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How is being old? - Cephalus says it's nice because it's living an honest life and paying his legal dues, so he'll have a good afterlife. Socrates proves this wrong with the Holding Arms argument.
Thrasymachus claims that justice is the advantage of the stronger. Plato replies if a ruler makes a mistake, it might end up not in his favor, despite it being the action of a stronger person.

Glaucon asks if a just life is superior to an unjust life. Glaucon explains that justice is a social contract that everyone agrees on to prevent injustice toward themself. It's a selfish, fearful, and weak rule everyone came up with. Adeimantus, Glaucon's brother, states that justice is a selfish means of having a good afterlife.

Plato makes the analogy of testing a man's eyesight from big to small - he compares the just state to the unjust state, and the just man to the unjust man.
The just state Makes sure that everyone specializes in only one thing. Socrates says that it begins with just farmers, but if they want more luxuries, there needs to be war for land.
Warriors are people who have high spirits and educates them in a specific manner to tame and temper their spirit. The music and literature given to them will certain that they will be full of spirit but maintain temperance, and certain that they do not fear death. Content is censored to make good warriors. The arguments against censorship are: 1.) If lies are found out, it could be more harmful. 2.) Who knows what should and shouldn't be censored? 3.) If you censor something, humans will be more curious about it.
The doctors in the city will not help those who inflict harm upon themselves through overdrinking or overeating. But they will help people like warriors.
The next point in the perfect state is the myth of metals. It's a lie told by the state that people come from the earth and not from parents. This will give them patriotism to the state, and ensure equality in living conditions and such. It also suggests that people are born into different categories that decide their future. This benefits the well-being of the whole state, and although it is controversial to today's ideas, it does suggest an interesting point.
The next point is that there will be no money. Socrates says that they have the best warriors, and their spoils of war will be helpful for dealing with other states. No money, No problem.
The next point is that the city will not expand beyond a certain point so that the rulers can maintain control.
The next point is Selective Procreation. The state will lie that your sexual partner is completely by chance. However, the state will put the desirable people with the desirable people, and also avoid incest.
The next point is that Socrates suggested that men and women are different in nature, but they are both capable of being in power and rule.
The next point is that the people most fit for ruling are True Philosophers. Their rational souls will rule the city, and their desire for truth is great enough to help the state. The one who is most fit to rule is the one who wants to rule the least.
The Tripartite soul is important to mention. Essentially, the soul has three divisions: Reason, Spirit, and Appetitive. Reason corresponds to the true philosophers. Spirit corresponds to the soldiers. Appetitive isn't in this state because we are temperate and moderate people!!!
The idea of good and bad and true and false is explained by Socrates. There are absolute truths, such as mathematics. Observations with the eyes and ears cannot always be true. The Allegory of the Cave shows the painful experience of dark to light as a prisoner escapes the cave. The sun is the giver of light that allows our senses to observe things, and it represents the absolute good. The escapee of the cave, the one in the new light, needs to return to the dark of the cave to rule and help the other prisoners.
This Aristocracy will descend into Timocracy via miscalculation in the birthing of its citizens. A timocracy will be based on honor and pride and represents the ambitious and courageous man. However other virtues and justice will be forgotten.
A timocracy will have gaps in wealth, and will descend into Oligarchy, where those with wealth and property have power. The oligarchical man will only follow his necessary desires because his ultimate goal is now wealth. Although they do practice self-control, they do not practice justice or any other virtue.
The Oligarchy descends into a democracy when the poor overthrow the rich, and freedom is the most prized goal. The democratic man will become a slave to his desires and live in freedom without priorities or self control.
The Democracy descends into a Tyranny because as the entire state is in the havoc of freedom, someone must summon the power to return order. A champion will come along and become Tyrant, and people will begin to dislike him. His ultimate power causes him to become the extreme slave to his desires and commits any crime to quench his thirst. He takes from others and knows no moderation. However, he will begin to fear those around him, effectively limiting his own freedom.

Socrates goes in-depth to explain that there are three main virtues:
1.) Wisdom and Reason
2.) Honor
3.) Sensational Desires
Sensational Desires are least joyful because they are attached to pain, and are only joyful when not taken for granted. Thus, the tyrant, who has the power to do what he wants, will never feel the pain, and since his desires will always be satisfied, he will never experience any joy.
Thus, the Just man is happier than the Unjust man. The true philosopher knows this best because he's experienced all three virtues.
Justice is defined as people minding their own goddamn business because that is the rule that kept the just state together - the idea that if select one path, it is for the better of everyone, including yourself.
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