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# What type of database do you want to use?
backend: MYSQL
# Enable the database caching system, should be disabled on bungeecord environments
# or when a website integration is being used.
caching: true
# Database host address
# Database port
mySQLPort: '3306'
# Connect to MySQL database over SSL
mySQLUseSSL: false
# Verification of server's certificate.
# We would not recommend to set this option to false.
# Set this option to false at your own risk if and only if you know what you're doing
mySQLCheckServerCertificate: true
# Username to connect to the MySQL database
mySQLUsername: neonnetwork
# Password to connect to the MySQL database
mySQLPassword: '33PXuQB8'
# Database Name, use with converters or as SQLITE database name
mySQLDatabase: neonnetwork
# Table of the database
mySQLTablename: uyeler
# Column of IDs to sort data
mySQLColumnId: uye_id
# Column for storing or checking players nickname
mySQLColumnName: uye_kadi
# Column for storing or checking players RealName
mySQLRealName: adsoyad
# Column for storing players passwords
mySQLColumnPassword: uye_sifre_sha256
# Column for storing players passwords salts
mySQLColumnSalt: ''
# Column for storing players emails
mySQLColumnEmail: uye_email
# Column for storing if a player is logged in or not
mySQLColumnLogged: uye_oyunda
# Column for storing if a player has a valid session or not
mySQLColumnHasSession: hasSession
# Column for storing a player's TOTP key (for two-factor authentication)
mySQLtotpKey: totp
# Column for storing the player's last IP
mySQLColumnIp: uye_ip
# Column for storing players lastlogins
mySQLColumnLastLogin: son_giris
# Column storing the registration date
mySQLColumnRegisterDate: regdate
# Column for storing the IP address at the time of registration
mySQLColumnRegisterIp: regip
# Column for storing player LastLocation - X
mySQLlastlocX: x
# Column for storing player LastLocation - Y
mySQLlastlocY: y
# Column for storing player LastLocation - Z
mySQLlastlocZ: z
# Column for storing player LastLocation - World Name
mySQLlastlocWorld: world
# Column for storing player LastLocation - Yaw
mySQLlastlocYaw: yaw
# Column for storing player LastLocation - Pitch
mySQLlastlocPitch: pitch
# Column for storing players uuids (optional)
mySQLPlayerUUID: ''
# Overrides the size of the DB Connection Pool, default = 10
poolSize: 10
# The maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool, default = 1800 seconds
# You should set this at least 30 seconds less than mysql server wait_timeout
maxLifetime: 1800
# Column for storing players groups
mySQLColumnGroup: ''
# -1 means disabled. If you want that only activated players
# can log into your server, you can set here the group number
# of unactivated users, needed for some forum/CMS support
nonActivedUserGroup: -1
# Other MySQL columns where we need to put the username (case-sensitive)
mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: []
# How much log2 rounds needed in BCrypt (do not change if you do not know what it does)
bCryptLog2Round: 10
# phpBB table prefix defined during the phpBB installation process
phpbbTablePrefix: phpbb_
# phpBB activated group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by phpBB
phpbbActivatedGroupId: 2
# IP Board table prefix defined during the IP Board installation process
IPBTablePrefix: ipb_
# IP Board default group ID; 3 is the default registered group defined by IP Board
IPBActivatedGroupId: 3
# Xenforo table prefix defined during the Xenforo installation process
XFTablePrefix: xf_
# XenForo default group ID; 2 is the default registered group defined by Xenforo
XFActivatedGroupId: 2
# Wordpress prefix defined during WordPress installation
wordpressTablePrefix: wp_
# Do you want to enable the session feature?
# If enabled, when a player authenticates successfully,
# his IP and his nickname is saved.
# The next time the player joins the server, if his IP
# is the same as last time and the timeout hasn't
# expired, he will not need to authenticate.
enabled: false
# After how many minutes should a session expire?
# A player's session ends after the timeout or if his IP has changed
timeout: 10
# Message language, available languages:
messagesLanguage: en
# Forces authme to hook into Vault instead of a specific permission handler system.
forceVaultHook: false
# Log level: INFO, FINE, DEBUG. Use INFO for general messages,
# FINE for some additional detailed ones (like password failed),
# and DEBUG for debugging
logLevel: FINE
# By default we schedule async tasks when talking to the database. If you want
# typical communication with the database to happen synchronously, set this to false
useAsyncTasks: true
# The name of the server, used in some placeholders.
serverName: Your Minecraft Server
# Can not authenticated players chat?
# Keep in mind that this feature also blocks all commands not
# listed in the list below.
allowChat: false
# Hide the chat log from players who are not authenticated?
hideChat: false
# Allowed commands for unauthenticated players
- /login
- /register
- /l
- /reg
- /email
- /captcha
- /2fa
- /totp
# Max number of allowed registrations per IP
# The value 0 means an unlimited number of registrations!
maxRegPerIp: 1
# Minimum allowed username length
minNicknameLength: 3
# Maximum allowed username length
maxNicknameLength: 16
# When this setting is enabled, online players can't be kicked out
# due to "Logged in from another Location"
# This setting will prevent potential security exploits.
ForceSingleSession: true
# If enabled, every player that spawn in one of the world listed in
# "ForceSpawnLocOnJoin.worlds" will be teleported to the spawnpoint after successful
# authentication. The quit location of the player will be overwritten.
# This is different from "teleportUnAuthedToSpawn" that teleport player
# to the spawnpoint on join.
enabled: false
# WorldNames where we need to force the spawn location
# Case-sensitive!
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# This option will save the quit location of the players.
SaveQuitLocation: false
# To activate the restricted user feature you need
# to enable this option and configure the AllowedRestrictedUser field.
AllowRestrictedUser: false
# The restricted user feature will kick players listed below
# if they don't match the defined IP address. Names are case-insensitive.
# You can use * as wildcard (127.0.0.*), or regex with a "regex:" prefix regex:127.0.0..*
# Example:
# AllowedRestrictedUser:
# - playername;
# - playername;regex:127.0.0..*
AllowedRestrictedUser: []
# Ban unknown IPs trying to log in with a restricted username?
banUnsafedIP: false
# Should unregistered players be kicked immediately?
kickNonRegistered: false
# Should players be kicked on wrong password?
kickOnWrongPassword: true
# Should not logged in players be teleported to the spawn?
# After the authentication they will be teleported back to
# their normal position.
teleportUnAuthedToSpawn: false
# Can unregistered players walk around?
allowMovement: false
# After how many seconds should players who fail to login or register
# be kicked? Set to 0 to disable.
timeout: 30
# Regex pattern of allowed characters in the player name.
allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
# How far can unregistered players walk?
# Set to 0 for unlimited radius
allowedMovementRadius: 100
# Should we protect the player inventory before logging in? Requires ProtocolLib.
ProtectInventoryBeforeLogIn: true
# Should we deny the tabcomplete feature before logging in? Requires ProtocolLib.
DenyTabCompleteBeforeLogin: false
# Should we display all other accounts from a player when he joins?
# permission: /authme.admin.accounts
displayOtherAccounts: true
# Spawn priority; values: authme, essentials, cmi, multiverse, default
spawnPriority: authme,essentials,cmi,multiverse,default
# Maximum Login authorized by IP
maxLoginPerIp: 0
# Maximum Join authorized by IP
maxJoinPerIp: 0
# AuthMe will NEVER teleport players if set to true!
noTeleport: false
# Regex syntax for allowed chars in passwords. The default [!-~] allows all visible ASCII
# characters, which is what we recommend. See also
# You can test your regex with
allowedPasswordCharacters: '[!-~]*'
# Force survival gamemode when player joins?
ForceSurvivalMode: false
# Below you can list all account names that AuthMe will ignore
# for registration or login. Configure it at your own risk!!
# This option adds compatibility with BuildCraft and some other mods.
# It is case-insensitive! Example:
# UnrestrictedName:
# - 'npcPlayer'
# - 'npcPlayer2'
UnrestrictedName: []
# Below you can list all inventories names that AuthMe will ignore
# for registration or login. Configure it at your own risk!!
# This option adds compatibility with some mods.
# It is case-insensitive! Example:
# UnrestrictedInventories:
# - 'myCustomInventory1'
# - 'myCustomInventory2'
UnrestrictedInventories: []
# Minimum length of password
minPasswordLength: 5
# Maximum length of password
passwordMaxLength: 30
# Possible values: SHA256, BCRYPT, BCRYPT2Y, PBKDF2, SALTEDSHA512,
# PBKDF2DJANGO, WORDPRESS, ROYALAUTH, ARGON2, CUSTOM (for developers only). See full list at
# If you use ARGON2, check that you have the argon2 c library on your system
passwordHash: SHA256
# If a password check fails, AuthMe will also try to check with the following hash methods.
# Use this setting when you change from one hash method to another.
# AuthMe will update the password to the new hash. Example:
# legacyHashes:
# - 'SHA1'
legacyHashes: []
# Salt length for the SALTED2MD5 MD5(MD5(password)+salt)
doubleMD5SaltLength: 8
# Number of rounds to use if passwordHash is set to PBKDF2. Default is 10000
pbkdf2Rounds: 10000
# Prevent unsafe passwords from being used; put them in lowercase!
# You should always set 'help' as unsafePassword due to possible conflicts.
# unsafePasswords:
# - '123456'
# - 'password'
# - 'help'
- '123456'
- password
- qwerty
- '12345'
- '54321'
- '123456789'
- help
# Enable registration on the server?
enabled: true
# Send every X seconds a message to a player to
# remind him that he has to login/register
messageInterval: 5
# Only registered and logged in players can play.
# See restrictions for exceptions
force: true
# Type of registration: PASSWORD or EMAIL
# PASSWORD = account is registered with a password supplied by the user;
# EMAIL = password is generated and sent to the email provided by the user.
# More info at
# Second argument the /register command should take: NONE = no 2nd argument
# CONFIRMATION = must repeat first argument (pass or email)
# EMAIL_OPTIONAL = for password register: 2nd argument can be empty or have email address
# EMAIL_MANDATORY = for password register: 2nd argument MUST be an email address
# Do we force kick a player after a successful registration?
# Do not use with login feature below
forceKickAfterRegister: false
# Does AuthMe need to enforce a /login after a successful registration?
forceLoginAfterRegister: false
# Enable to display the welcome message (welcome.txt) after a login
# You can use colors in this welcome.txt + some replaced strings:
# {PLAYER}: player name, {ONLINE}: display number of online players,
# {MAXPLAYERS}: display server slots, {IP}: player ip, {LOGINS}: number of players logged,
# {WORLD}: player current world, {SERVER}: server name
# {VERSION}: get current bukkit version, {COUNTRY}: player country
useWelcomeMessage: true
# Broadcast the welcome message to the server or only to the player?
# set true for server or false for player
broadcastWelcomeMessage: false
# Should we delay the join message and display it once the player has logged in?
delayJoinMessage: false
# The custom join message that will be sent after a successful login,
# keep empty to use the original one.
# Available variables:
# {PLAYERNAME}: the player name (no colors)
# {DISPLAYNAME}: the player display name (with colors)
# {DISPLAYNAMENOCOLOR}: the player display name (without colors)
customJoinMessage: ''
# Should we remove the leave messages of unlogged users?
removeUnloggedLeaveMessage: false
# Should we remove join messages altogether?
removeJoinMessage: false
# Should we remove leave messages altogether?
removeLeaveMessage: false
# Do we need to add potion effect Blinding before login/register?
applyBlindEffect: false
# Do we need to prevent people to login with another case?
# If Xephi is registered, then Xephi can login, but not XEPHI/xephi/XePhI
preventOtherCase: true
# Enables switching a player to defined permission groups before they log in.
# See below for a detailed explanation.
enablePermissionCheck: false
# This is a very important option: if a registered player joins the server
# AuthMe will switch him to unLoggedInGroup. This should prevent all major exploits.
# You can set up your permission plugin with this special group to have no permissions,
# or only permission to chat (or permission to send private messages etc.).
# The better way is to set up this group with few permissions, so if a player
# tries to exploit an account they can do only what you've defined for the group.
# After login, the player will be moved to his correct permissions group!
# Please note that the group name is case-sensitive, so 'admin' is different from 'Admin'
# Otherwise your group will be wiped and the player will join in the default group []!
# Example: registeredPlayerGroup: 'NotLogged'
registeredPlayerGroup: ''
# Similar to above, unregistered players can be set to the following
# permissions group
unregisteredPlayerGroup: ''
# Email SMTP server host
# Email SMTP server port
mailPort: 465
# Only affects port 25: enable TLS/STARTTLS?
useTls: true
# Email account which sends the mails
mailAccount: ''
# Email account password
mailPassword: ''
# Email address, fill when mailAccount is not the email address of the account
mailAddress: ''
# Custom sender name, replacing the mailAccount name in the email
mailSenderName: ''
# Recovery password length
RecoveryPasswordLength: 8
# Mail Subject
mailSubject: Your new AuthMe password
# Like maxRegPerIP but with email
maxRegPerEmail: 1
# Recall players to add an email?
recallPlayers: false
# Delay in minute for the recall scheduler
delayRecall: 5
# Blacklist these domains for emails
# Whitelist ONLY these domains for emails
emailWhitelisted: []
# Send the new password drawn in an image?
generateImage: false
# The OAuth2 token
emailOauth2Token: ''
# Do we need to hook with multiverse for spawn checking?
multiverse: true
# Do we need to hook with BungeeCord?
bungeecord: false
# Send player to this BungeeCord server after register/login
sendPlayerTo: ''
# Do we need to disable Essentials SocialSpy on join?
disableSocialSpy: false
# Do we need to force /motd Essentials command on join?
useEssentialsMotd: false
# Enable some servers protection (country based login, antibot)
enableProtection: false
# Apply the protection also to registered usernames
enableProtectionRegistered: true
# The MaxMind clientId used to download the GeoIp database,
# get one at
# The EssentialsX project has a very useful tutorial on how to generate
# the license key:
clientId: ''
# The MaxMind licenseKey used to download the GeoIp database.
licenseKey: ''
# Countries allowed to join the server and register. For country codes, see
# Use "LOCALHOST" for local addresses.
- US
- GB
# Countries not allowed to join the server and register
- A1
# Do we need to enable automatic antibot system?
enableAntiBot: true
# The interval in seconds
antiBotInterval: 5
# Max number of players allowed to login in the interval
# before the AntiBot system is enabled automatically
antiBotSensibility: 10
# Duration in minutes of the antibot automatic system
antiBotDuration: 10
# Delay in seconds before the antibot activation
antiBotDelay: 60
# Kicks the player that issued a command before the defined time after the join process
denyCommandsBeforeMilliseconds: 1000
# If enabled, AuthMe automatically purges old, unused accounts
useAutoPurge: false
# Number of days after which an account should be purged
daysBeforeRemovePlayer: 60
# Do we need to remove the player.dat file during purge process?
removePlayerDat: false
# Do we need to remove the Essentials/userdata/player.yml file during purge process?
removeEssentialsFile: false
# World in which the players.dat are stored
defaultWorld: world
# Remove LimitedCreative/inventories/player.yml, player_creative.yml files during purge?
removeLimitedCreativesInventories: false
# Do we need to remove the AntiXRayData/PlayerData/player file during purge process?
removeAntiXRayFile: false
# Do we need to remove permissions?
removePermissions: false
# Stop the server if we can't contact the sql database
# Take care with this, if you set this to false,
# AuthMe will automatically disable and the server won't be protected!
stopServer: true
# Copy AuthMe log output in a separate file as well?
logConsole: true
# Enable captcha when a player uses wrong password too many times
useCaptcha: false
# Max allowed tries before a captcha is required
maxLoginTry: 5
# Captcha length
captchaLength: 5
# Minutes after which login attempts count is reset for a player
captchaCountReset: 60
# Require captcha before a player may register?
requireForRegistration: false
# Tempban a user's IP address if they enter the wrong password too many times
enableTempban: false
# How many times a user can attempt to login before their IP being tempbanned
maxLoginTries: 10
# The length of time a IP address will be tempbanned in minutes
# Default: 480 minutes, or 8 hours
tempbanLength: 480
# How many minutes before resetting the count for failed logins by IP and username
# Default: 480 minutes (8 hours)
minutesBeforeCounterReset: 480
# The command to execute instead of using the internal ban system, empty if disabled.
# Available placeholders: %player%, %ip%
customCommand: ''
# Number of characters a recovery code should have (0 to disable)
length: 8
# How many hours is a recovery code valid for?
validForHours: 4
# Max number of tries to enter recovery code
maxTries: 3
# How long a player has after password recovery to change their password
# without logging in. This is in minutes.
# Default: 2 minutes
passwordChangeTimeout: 2
# Seconds a user has to wait for before a password recovery mail may be sent again
# This prevents an attacker from abusing AuthMe's email feature.
cooldown: 60
# The mail shown using /email show will be partially hidden
# E.g. (if enabled)
# original email: [email protected]
# hidden email: my.***@***
enableEmailMasking: false
# Minutes after which a verification code will expire
verificationCodeExpiration: 10
# Before a user logs in, various properties are temporarily removed from the player,
# such as OP status, ability to fly, and walk/fly speed.
# Once the user is logged in, we add back the properties we previously saved.
# In this section, you may define how these properties should be handled.
# Besides storing the data in memory, you can define if/how the data should be persisted
# on disk. This is useful in case of a server crash, so next time the server starts we can
# properly restore things like OP status, ability to fly, and walk/fly speed.
# DISABLED: no disk storage,
# INDIVIDUAL_FILES: each player data in its own file,
# DISTRIBUTED_FILES: distributes players into different files based on their UUID, see below
# This setting only affects DISTRIBUTED_FILES persistence. The distributed file
# persistence attempts to reduce the number of files by distributing players into various
# buckets based on their UUID. This setting defines into how many files the players should
# be distributed. Possible values: ONE, FOUR, EIGHT, SIXTEEN, THIRTY_TWO, SIXTY_FOUR,
# ONE_TWENTY for 128, TWO_FIFTY for 256.
# For example, if you expect 100 non-logged in players, setting to SIXTEEN will average
# 6.25 players per file (100 / 16).
# Note: if you change this setting all data will be migrated. If you have a lot of data,
# change this setting only on server restart, not with /authme reload.
distributionSize: SIXTEEN
# Whether the player is allowed to fly: RESTORE, ENABLE, DISABLE, NOTHING.
# RESTORE sets back the old property from the player. NOTHING will prevent AuthMe
# from modifying the 'allow flight' property on the player.
restoreAllowFlight: RESTORE
# RESTORE: restore the speed the player had;
# DEFAULT: always set to default speed;
# MAX_RESTORE: take the maximum of the player's current speed and the previous one
# RESTORE_NO_ZERO: Like 'restore' but sets speed to default if the player's speed was 0
restoreFlySpeed: RESTORE_NO_ZERO
# See above for a description of the values.
restoreWalkSpeed: RESTORE_NO_ZERO
# General configuration for backups: if false, no backups are possible
ActivateBackup: false
# Create backup at every start of server
OnServerStart: false
# Create backup at every stop of server
OnServerStop: true
# Windows only: MySQL installation path
MysqlWindowsPath: C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.1
# Converter settings: see
# Rakamak file name
fileName: users.rak
# Rakamak use IP?
useIP: false
# Rakamak IP file name
ipFileName: UsersIp.rak
# CrazyLogin database file name
fileName: accounts.db
# LoginSecurity: convert from SQLite; if false we use MySQL
useSqlite: true
# LoginSecurity MySQL: database host
host: ''
# LoginSecurity MySQL: database name
database: ''
# LoginSecurity MySQL: database user
user: ''
# LoginSecurity MySQL: password for database user
password: ''
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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