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Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod studied Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria by using lab experimentation. What revision to their initial hypothesis did they come up with?Two operons control bacterial respiration.

Which is an arrangement of genes consisting of an operator, a promoter, and a repressor?operon

During which process is mRNA synthesized from a DNA template with the aid of RNA polymerase?transcription

Which step is shown?translation

Which is the purpose of transfer RNA?to bring amino acids to the ribosomes to be assembled into proteins

Which nucleic acid moves the code for protein synthesis from the nucleus to the ribosomes?mRNA

Which is composed of amino acids and determines all the structures and functions of organisms?protein

Which nucleic acid provides the master code for protein synthesis?DNA

Which occurs during transcription?mRNA is synthesized from a strand of DNA.

Based on the current understanding of this operon, which hypothesis would be useful for James to test?
Addition of allolactose to the bacterial growth media should increase the speed at which the bacteria metabolize the sugar lactose.

Which describes a promoter?the first part of an operon that regulates where, when, and to what level a gene is expressed

What must first occur for transcription to begin?RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter.

During transcription, what happens to the RNA polymerase if a repressor protein attaches to the operator? It cannot attach to the promoter.

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