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-Biological parents gave him away, Altmer adopted her
-Altmer parents took her to Summerset
-Homeschooled, because Altmer are racists and would probably ridicule her.
-Thus, very little social life, shy. As a result also more studious
-Mother taught them the medical trade, plus a type of restoration magick specialized in stabilization
-Medical skills being able to patch someone up in a pinch, always caries an emergency satchel of supplies
-Father taught her self defense, how to utilize staves like a bo staff, bit quirky like that
-Za'anar able to protect herself with spear attacks and bo deflection, though not an expert.
-Later in life, met a guy and questioned his sexuality, thought he was gay, but felt more like trapped in a man's body.
-Parents were reluctant, but agreed.
-Now a she, more confident in her life, though not love-life.
-Moved out to start a life of her own, found work in a Temple of Mara (M'kano) temporarily.
-Discovered about the founding of a school, good timing since Temple closed down due to mysterious circumstances.
-Moved out from Dawnspring to take a look at the place.

Za'anar could not remember who his actual parents were, since the khajiit, as far as he remembers, was given away and adopted by a nice Altmer couple. Albeit a bit quirky, they nonetheless gave Za'anar plenty of love and attention. Za'anar and his new parents went back home to the isle of Summerset, where he briefly went to a school in order to study the magicka arts, but that was short-lived as the racism was still prevalent among Altmer culture. This in turn led to being homeschooled, instead.

His mother, being a

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