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What prompted the adhd testing/diagnosis at 4?

What about the psychological testing in 3rd grade before Hillel?
I would get caught in my own head all the time. Stop eating cereal with the spoon midway to my mouth and just sit there, lost in thought. Absent seizures were the working theory until a pediatric neurologist said I was just adhd, and the psych evaluation happened to check.
Trouble with those written sets of math--could do it orally but couldn't stay on task
Front of room + NOOOO timed tests. Had oral tests. Hillel or early middle school had a thing where I had less homework to do, where, say, I wouldn't have to do the full set of math problems--just enough to get the idea.
"If they had a test where other kids had a timed 1hr test, you could complete it in less than an hour no problem so long as you knew it wasn't being timed. If it was being timed, you wouldn't be able to finish."
Also had problems with writing--she thinks it was my small hands (elemntary and young middle). Got oral tests again, for things like reading comprehension tests. "Brain was going faster than your hand could write"
>>>On a growth chart at one point, percentile, I was on a track that would have been -15th percentile. I was gonna be given hormones, but then I had a growth spurt of like two inches that took it to like 0 after my tonsils and adenoids were removed.

Adderall worked "okay" () but started having side effects in middle school. I asked to be taken off because I didn't like the way I felt, it may have given headackes or smth physical. Parents were like "whew" because of the mood swings but didn't point them out to me.
There was a track where I would be able to learn skills and behaviors on it for short periods, the goal was to learn good habits that would last beyond the medicine. Seemed true? Worked damn well in high school.
:Blue, you would be sobbing in your room:

What did you guys think about the 5th percentile processing speed score from said testing, and if/where it showed up?

Would you describe me as having been an anxious kid? If so--academically, socially, both?
Did things improve when I started getting extra time in school + adderall?
Did I ever have a hard time switching schools?
No. Maybe when I was younger, before I had adderall, I had no awareness of social clues (mom felt really really bad that she took so long to put me on something.
Wouldn't "get" or "care" that I was being made fun of). Couldn't pick up on other people's emotions or like passive aggressive stuff while talking to them.

"We would go to the playground and you would be perfectly happy sitting underneath the slide looking at rocks."
"It's kind of a blessing that you were... I don't want to say oblivious... but I wish I wasn't so affected by what I think other people are thinking."
"You did not seem to have any problem at all changing schools or moving."
Schools catalog up to 6th grade. Outside we moved a LOT
Pasadena, montessori at age 2
another school on SF
montessori preschool in east lansing
rogers 1st grade
Norup/avery 2nd and third
hillel 4-6ish
north 6+
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