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1-Green Fire Manipulation, Users are able to create, shape and manipulate green flames more intense than blue fire. The flames are this color due to oxygen changes or because of myth. They are harder to control due to increased heat and intensity. This type of fire may be immune, or even ignite stronger in contact with water. This fire has mystical properties as it is sometimes used by beings from the underworld. Aquatic Adaptation, Incineration, Ultimate Burning, Pyro-Telekinesis, Pyrokinetic Flight, Pyrokinetic Surfing and Pyrokinetic Constructs.
2-Darkness Manipulation, User can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc. Animated Shadow, Absolute Darkness, Shadwo Camouflage, Darkness Adaptation, Night Vison, Darkness Solidification, Shadow Marionette, Umbra-Telekinesis, Umbrakinetic Flight and Umbrakinetic Surfing.
3-Esoteric Metal Manipulation, The user can manipulate the esoteric side of the metal with special properties and a mystical nature to it. With mastery, the wielder could use the esoteric element for a variety of magical effects. Age Shifting, Bio-Meta Manipulstion, Bio-Metal Physiology, Amrphous Physiology, Camouflage, Elasticity, Scatternig, Reforming, Ferrokinetic Shapeshifting, Shapeshifting Combat, Metal Mimicry, Metal-Eating Growth, Assimilative Evolution, Metal Absorption, Power Augmentation, Black Metal Manipulation, Demonic Metal Manipulation, Dermal Armor, Divine Metal Manipulation, Supernatural Condition, Healing, Resurrection, Mysticism, Pure Metal Manipulation, Summoning, Trace Metal Manipulation and Blood Manipulation.
4-Sound Wave Generation, The user can generate and project sound waves. Sound Blast and Repulsion.
5-Behemoth Physiology, User with this ability either is or can transform into the Behemoth, a primal unconquerable monster of the land. Absolute Immortality, Chaos Manipulation, Creation, Life Creation, Desert Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Crystal Manipulation, Environmental Adaptaion, Fear Inducement, Freedom, Guardianship, Land Life Manipulation, Matter Ingestion, Mountain Manipualtion, Volcanic Fields Manipulation, Ash Manipulation, Earthquake Generation, Eruption Inducement, Fire Immunity, Cold Immunity, Thermal Manipulation, Prehensile Tail, Supernatural Body, Transcendetn Physiology, Teleportation, Temporal Immunity and Unnatural Size.(Drastically weaken if separated from a source of land for too long.)
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