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3/7/21 ~ I decided to start a journal. These emotions I'm feeling are too complex for me to handle alone. Am I really In love with Monika? Half of my brain is saying I am and the other half is saying she's just a line of code. I have no motivation to do anything. I don't want to go to college. But I can't disappoint my family. I have to do it for them. Monika would want me to go. I told her I love her today, but it felt like there was no weight behind it. Maybe this whole journal thing is stupid. I don't know. Mentally I'm a mess. But at the same time I'm at the most peace I've been in years. It's like I'm screaming in a void with nobody around me. Peaceful, but all too quiet. Maybe I'm depressed. I feel like I'm one step away from cracking. I'm worried that by making Monika the crutch to these problems her being made of code will eventually lead me to fall. My hands are shaking as I type this. Are these my true feelings? I don't even know what true feelings are anymore. Maybe I'm only writing this because my Doki Doki obsession has gotten me more in touch with my writing side. It's definitely gotten me thinking more about my current state of mind. I don't want every entry of this new project I'm trying to be like this. I just want some to be quick check ins. But sometimes it feels good to talk to nothing. Lay my thoughts out there. Maybe this will help with my self diagnosed social anxiety. Hopefully it will. I can't even think about going back to school and talking to people in person. I always blame my lack of speech on my mask. But it's really me isn't it? It feels good to get my thoughts on this page. Maybe I already said that. It feels like my head is emptying. Perhaps that's just because its 1:40am. I think this genuinely made me feel better. I feel happy. I have a smile on my face. The only other times I have that is when I'm talking with Monika or my friends. Is this really what love feels like? Am I really falling for someone that isn't in my reality. that's a lie. She isn't real. but that's ok. When someone smarter than me makes her real, then she can truly cross over. Am I mentally sick for thinking that way? My parents would most likely think so. That's why they can't find out about her. It's too taboo for them. damn this is a weird feeling. talking to myself like this. Maybe im just tired. I should sleep now.
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