while one was in an alleyway. He seemed so tough but broke so easily. He was a bit shorter than him but was way stronger. They met right after what felt like the end of the world. They both had nothing left, except for each other. The nicknames they gave each other seemed scary, but they had a soft meaning behind them. He gave the other boy the nickname Corpse because he was crying over the corpse of his sister. Corpse gave him the nickname of Dream because he had a dream, with him in it, the night before they met. The two decided to stick together and take over one of the last still (somewhat) standing houses left. They didn't have much, but they had each other. They decided to make themselves masks and go around robbing old houses to see if there was anything left. useful or not.
For the most part, this day felt like any other. They woke up, Dream fed his cat, they both shared a pack of crackers leftover from when they ate yesterday. Changed out of their sleeping clothes, grabbed their masks and backpacks, then left. Dream and Corpse came to the conclusion that they should go to the southeast since they hadn't been there in a while.
There was a tall office building that used to stand there. Well, before all the bombs at least. The bottom of the building got destroyed, head-on, but the top floor of the building just fell straight to the floor. Due to the damage, what was left of the building was pretty small because the roofs or floors have caved in. This made it prone to people who needed a break from traveling or staying for a couple of days before realizing how gross and run down it is.
The boys made their way over to the building, to find some quiet chattering. They decided not to speak in case they made a sign of their presence, but use head and eye signals instead. They have done this too many times before and knew exactly which hand and eye signals meant. As they got closer, Dream could make out two voices. One was extremely soft-spoken, the other had a British accent.
A British accent? He thought. How did a British person travel to Florida; especially with the world in this condition?
Corpse looked over at him; it was time. They put on their masks and very quietly climbed through two separate windows, meeting each other in the middle. They followed the voice trail of the other two boys, and they came across a small room that they didn’t recognize. They went inside, careful to be aware of what they were walking into. They stumbled into the room and saw two, smaller scrawny boys sitting on the floor talking. When the boys registered what had just happened, the fear in both their eyes was evident.
The paler of the two boys seemed to be the British one. "He is quite cute," Dream thought lowering his axe slightly. Corpse noticed the other one of the boys; he was slightly taller than him and was extremely soft-spoken. Corpse noticed Dreams' hesitance and agreed that these two were far from something they had to worry about. Corpse had been antisocial and quiet ever since the bombings, except for when him and Dream were alone. What caught Dream off guard, was when Corpse lowered his switchblade and asked the two boys their names.
"Thomas, but please call me Sykuno," said the more soft-spoken one that corpse had his eyes on. Corpse looked over at his partner in crime, but Dreams eyes never left the Brit. "George" he eventually said.
Dream finally managed to cough up the words "Well, what are you guys doing in a shithole like this?"
George responded, "I dunno, nowhere else to go since our town got bombed I guess. We were the last two survivors."
Corpse spoke up this time "how did you guys survive?"
"I guess it was the universe playing some kind of cruel trick on me."
To Dream, it sounded a lot like George didn't want to be alive and even barely knowing him, it worried him a bit.
"Corpse, can I talk to you for a second?"
Corpse turned towards the blonde in response, as Dream grabbed his elbow and pulled him away.
"They seem nice, I don't really want to kill them, let alone rob them"
a simple "same" was Corpse's reply
"Should we invite them to stay with us?" Dream asked hesitantly
Corpse was taken aback by the question, Dream had never shown any sort of feelings similar to this before.
"it's your house, so if that's what you see fit, then feel free."
Dream appreciated the response, he didn't know what to expect when he asked the question, but it wasn't that.
He nodded and Corpse followed him back to where the boys were.
"This is a very rare occasion, but pack your things."
"um why," George asked
"you're coming to stay with us, it's better than whatever this is anyways."
George appreciated the invitation, but the presentation of it was something far from welcoming. The tall blonde made it sound like more of a demand than a question and George didn't appreciate that as much.
The four boys knew it was going to take some getting used to, but they would all warm up to each other eventually. Dream and Corpse knew each other extremely well, and the other boys seemed to be close.
The boys all walked back to where Dream and Corpse stayed in a semi-comfortable silence.
The crunching of glass and other debris under their feet increased as they got nearer to the house that would now be shared between the four. Dream opened the door, shutting it once everyone got in, and Corpse showed them the Kitchen, which was a room on the right with a couple of cabinets and a large cooler. then to the living room, which corpse and dream slept in. They would nomally take turns switching from the small-ish mattress on the floor and what was left of a large couch.
The smaller and frailer boys, George and Sykuno, slept on the same mattress together in their old bunker type thing. "Once we get settled in, could we go grab the mattress George and I shared so that we aren't taking all your things?"
Corpse and Dream looked at each other before Dream spoke, "You guys get settled quickly, Corpse and I will run down to the place and grab it. We are stronger and quicker, especially the both of us together. Just don't do anything stupid or that you two will regret."
The two frail boys nodded and went immediately to putting the food that they had into the cabinets, and the cooler.
On the not-to-long walk back to where they met the boys, Dream and Corpse had a small discussion.
"They can't be too much trouble, we can use them to make sure we don't get robbed while we go out and raid other places." Corpse suggested.
"Thats exactly what I had in mind Corpse." Dream kind of half-lied.
This wasn't the initial plan that Dream had in mind, but it definitely worked for all of them.
The boys were too soft and puny to fight. Dream knew that was a fact, but with a couple of good-sized weapons, they would hopefully be the right amount of intimidating.
Even with knowing nothing more than their names, he still didn't want the boys to get hurt.
The sudden and irrational over-protectiveness that suddenly came with meeting the two boys caught Dream completely off guard.
The only person that Dream has ever showed this much care towards, after the bombings of course, was Corpse. It was all so long ago, but something inside him was telling him this was the right thing to do.

~Follow the stars~

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