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Outside the Baker family home, the neighbors go on with their lives.
An elderly couple is taking care of the award-winning garden while the cat takes a nap. A group of children play hockey in the middle of the street. A young couple talk while warming up for the run. A teenager washes his parents' car in an attempt to please them enough to earn a monthly allowance.
But, even though the world continues to move at its own organic rhythm as usual, the time were moving so slowly inside that it seems to have been deactivated.
The responsible for this feat appeared beside the bathtub where Hannah Baker finds herself between life and death. The mysterious figure projected herself spiritually, having been attracted to that odd place. She can hear the female body function working in emergency mode. Every organ fights on Hannah's behalf. Commanded by the brain, they all are chemically united for the sake of life: the life of the young woman and children that one day the published writer she wants to become might want to bring into the world she is renouncing. Haein realizes the moment when the heart begins to lower the sword on the battlefield into which the tiny body has become.
In one limb there is the presence of crude refinement bordering on the unexpected perfection absent in the other arm due to impaired motor coordination. It was evident to Hain, the girl had researched the appropriate technique thoroughly and practiced it countless times as soon as the suicidal seed started to germinate in her mind. The costume chosen for the occasion only confirmed the obvious. It was so wide that no fiber could even think of daring to stop the speed with which the blood gushes out of the body. The water was freezing; if hot, it would stimulate clotting, and that would be extremely inconvenient for her purpose.There was no trace of the stolen anticoagulant medication consumed on the way to the bathroom. She recently adhered to a diet rich in anticoagulant foods as well. Still beside the bathtub, empty eyes stare at the tallest woman without actually seeing her. She is invisible and untraceable to human and supernatural senses at that moment. The crimson water in the bathtub overflows as expected, advancing rapidly. The girl's reality mirrors the way she has been feeling since the event: an island.
The Haein's enigmatic and penetrating emerald orbs scaned the girl as she intuitively informs and guides her. She used balsamic properties in her words; in contact with such restorative properties, the Hannah Baker's spirit seems to feel closer to lucidity, the chaos installed in her mind is interrupted and the pain eased considerably. However, it is up to the listener to extend or shorten the effects."You must desire to live with every fiber of your being to return to your body, Hannah. I can act without your consent, but the fact that I can does not give me the right to do so. That right is entirely yours. This bathroom will be your grave only if you want it to be. Is this your truly desire?”. Haein's deep, velvety, husky voice broken the silence that lay over the room like a shroud.

Meanwhile, Hannah’s spirit wanders aimlessly through the house, unaware of himself. Tears well up abundantly, it seems to burn his retina like acid. Screeching screams scratch his throat like a razor, announcing the excruciating pain felt uninterruptedly by the cuts inflicted to his body. Haein can hear the inquiring murmurs his bloody confused state. As a spirit, she reliving all the events that culminated in her suicide.
The girl's mental body finally gains access to the spiritual; but the reality hits like a bullet piercing the lungs. "It wasn't supposed to happen that way."
Haein's presence is finally noticed. The watery eyes filled with apathy ask a silent question: "Who are you?". Asked Hannah."One answer for another." Haein replied in her mind with a crooked smile escorted the answer. "No," Hannah said quickly, finally. Oh, there is clarity again. After all, her desire was never based on the end of her own life, and Haein knew that.

She floated the small distance between the spirit and her. The face was close to that of the girl whose lips open wide enough, allowing a kind of mystical vapor to be drawn out, carried to Haein’s mouth which starts to consume all the emotions that muddy Hannah entirely. It is dense, in different colors and tones: however, all have a disgusting aspect, if negative so, always stained with filth. The older ones are dusty and covered in mold and those with more pernicious origins are sticky. Haein then sucks on the acrid mixture whose flavors would make a wild stomach turn over and over again. Negative emotions and feelings have smells and tastes similar to organic waste; urine, vomiting; organisms in very advanced stages of decomposition, among other ‘relishes’ and ‘delightful’ treats. Positive emotions on the other hand, taste ridiculously good. And it is these positive emotions that Haein blows back, after having converted them.

Eleven hours later, Hannah will open her eyes and find herself in the city morgue. She will feel hungry and thirsty. Pain will be absent. From the cuts on her wrists there will be scars but no sequel The Hannah's survival will be kept in complete secrecy with the right to a confidentiality agreement. She will enter the witness protection program with her mother; the father will need to stay on the town. Hannah will not remember Haein or the experience outside the body; but she will feel more emotionally stable to take the first step towards her healing journey away from her thirteen whys.

[...] Everything was fine until Clay lured her into the Mirror Maze. Inside, the boy disappeared, leaving her alone and surrounded by distorted reflections that suddenly took on the appearance of twelve of her whys. They melted completely and in the state of a thick, shiny black liquid that smelled strongly of death. They out of the mirror, merging like a lake of pitch at her feet. Hannah recoiled in distress until she felt the cool surface of a mirror located behind her. The liquids dispersed and organized in small pools. They rose from the ground, beginning a macabre dance around Hannah, who was looking at everything terrified without being able to move a muscle.
Nefarious forms were taken by them, who began to chant false accusations towards the girl, as they tried to touch her.

The air was electrified, time dragged on for a small fraction of eternity, each second felt like a piece of infinity. One by one the figures began to be pulled back into the mirrors by the same pair of arms.
Haein appeared in front of Hannah; but as if stricken with facial blindness, she can never see her face, even though recognizes Haein through the familiar and strange feeling of being able to trust her completely. This fact intrigues Hannah tremendously; not being able to know her face or at least remember her voice when she wakes up. When Hannah realizes she is sitting on top of a Ferris Wheel, outside the colorful cabins, seeing the moon bathing in silver all over the place. Haein is beside her. "Uhm, thanks for that". Hannah breaks the comfortable silence that has settled between them. "You are welcome". Hannah knows that Haein is smiling when she says the words, Hannah recognizes her crooked smile. "If you need me, remember that I am a thought away from you".
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