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Please submit a statement describing your personal and career goals and the relevance of your academic and service achievements to these goals.
I never thought I'd be an Accountant by the time I graduated from college. In fact, I thought I'd graduate with either a Marketing degree or a Criminal Justice degree. Until I stumbled into an essentials of financial accounting course with a very influential professor, I didn't know what I wanted to do other than to make an impact in my workplace. I learned to enjoy accounting through the structure of financial statements, something many people don't envy. As I started to learn about the profession, I learned my premature dream was not too far-fetched. That's when I become fascinated with Accounting. I've made it a career goal of mine to become a forensic accountant, to bring the fight to white-collar criminals. The idea that you can fight crime with your mind, utilizing pen and paper is thrilling. You can get paid to solve puzzles with numbers, logistics, data and all sorts of other figures. Although my academic success came with several sleepless nights due to all-nighters, difficulty grasping accounting concepts and maintaining an student-employee balance, it's been rewarding to keep my head held high, thinking about my long-term goals to (A) have a positive impact wherever I go, at any level in a company and (B) to eventually become a forensic accountant to live a different version of my dream to fight crime.

Outside of academics, my personal goals have changed drastically across my five years at UWO. Initially, I thought I'd stick to academics and call it a day. I realized I had a goal to pursue here on campus that followed me since high school: to leave some sort of legacy behind wherever I go, whether the feat be large or small. Studying at a four-year institution was a blessing as is, but I got my opportunity to leave my legacy through the Department of Residence Life. I can tell my family "I lived" during college. I created three mid-year training presentations for all residence life members to view, including a residence life documentary highlighting the aspects of what it means to be a part of our department. In effort to help Fletcher Hall win homecoming for residence halls, I was a part of Homecoming Court (2018). Continuing the effort in South Gruenhagen Hall, I became Director of Homecoming Royalty (2019) and inspired a staff member to become a part of homecoming court. I've received several scholarships through Department of Residence Life affiliates. I received the Outstanding Leadership Service Award from the National Residence Hall Honorary due to the commitment I brought to community development in Fletcher Hall (2019). I was selected to receive the Rob Buzaitis Leadership Award (2019) by writing an essay based on my leadership experience, current and future goals on-campus and what I further hoped to contribute to residence halls. Finally, I am proud to be the only Community Advisor (C.A.) to ever receive the Kelly Warnecke Hayward Scholarship (2019,20), twice and in consecutive years. This residence life scholarship is awarded to one C.A. each year and requires C.A.s to describe their experience in residence life, what the scholarship meant to them, how the monetary value of the scholarship would benefit the C.A. and the C.A.'s career goals while providing a residence life-oriented resume, highlighting the accomplishments of a C.A.'s residence life career. I still plan to work on myself further as a person since being a C.A. has required countless hours of sacrifice and dedication to my residents. Being a C.A. was my way of contributing to this campus community. It became my life. My personal goal is to continue to do the things I am so passionate for, and coming back to residence life to give back to future hall staff members is the way I can do that. Never have I grown so attached to a job as I have being a C.A.. This job became a hobby more than work to me.

I also participated in a variety of extracurriculars, including holding office in two club positions: Executive Board Member of Party.0 for one academic year and Webmaster of UWO BAP Accounting Club for one academic year. My role with Party.0 was to find new and innovating ways to "hype" students up that came to parties, showing them that anyone can have fun in college while maintaining a sober environment. While working with UWO BAP Accounting Club, I was in charge of social media relations and graphic design during the Spring of 2019 and Fall of 2019 semesters. I doubled the amount of Instagram followers on UWO BAP Accounting Club's account and provided weekly content on Facebook, Instagram and the newly founded LinkedIn page. I had also started a LinkedIn page for the UWO BAP Accounting Club to remain better connected with professionals that visit our club every semester. Our club was given "superior" status for meeting a multitude of requirements in 2019.

Finally, I have a vast range of volunteer experience. Although some only lasted a day, such as helping care for the elderly at the Oshkosh Court Towers, scooping Soy for Feed My Starving Children, cleaning manure with BEAMING, INC. or helping the elderly navigate the hospital at Mercy, I've gotten myself out there to help the public. Currently, I am a volunteer Tax Preparer through the IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, helping families prepare their taxes.
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Regards; Team

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