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Also, although I speak fluid english, it's still my second language, so I won't have all the vocabulary I need to describe everything BUT ILL TRY MY BEST DSJFH

I started reading this yesterday but it was like 6am so I just read until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, and finished it today. ((LMAO IT'S 5:33AM I HAVE TO SLEEP BUT ALSO I WANNA COMMENT NOW SO THAT I DON'T FORGET THE STUFF I WANNA SAY))

This is honestly one of my favorite fics, your quality of writing is so good, and it's insane how well you write the characters. The dialogues and actions they do seem so fitting for them in the best way possible. One of my pet peeves when reading fics is when the author makes them super ooc, but with this I was literally spamming my friends on discord saying like "HOLY SHIT ITS LITERALLY THEM LOOK THEY'RE FIGHTING OVER STUPID SHIT LIKE PINEAPPLE PIZZA OR SOMETHING" DSJHKF

It only occurred to me like halfway through, but I saved a few quotes I really liked that I wanna point out and talk about

- and George is speaking to him. Sapnap blinks. George is speaking to him.

LIKE, I know this is a pretty simple line, but I just adore the way you wrote it, kinda like it's his thought process. Like he's repeating it to himself as he processes the information, very cool detail :]

- George wanders and rambles, points out places he’s been, stories he has, people’s houses, and Sapnap has very little to contribute, just watches him, comfortable in his babbling out of pure familiarity.

Just sap walking and just enjoying listening to him talk, it's such a calming and sweet scenario. Like the feeling of getting to know a "new side of him", and it becoming familiar. Just so nice

- "Home?"

OK. HOLY SHIT. THIS ONE. THIS PHRASE. When he said something along the lines of "Let's head home after this and go to bed" I literally screeched out loud /pos. I have like three more quotes about this, so I hope I don't sound repetitive in a bit, but george calling it "home" for both of them is so precious and I love everything about it. Sapnap becoming part of his life, y'know?

- George stretches a hand out, “your jacket,” and Sapnap hands it to him, lets him put both it and his own coat up onto hooks by the front door while Sapnap unlaces his shoes.

How their jackets hang together by the door, like saying it's THEIR house, that sap has a place there. As if he's returning home, in a way.
I lost the quote, but that bit where he lists things like an extra toothbrush, a hair tie on george's bed-side table he has no use for but leaves there, the extra clothing, it's that same sense of home. George said "you don't have pyjamas here", implying sapnap will stay a lot more. It's pretty hard to describe it, I've been sat here for a solid 5 minutes trying to find the correct word LMAO
But I mean like, at first it was "stay,,, if you want,,,, idk" and now it's "you are an constant presence in my home" IDK HOW TO SAY IT. Saying he needs pyjamas there is saying he's gonna be sleeping there a lot. I know I'm just stating the obvious but what I love is the thought of him needing clothes FOR george's house being a thing to begin with.

Uh oh its 6am now, damn it not again JKLHSD
Ok I'll go on for a little more and then sleep, pogchamp

I FEEL LIKE I'VE ALREADY SAID THIS A BILLION TIMES BUT. JUST. THE HOMELY VIBES IN THIS WERE SO GOOD. Them waking up, cuddling, then going to make breakfast casually, like it's an everyday thing. Ah, my heart <3. The domestic feel of them just, being around each other at home, cooking meals, casually scrolling twitter while laying in bed, is one of my favorite parts of this. It just being considered the new normal is so sweet and caring, and I love it :]


- “If I get capsaicin on your cock you will not be happy with me.” / “What?” / “Chillies, babe,” George says, and Sapnap stares.

KJLHKFDGJS, THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME. And I really liked how in this chapter they got a lot closer, specifically with pet names and stuff. Like george called sapnap variations "babe" a few times, just CASUALLY, and that's what I love the most. Like not it being something specifically for the lesson, just casually, not even thinking about it, call him babe. KLJHD I LOVE IT

- George’s face softens as his hand draws back slightly, nose wrinkling as he murmurs, “Sorry, that was- sorry. Just, don’t swallow okay?”

OK, THIS BIT. For a few chapters now I've seen george say subtle stuff like "good boy" or "good for me" and stuff like that, but this chapter it was a whole lot more, and it's cool to see how he slowly starts saying more things like that. I don't know specifically what to call it, like it's not condescending or stuff like that, but the bit where he snarled at him, idk what it's called, but you know what I mean. I like that even if that's something he's into, since he wants to be super careful and gentle with sapnap he didn't say anything like it, and when it came out he immediately softened up and apologized. Like I can see this in the future going in that direction, cause during the list thing in the first chapter, sap ticket the sadomasochism box, so I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually got to stuff like that, or maybe it'll be like what george said before: "I know you trust me enough to say yes to this, but I want you to trust me enough to say no.” Idk, either way, I liked how soft and conscious of sapnap george was right there, how slowly throughout the chapters that side of him started to come out, yet he still holds back for sapnap's sake. Also! On that note on the "slowly throughout the chapters", you did a really good job with that! I'm probably looking WAAAY too deep into this, but it was really gradual and didn't seem forced at all. It's not as if in chapter three he was sweet and soft and in chapter 5 all of a sudden rough and cold. KJHDKS IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT THIS IS SO WEIRD TO WRITE JDSHK
But I just think it's really fun to point out how I had noticed it at first a few chapters back, and saw it become more and more each time, idk it's really cool how well you can write character build up like that :D


Oh yeah ok while reading this I made like a note to remind myself to talk about this when commenting. There's no, like, "elegant" way to say it?? Besides "blowjob", but the first blowjob was described so well, it was very well written! I loved how you managed to describe the entire scene of george trying his best to hold back:

- He loves the feeling of making George cling like this, making him struggle not to drag and shove and claim


- Sapnap doesn't think he’s ever heard George moan like this, like not fucking into Sapnap’s mouth is a struggle, like it’s a struggle he’s not sure he’ll win.

George usually seems so held back and in control, so it's great to see you write this scene where he's completely lost control, and all because of sapnap. I just love the concept of george struggling to hold back, you did a great job describing the whole thing I AM REPETITIVE AT THIS POINT BUT IT'S TRUE IT'S A BANGER

One more quote to add to what I've been saying:

- Sapnap takes his time, loves the fact that George keeps trying to draw him closer, deeper, wants more and more, more than Sapnap can give, at least for now. Unpracticed, George had said. Only one cure for that particular flaw. And Sapnap wants to cure it, he really, truly does. If this is what makes George come apart, has him pulling and clinging, gripping Sapnap’s hair and gasping, then Sapnap wants it, wants it as often as possible.



- “We need tissues in here.”

The same thing I had said before, I love how george's house is starting to change/add things to accommodate sapnap being there, since it seems like he's there to stay :D

Dude, this is so good, your writing is seriously so awesome. It's so natural and not forced at all, and the character interactions always seem so genuine and real. And it's so so sweet <3 The majority of this chapter was just them being sweet and helping each other out, and then the romantic dinner and AAA MY HEART. THE CANDLES, THE STRING LIGHTS. But it's so nice to see how their relationship is slowly changing. They haven't said a word about it yet, and I expect it to happen more indirectly then them to have a "what are we to each other" conversation. Those rarely happen irl so I'm glad this is more REALISTIC?????????? IN A WAY????KINDA?? Like this sort of situation wouldn't happen LMAO, but still it seem real and normal. Them slowly moving on from being just friends onto being something more, though they don't know exactly what. I've said this a million times but I'll say it again, this is so sweet :] Like after today's "lesson", george helps sap up to go take a shower after, like such a tiny unimportant detail, but it's so nice.

I am obsessed with how well the story is progressing, not too slow and not rushed at all. The pacing in this is absolutely phenomenal, it's so so good. Plus it's not like they see each other every single day (despite wanting to lmao). Sapnap has school, because that's how life works, so it's nice to see the story work like real life, them having to wait a painful week before meeting up again JKHDGJDS

Oh my god, I did not just use up all 10K characters LMAO I SWEAR IM DONE IT'S 6:43 AM TIME TO SLEEP

YOU ARE SUCH A SKILLED WRITER!! This is such a banger, and I can't wait to see what you do with this in the future :D (ALSO I AM SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG COMMENT, I JUST HAD TO SAY EVERYTHING I LIKED SLHDJF)
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