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-things are named Equivocally when they have the same name but a different definition. a real man and a man in a painting can both be named 'animal' but have different meanings, because a figure in a painting isn't a live i guess.
-things are named Univocally when they have they have the same name and a different definition. both a man and an ox are 'animal' and share the definition of being an animal.
-things are named Derivitavely when their name is derived from a different name. 'grammarian' is a name derived from grammar.

-forms of speech are either simple or composite.
composite speech: 'the man runs' 'the man wins'
simple speech: 'man' 'ox' 'runs' 'wins'

-to be Present In a subject is to be incapable of existing without the subject. for example, in "This horse is white", the white parts of the horse are classified under the color white. the white parts are Present In the horse - without a horse to exist on, the white part cannot exist.
-to be Predicable of a subject is to be an overarching category in which the subject is in. for example, 'human' is predicable of an individual man.

-some things are Predicable of a subject but are NOT Present In a subject. For example, 'human' is predicable of an individual man (like how 'rectangle' is predicable of a square), but is never present in the individual man (the classification of 'human' can exist without a certain person)
-some things are Predicable of a subject AND Present In a subject. For example, the "white" in "The white unicorn" is predicable of a unicorn, but cannot exist without the unicorn, like how color needs a surface to exist on.
-some things are BOTH predicable of a subject and Present In a subject. For example, 'knowledge' is Present In the human mind (without intelligence there cannot be knowledge) and is Predicable of grammar (grammar is a type of knowledge, like how a square is a type of rectangle).
-some things are NEITHER predicable of a subject nor Present in a subject. for example, the individual man or individual horse do not have different types and exist on their own.

-when one thing is predicable of a predicate, and the predicate is predicable of a subject, the initial two predicates can be predicated of the subject. for example, 'human' is predicated of the individual man, and 'animal' is predicated of 'human'. Thus, the individual man is both 'man' and 'animal'. (parallelograms are the predicate of rectangles, and rectangles are the predicate of squares. Thus, squares are both parallelograms and rectangles).
-if two genera(Categories) are different and Coordinate (of equal level of classification), then their differentiae(defining and differentiating traits) are also different. for example, the genus 'animal' might have the following differentiae: 'winged' 'aquatic' 'with feet' 'two-footed', but these differentiae do not apply the genus 'knowledge' (the species[different kinds] of knowledge aren't distinguished from each other by being 'aquatic' or 'two-footed'.)
-but when one genus is Subordinate to the other, their differentiae are the same. for example, the genus rhombus is subordinate to the genus parallelogram, and they can share differentiae, like the length of sides and measure of angles.

-expression that aren't composite speech can signify: substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, position, state, action, or affection. Examples of each are:
Substance: 'man' 'horse'
Quantity: 'two cubits long' 'three cubits long'
Quality: 'white' 'grammatical'
Relation: 'half' 'double' 'greater'
Place: 'in the museum' 'in a marketplace'
Time: 'last year' 'tomorrow'
Position: 'lying' 'sitting'
State: 'shod' 'armed'
Action: 'to lance' 'to cauterize'
Affection: 'to be lanced' 'to be cauterized'
-None of these are an assertion - assertions must be true or false. Assertions involve combinations of these expressions.

-Primary substances are not Predicable of a subject nor Present In a subject. That is, they cannot be split up into different kinds, and do not require anything to exist. For example, the individual man is a Primary substance.
-Secondary substances are Predicable of a subject. for example, 'human' and 'animal' are secondary substances.
-Both the name and definition of a predicable must be applicable to the subject asdnfosffudnatraosdfo[iasnfaurara piano time
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