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Glycolysis Process:
- Occurs in Cytoplasm
- Glucose Molecule; 6 Carbons
- Split in half by Glycolysis makes two pyruvate molecules; 3 carbons
- Happened in absence of oxygen; anaerobic, net payoff of two ATPS; 2 ATPS used, 4 created.
- Further produced two NADHs
-Preparation for Kreb Cycle
- Takes place in inner membrane; inner space of Mitochondria
- Pyruvates gets oxidized, releases CO2
- Happens twice for every glucose
- Called "Pyruvate Oxidation", gets rid of a carbon, becomes a Acetyl coA (2 Carbon Compound)
- Reduces some NAD+ to NADH, gives Citric Acid
- Acetyl coA is catalyzed by enzymes, merges with a oxaloacetic acid; 4 carbon molecule
- coA and oxaloacetic acid react with each other, form citrate; citric acid
- Citric Acid is a 6 Carbon Molecule
- Citric Acid then oxidized, 2 Carbons cleaved off, becomes CO2
- When Citric Acid turns back to oxaloacetic acid, it turns NAD+ to NADH.
-Creates more ATP
- FAD becomes FADH2
- FADH2 helps in Electron Transport Chain, These get oxidized or they lose their hydrogens in the chain where the bulk of the ATP Is actually produced

10 NADH - makes 30 ATP
2 FADH2 - Turns back into FAD after oxidized, Turns into 4 ATP
Become Reactants of the next Electron Chain
Every NADH in the Electron Transport Chain produces three ATPs
Creates 38 ATP in all

Proteins break down into Acetyl coA and cycle begins
Fats (broken down into Glucose) to then enter Krebs Cycle
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