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There was a little girl named Matilda who lived in a very nice house and a nice street, but not a nice family. She was born with telekinesis powers. Her father, Harry Wormwood sells stolen car parts and turns them into cars at unfair prices. Her mother, Zinnia was a bingo player, and her brother, Michael. By the time, she was two she learned how to take care of herself. When she turned four, she had read every magazine in her house but then she wanted to read more books so she had to ask her father for a book but he wanted her to watch TV. So the next morning after her family left, she found a library nearby. She went to the library every single day to read. The librarian told Matilda to bring home some books. She has been reading books beside a school playground where she wants to go. One day, her father sold many cars and Harry asked Michael to calculate the cars he sold but Matilda knew the answer before Michael could. Her father said she saw the paper then she got punished for talking back to her father. Matilda then punished her father because her father said the wrong thing about teaching. She took her mother's hair bleacher and mixed it with her father's hair oil. He took a hat to cover his hair and went to Wormwood Motors. Her mother won a double-bingo then she took her family to Cafe Le Ritz but Matilda super-glued her father's hat so when he wore it he couldn't take it off. He fell and the cake jumped out of the table and landed on Matilda's plate properly but not the same with her brother. That was the time she saw her power but didn't realize it. Then Harry made a deal with Principal Trunchbull to let Matilda go to a disciplined school for a car. Matilda was so excited but the school's principal was very strict. Anyone who disobeyed her gets thrown in the chokey. The chokey was a tall narrowed hole in the wall where the walls had glass and nails sticking out of. Matilda tried to hide away from Miss Trunchbull and found Lavender, her new friend when she arrived at her new school. Miss Jennifer Honey was the kindest teacher in this school. She was Matilda's teacher but she has a dark past. Then Miss Honey asked the children questions about multiplication. Then in the end she asked a very hard question that most children don't know about but Matilda immediately answered it correctly. The next day, Principal Trunchbull ordered all the students to go to the assembly room in Crunchem Hall Elementary School to call to the stage Bruce Bogtrotter to the stage because he ate her cake. She made him finish a whole large cake but then he couldn't eat anymore but then the whole school cheered for him. Then she made the whole school copy the dictionary for 5 hours. When Matilda went home she told her parents about the FBI watching her house because her father was selling unfairly cars but they didn’t believe her. The next day, Matilda and her new friends were out playing and found a newt. Then they went to school and Matilda got thrown in the chokey because her father gave the principal a broken car. Meanwhile, in the classroom, Principal Trunchbull was about to visit the class for her daily visit. Lavender was the one responsible for giving her cold water but she sneaked the newt inside the pot and gave it to Principal Trunchbull. Then she entered the classroom and Lavender took her seat and gave clues to Miss Honey that Matilda was in the chokey and saved her. When Miss Trunchbull drank the water the whole class laughed and she panicked when she saw the newt. Then she accused Matilda of doing it. Matilda used her powers to tip the glass and the newt fell to her. Then Miss Honey invited Matilda to her house, while walking there they came across Miss Trunchbull's house and told her a story about a young girl who lived a happy life but her mom died when she was two and her father was a doctor. He invited her mom's sister to take care of the young girl but she was a mean aunt. When she was five, her father died. The police decided that it was a suicide but no one knows why. Then when she grew up, she found a small cottage and planted many wildflowers, and lived happily. Then they arrived at Miss Honey's house and saw a small cottage and saw that she was the young girl in the story and that Miss Trunchbull was the mean aunt. Then she told her more about her childhood about a doll named Liccy Doll. On the way to Matilda's house, they went to Principal Trunchbull's house and saw her left the house then Matilda sneaked inside to get Miss Honey's treasures but Principal Trunchball went back because her car broke down. Then she saw the chocolate box and saw it move from its original place and ran around the house to find whoever was in her house. Then Miss Honey and Matilda escaped her house and Matilda promised Miss Honey to never come back. Matilda went home safely and practiced her powers and saw the FBI agents went into her garage. She used her powers to move the box and confronted the agents and stole the tape recording of their house. After a while, she sneaked out at night to go back to her house. Matilda took Liccy doll and went down to scare Principal Trunchbull by using her powers to look like there was a ghost or a spirit and she then took two chocolates but Matilda didn't know that she accidentally left her ribbon in her house. Tomorrow, she went to school and gave the doll and the chocolate to Miss Honey. Principal Trunchbull went to Matilda's class today. Matilda used her powers to write on the chalkboard and impersonate Magnus's ghost, Magnus was Miss Honey's father. Matilda attacked Principal Trunchbull and threw everyone's lunch box and then all the students threw all their food at her. Then she left the school and went away. Miss Honey moved back to her family's house or Principal Trunchbull's old house. While Matilda was visiting Miss Honey, her family told Matilda that they were leaving for Guam but Matilda didn't want to. Matilda wanted Miss Honey to adopt her. She got the adoption papers from a book in a library. Then finally her mom agreed to sign the papers and so did her dad. Miss Honey became principal because the students didn't want to leave. In the end, Matilda lives a great and happy life.
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