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hello daily. today is Thursday . And my mom loves to go to Sunday every Thursday. He said I should come too because he said I would help him. I went with him too. We went close to 10 o'clock in the morning. the weather was cold . we spent a very long time in the market. My mother said, let's go, close to 3 o'clock. meanwhile it was raining a little. I was really tired when I got home. By the way, when I got home, it was around 4 o'clock. I didn't want to study at all, so I went and rested a bit. After a very long time, I was watching TV while playing on the phone. then I went to bed right after7
Dear Diary . I woke up near noon today. Since today is Friday, there was a Friday prayer. When I woke up, I went and ate something, and after a while I made ablution. And I went towards the mosque, it was really cold outside. meanwhile the mosque was very close to our house. I went to the mosque, most of the places were full in the mosque. I just sat down somewhere. I prayed . it was about 2 o'clock when she got home. I watched some TV when I came home. After a while, I started reading my book again. the vast majority of kitanb is finished. By the way, the walking dead book is still not finished. When I finish this book, I will continue with the walikng dead book. We had dinner with my family after a very long time. then most of us watched television. I went to sleep too
hello everyday today I woke up on time again. As soon as I woke up, I washed my face and immediately went to have breakfast. After helping my brother a little, I went and studied my own lesson. After that, I went and stalled with my phone. I watched it on TV, by the way. but I haven't read many books. My day was just like that, I'll go to bed soon
hello daily. I woke up around 9 o'clock today. breakfast was not ready. After a while, when breakfast was ready, I had breakfast. After breakfast, I read the rest of the book I didn't read yesterday. I was going to watch some TV, but my brother came and asked for help and I helped him with his homework. I decided to play with my phone behind it. Of course, when I was playing on the phone, my music was playing in the back. I was actually riding a bike today, but I can't say I had a lot of time. I was a little busy today, but I worked my skin for about 40 minutes before going to bed. then I will sleep soon
Dear Diary . today I woke up like 9 other days. I planned that I would go outside while washing my hand and face. After breakfast I took the bike and went out. but I did not stay outside much, I returned home after about 30 minutes. Because it is not in the people around me that I know very well, this is how my day passes. I came home . I continued reading the book. the book is about to finish. After a long time I went and watched the TV series. I watched TV series after a long time. By the way, the series is about to end. In the evening, I went to bed immediately
Dear Diary. I woke up early today . I did nothing for a while. because my family was not awake yet. After a while, when everyone woke up, we had breakfast. After breakfast I was actually going to read a book, but watching TV was better. I started reading my book a few hours later. I know my book will end. Because when I read it yesterday, there were about 40 or 50 pages left and I said I should finish it today. and after a while I finished.
hello daily. today is wednesday. I tried to wake up early again. As soon as I woke up, I went and washed my face. After a while we had our breakfast. By the way, I am at the beginning of the book I mentioned earlier because, as I said, I was busy reading the other book. by the way, the book has nothing to do with the series. The characters and their properties are not the same as in the series. It was a little boring when I read them, but I say it wasn't that bad anymore. After a while, I decided to memorize words and studied a bit. After lunch I didn't actually work at all because I didn't want to work much. he passed by listening to music and watching television in general. and I'll sleep soon
hello daily. It was a bit tiring today and I knew it was going to be such a tiring day actually. again on a thursday and my mother went to the market again. and I helped him. but actually this time it took a little shorter. So I came home and was able to read a few pages of books at most. but I studied for a long time. my day just passed with un. a little short but tiring. i will sleep now
hello daily. I am not feeling very well today. actually since I woke up I feel like this and my throat hurts. I tried to drink hot things as much as I could. but my throat still hurts. I can not say that I have worked very much. I spent almost the entire day on the phone and television. I did some sports. but despite doing nothing, I feel tired. I did nothing like I said, my day passed like this
hello daily. New Year's Eve is approaching. I can say that some of our neighbors have been preparing for a while. actually, when I say preparation, I am talking about a few ornaments. I feel better today than yesterday. and woke up a little late today. I tried to read a novel. I take care to read the English story. because I know pronunciation is important. In the evening, I watched the news as usual. We had something sweet with the family and will sleep soon
hello daily. today is Sunday . and it is forbidden to go out on this day. actually, I am not someone who goes out much anyway. I play with television and phone almost from morning till night. It's like 1 o'clock in the afternoon so I went and read some English stories. these stories are usually 6 7 year old books, but these are the best books for me to understand. because it's the simplest english. then I decided to watch the news for a very long time. and my day passed like this
hello daily. the curfew was lifted today and today it is monday. I woke up around 9 o'clock and washed my hand and face. I wanted to listen to some music in the morning. I listened to music for a while and then went and studied. I struggled to memorize words in general. because memorizing words is very important for speaking. I worked for a long time. I haven't read any books today. I was tired. After browsing social media for a while, I decided to sleep
hello daily. today is the 22nd of the month. I woke up early and wanted to watch some videos on youtube. sometimes i watch "özer" teacher to practice english. I continued to watch videos on youtube for a very long time. After a while, I ate something and went out. By the way, my sore throat for days passed. actually I was never writing in a diary. because I've been better for a while. By the way, when I got home again, I went to the television and never got up. I really sat for hours. finally i went to sleep
hello daily I don't know exactly what time I am in the morning today. But as soon as I got up, paint caught my eye. So I went in the morning and made a few pictures, it took a while. Anyway, I was going to have my breakfast later, but there was no bread. I usually go to buy bread. I went in 5 minutes and immediately had breakfast. After a while, my brother came and asked me a few questions about his lessons. in general, my day always passes like this. then I read some books. this did not take long. I grabbed my phone and went online for a long time and my day was like that.
hello daily. I had breakfast immediately when I woke up today because I usually wake up early but I didn't wake up very early today. After a while I started playing games on the phone. I thought I would play for a short while, but I played for about 2 or 3 hours. this is the same game I played on my computer. I studied a little later but never read a book. I tried to memorize. my day passed briefly like this
Dear Diary . today is the 25th of the month. There is less than a week left for Christmas. but nothing has changed for me. I did the same things when I woke up today. I wanted to go out later. When my brother wanted to come, we took him with me and went out a little. but we did not want to stay outside for long because it is a virus When I got home I sat down and read a novel for a while I did not study at all this time. now I have to organize somehow. the rest of the day was spent with television and phone again. By the way, I cut my nails
Dear Diary . When I woke up today, I immediately started reading books. Of course, I was a little distracted with the phone. I'm about halfway through my book. If you are reading here, I recommend you, my teacher. I can say it is a fluent book. after a while I went and watched TV, but I still had a phone in my hand and I was watching some TV series on TV. I generally do this. I watched a little today and then went and worked. I wanted to study grammar in general. I worked for a while. I left when I was tired
hello daily. Today it is forbidden to go out on Sundays and today. Actually, if it wasn't forbidden, I would go to the barber. But it's okay, I'll go to the barber tomorrow.
I evaluated the ban and started studying. then I read the book right after.
I can not say that I watch too much television. but I used my phone too much. in general my days passed like this

Dear Diary . I will go to the barbershop today. Since the barber is very far from home, I have to go to the midyat side with my father in the morning. because actually I do not go to the barbers here. I went to the barber. I stayed in the midyat for a while and toured for a while. then I went home. I took the city bus because the house was far away. When I got home, it was a lot and I was very tired too. I have never worked . after a long time I went to sleep

hello daily. today is tuesday. There are 2 days per year. When I woke up, I changed my clothes and went outside. There had been some changes outside, of course, a few shops had written 2021 on their doors. I came home after spending some time outside. I wasn't really hungry, but I ate some food. then I went into the room to watch TV. I watched TV for a while. I didn't do much after watching TV. I did not study in the lesson. I went and watched some videos on youtube. and I'll sleep soon
hello daily. Today is Wednesday and tomorrow will be New Year's Eve. I changed my clothes again as yesterday. But when I was going out, I saw that it was very cold and I decided not to go out. I took over the TV at home. I've learned that going out on New Year's Eve is forbidden. After a while I went and tried to memorize some words. then I did not do much. then I got into my phone again. I spent a long time on social media. Again recently I watched a few videos on youtube and will sleep soon
hello daily. today is the last day of the year. but it doesn't mean much to us. I mean, at least, no changes were made in our biizm house. I am writing this diary right now in the evening. Soon we will hear fireworks. Other than that, I did not go out during the day. and I think there was a curfew. I sat at home all day too. other than that, I cannot say that I have studied or read a lot. My family is watching something on TV now, but now it's late. I will sleep soon
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