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Before you read: sorry, but reddit wont let me properly format the text so it looks kinda chaotic. Sorry for inconvenience

3:16 AM - Fred Flintstone: just say "follow your own patch,

6:33 PM - Dragon Acolyte: Sometimes I mix penis and tits

6:17 PM - Shanalotte: I let Fred and Sin backstab me
6:17 PM - Shanalotte: all the tim

6:20 PM - Shanalotte: tfw the emerald herald will never tickle the head of your penis with her feather

7:52 AM - Dragon Cunt: sometimes I wish I had three vaginas

02:34 - Dragon Cunt: /dsg/ is a joke
02:34 - Jesus IV: /dsg/ is worse than us.
02:34 - ????Barrel: /dsg/ is shit

02:11 - Fred Flintstone: you guys like to poop in the shower and then try to aim poop at the toilet? Like when you throw it inside its 10 points
02:11 - Lex: I'm officially done with this chat.
02:12 - Fred Flintstone: its like free version of darts
02:12 - Lex left chat.

03:51 - Fred Flintstone: animu
03:51 - Fred Flintstone: sucks
03:51 - Fred Flintstone: fucking japs
03:51 - Fred Flintstone: and community around anime
03:51 - ????Barrel: ^
03:51 - Fred Flintstone: bunch of attention whores, nerds and faggots
03:51 - echou: idk dude
03:51 - ????Barrel: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
03:51 - echou: I think animu is cute
03:51 - ????Barrel: fred I need to send you a fucking medal now

05:30 - ????Barrel: I wish I had 7 vaginas

05:33 - ????Barrel: Jesus IV likes little kids (sexually)

Crimson Dame Selia: 3:46 PM - Fred Flintstone: there was like ass and boob touching day
Crimson Dame Selia: what the fuck happens in poland, man

11:58 PM - ­­?mily92­­: I'm watching you...
?mily92­­: 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. That is when the world will end.
Sir Dragon: can u explain
Sir Dragon: why u are on every ggrup chat
Sir Dragon: in existence
Sir Dragon: pls answer
Sir Dragon: I need to die peaceful
­­?mily92­­: No.
­­?mily92­­: Enjoy your restless death.
?mily92­­ Your insanity is more exciting than EVE, for now.

Sinc: stuck my dick
Sinc: between couch cushions
Sinc: I WAS 12

1:37 AM - Fred Flintstone: thats how I lost my virginity Sinc
1:38 AM - Fred Flintstone: dry humping couch

4:03 PM - Fred Flintstone: I was 12 too when i raped my brother's couch
4:04 PM - Artorias: k
4:04 PM - Sir Dragon: I was 12 too when I had my first rape

????Barrel: my ears wernt redy 4 fredy

6:44 AM - Sincratos (b&): I'm a pure, honest virgin who has never touched his dick.

14:24 - Nomad: this game is criated by fuking idiots u cant even tell on wat kind of progretion u are on with covnents u just can see curent lvl wat an idiots

Gluesticky: Layby
Gluesticky: rent one
Pellaeon: ?
Pellaeon: Layby?
Artorias: hat
Artorias: what?
Pellaeon: U fockin wot m8
Pellaeon: I'll bash ye hed in
Gluesticky: I ate it
Pellaeon: swer on me mum
Artorias: ate what
Gluesticky: please mercy
Artorias: your mom?
Artorias: ?.?

5:27 PM - Mr.Mansome: every britishfag can be considered as amerifart too since you are their ancestors

01:24 - ?nimal??rifice?: I hate people who have different skin tones then me
01:24 - ?nimal??rifice?: especially when they were born with it

Immortal?: ds2 chat is very constant anger-troll without anyone actually being mad
Immortal?: not the happiest place for new people lol

15:37 - Dragon?Cunt?: cookies are only baked by rapists

18:12 - sleep: i wear jester
18:12 - sleep: i am the jester
18:13 - Fred Flintstone: no, you are faggot
18:13 - FuxTard [YOU GOT REKT]: ur not the jester ur a fucking clown son

5:07 AM - Dragon (2): why are futa penises bigger than regular penises
5:09 AM - Dragon (2): is there an explanation

Mr.Mansome: phantom range doesnt exist
Dragon?Cunt?: mr. mansome doesnt exist
Lex: I'm pretty sure their incredible arguments can be applied to mostly any weapon/weapon class in the game.
Mr.Mansome: its your lack of roll timing and iframes which makes it look like phantom range

7:57 PM - Mr.Mansome: i miss the days where gaming wasnt occupied by hipsters, streamers and "sportsmanlike video games"

01:40 - Mr.Mansome: everyone at max tier is a havel cleric with dark weapon
01:40 - Mr.Mansome: or sunlight blade

23:11 - Don Smiguel: man>>>>>>>>>>woman>>>>>>>>>>gay>>>>>>>>>trans>>>>>>>>>>dragon,cunt
23:12 - Dragon?Cunt?: I am all
23:12 - Fred Flintstone: Fred Flinstone > all

10:14 PM - Sinc: GUYS
10:14 PM - Mr.Mansome: so?
10:15 PM - Sinc: Well, it's pretty exciting
10:15 PM - Sinc: to be able to play the game
10:15 PM - Mr.Mansome: you are talking bullshit, there is no point for an alpha
10:15 PM - Sinc: I am talking bullshit?
10:15 PM - Mr.Mansome: yes, its obvious that you are just attention whoring
10:15 PM - Sinc:
10:16 PM - Sinc: Bet this isn't enough for you
10:16 PM - Sinc: you need my email and password to check right?
10:16 PM - Pvt_Booger: rekt
10:16 PM - Sinc: want a link to the registration Mansome?
10:16 PM - Mr.Mansome: no, i ignore you for attention whoring#

1:45 PM - Mr.Mansome: you should be glad that people arround you mind you and your pathetic smoking and that you havent been shot to death yet for it

23:18 - Dragon?Cunt?: I have tits on my butt

Anima: no one is talking so we can talk xD
Anima: the chat is empty lol
Anima: can some one talk pls
Anima: PLS
Sincratos.: Hey
Lex: Yo.
Fred Flintstone: hi
Anima left chat.

TL;DR stupid and idiotic quotes from last 5 months.
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