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Nutty/Spicy/Hay-ish tasting ones:
CAP BAVARIAN CREAM: no cream just makes my mixes muddier. as a sft @ %3 its nutty spicy and HAY-like
CAP VANILLA CUSTARD: needs a min 1-2 week steep to taste proper and shitty (Vanilla, spice idk) part gets muted as it steeps

TFA GRAHAM CRACKER CLEAR: TASTES FAINT ON %1 Or below i tried increasing it but it slowly turns into burnt hay as i keep increasing. no off notes @2% after a overnight steep but not noticable just makes my mixes muddier.
TFA MARSHMALLOW AT high percentages (like %6-%8) [i never use this more than %2 but i think this info can really help]

TFA STRAWBERRY CREAM: Straith baby powder.
CAP VBIC: no cream. spicy vanilla(nutty spicy hay-ish) eww idk its really bad i mean unvapable turns into suntan lotion and plastic with a nutty undertone after 2 week

OTHER FLAVORS but usable in specific conditions:
NYCC v1 Cap %3: FAINT and doest resembles anyrthing (empty) as snv after 2 weeks its ok buttery taste with a faint slight crust
NYCC v1 cap %10: Plastic taste along slight malt(beer) taste.
Cheesecake Graham crust TFA: Blurry (still not really crisp and spot on) but kinda full. graham crust with milk butter. resembles a cheesecake waay more than CAP nycc1

Berry Crunch Cereal TFA: Mushroom with slight berry notes @%5 (pretty good mixed fake berry note at %1. if i steep with cap open @ 2.5 its pretty ok too needs to much work to taste good over %2)
CAP GLAZED DOUGHNOT: Yeasty Playdoh @ %3 after 4 weeks note disappears.
TFA COCONUT EXTRA: %1 slight suntan lotion needs to be used max 0.5% i bet there is better coconuts there
TFA POMEGRANETE DELUXE: makes me gag for no reason eww. tastes decent tho.

Fruits (with off notes):
TFA WATERMELON: 40% Rind 60% Watermelon
TFA WATERMELON CANDY: 50% Rind 50% Watermelon,
TFA Kiwi DOUBLE: earthy annoying taste made me gag hard
TFA KEY Lime: no lemon only bitter rind
TFA BLACK CHERRY: off notes are really present needs a 1.5 months of steeping to taste like a cherry

i tried lots of them but they taste HARSH asf and they make me gag for no reason i didnt like any of them thankfully

CAP BLUEBERRY JAM: DOESN'T EVEN RESEMBLE BLUEBERRY 5/10 flavor. steeps into something that tastes little like a blueberry after 2 weeks.
FA ZEPPOLA: Just ok %60 donut %10 Play doh %30 nothing as snv it gets better after 2 weeks but it doesnt resemble FULL and BODIED a donut for me unlike 4 weeks steeped CAP Glazed Doughnut.
FA MERINGUE: needs 1 weeks of steeping to taste vapable: no vanilla just a weird empty taste that doesnt resembles meringue
Strawberry ripe: only strawberry that i can fully taste. i can only taste this one as a snv fully. after it steeps an slight green leafy note pops out.

Extra notes: im a strawberry mute if that helps. only thing i taste in strawberries are the white middle part of the strawberry and the herbal green part no juicy red berry part.
My strawberry blend:
INW shisha strawberry: %1
Red touch fa: %2.5
and this combination needs sweetener too i think

my setup: ghoul rda with single 28*3 fused clapton @60w~

my base:

Flavors that were good:
Tfa banana cream awesome @ any percantage %1.5-3. Vapor smells like cheese @ higher percantages but thats ok.
sweet strawberry capella: i can fully taste this @ %8 even if im a mute. but idk if its worth it even it tastes so awesome.
FW VBIC: Awesome full cream its not spicy, no off notes, really good ice cream, spot on! i love this.
any tobaccos idk lots of tobaccos taste pretty good for me if they arent tobacco deserts
CAP yellow cake: spot on @ %2 light but noticable lemon taste its pretty awesome and spot on after 1 weeks
tfa grape juice: fine needs to be steeped to make it loose its chemical type of taste.but its pretty good as snv
FA forest fruits: nice blueberry raspberry idk its a really good flavor my go is usually %2-3 versatile
TFA bavarian cream DX: true shake and vape awesome
TFA VANILLA CUSTARD: pretty good creaminess
Crunch cereal FW: pretty good plain cereal
TFA blueberry extra: no top notes it doesnt shine but its a MEH blueberry usable as a blueberry note tho.
Apple Pie (CAP): Awesome too mmh
Cinnamon Danish Swirl (CAP): awesome itches my lungs but really good
Double Apple (CAP): meh kinda off apple but ok
TFA dulce de leche: ok for mtl. too heavy even at %0.75
CAPcereal 27: no grain but after steep its an ok cereal not really on your face but noticable at %4.
FA cream fresh: @ %2 low fat processed milk kind of taste lovely as a snv gets pretty good and turns into halfhalf no fat milk after %2 weeks, awesome'
cap sweet cream: cream like taste not really noticable but mroe creamy then cream fresh @ %3 needs min 1 weeks steep to pop up no off notes but not "PRESENT" and "ON MY FACE" like TFA BAVARIAN CREAM
fa vienna cream: just ok for some ice creamy taste @ %0.5-0.75 or even %1 but needs a 1 week steep to mute its chemical type of note

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