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CHAPTER 8: why? the winter ball
I woke up and immediately heard something Chloe* would call a traffic jam sandwich hurricane noise. what that basically means is that there is a traffic jam sandwich as in there are many people and you are squished between them like a sandwich, and there is a hurricane noise as in the traffic jam is making noises as loud as a noise of a hurricane. anyways, why was everyone so excited??? obviously because of the winter ball. people were being asked left and right. everyone from frost was allowed and people in third year or above were allowed too. are you wondering why everyone from frost is allowed?? well i was also thinking that. so after dueling was over i went to the library. there was a book called Stila and all about it. when I found the winter ball it said : " everyone from frost is allowed. why??? that is because winter is when frost gains their power. let me explain, Stila has 4 houses and each house has its own ball in its own year. when a ball comes, it means that, that house is about to gain powers. how do they gain powers? well what happens is that there is mist around the fairy or felix then the mist whispers in the fairy or felix's ear and tells them which power they gained and what the spell or enchantment for it is. the spell or enchantment will always be in your head but you might not be able to use it unless something triggers it. also, almost everyone gains a different power, but it is possible for a few people to have the same power." Now that my question was answered I raced up to my dormitory. I obviously found this information VERY interesting. So i told Noah and Lilac of course! they found it interesting too. so Stila was improving for me i guess. well, except for Miliscent. Miliscent is such an annoying jerk. whenever she spots me shes like " oh silver betrayal, please invite me to the ball". i reply with a " oh annoying jerk, please tell yourself i would NEVER invite you". Mostly she just laughs but today she just walked away looking really SHY?? whats up with that? i also noticed a bunch of frosts walked in when she "pleaded" me to invite her to the ball. I told Noah because i thought he might know because he also gets really shy sometimes when people enter the room. he just said " i dont know", and then i put a spell so that i could fall asleep easily.
*Chloe is my younger sister, i mentioned her in Chapter 1

CHAPTER 9: sorry! I'm not going 😏
I cant believe it!! I Sylvia Rose, my best friend Lilac Russell and my other best friend Noah Norris were asked to the Winter Ball!! But........ i didn't want to go. why? because :
1. Miliscent would be there
2. the person who asked us was Michael?!?!
OMG?! Michael?!? why did HE have to ask us. He is my BROTHER. i am freaking out right now!!! Seriously? I am not going to the ball. Lilac and Noah said they would go but i said i wouldn't. They kept bugging me by begging me to come. Then a thought occurred to Lilac. She asked me " what will you do while we are at the ball?" i explained to them that i had promised Sapphire that i would play with her, i had also decided to get a dog from Renel which was in Florex which is a town near Stila. They seemed really sad when they heard i would go to Renel. I asked them why? They replied in unison " Renel was where my parents broke up with each other, so we never go there , if we need stuff we just order it from Renel." "woah" i said. Both of them just stared at each other in awe, then became really red and turned the other way. "Oh!" Lilac remembered. " me and Noah got you a gift." I was really shocked! Noah took out a small black box and both of them opened it (still blushing). Inside was a SILVER pendant which would also change colour according to my mood AND it had photos of Lilac, Noah, Mum, Dad, Michael, Chloe, Mia, Lucy, Sapphire, Sparkles, Hayden, Praisel, Myself, My wand and my name encrypted in Silver!!! I hugged each of them for 1 minute straight. i asked them "where did you get this and how did you do this?" Noah explained " when you were talking to me about Miliscent, Lilac had gone to Florex and went to Renel. we both decided we can go to Renel once. then while you slept we went to the library and put an enchantment so that we could put so many photos in their. but the best part is that you can disappear inside it." i thanked them again and put the pendant on. As we came in to the dormitory, under the chandelier Miliscent was screaming at some boy. "Braile!! How dare you! You asked Pandora instead of me! What is wrong with you!" she screamed at Braile. Braile AKA the dude miliscent was screaming at replied to her " I'm sorry! Sorry Milly! Please forgive me!". miliscent said " ok, fine! i forgive you. but you have to PROMISE not to ask any other girl......EVER!". then he said "But Milly Pandora said yes. So can I still go to the ball with her?". at this she started casting spells at him. Lilac and Noah got scared so they hugged each other and held each others hand. Miliscent screamed louder than ever "NO! NO YOU IDIOT! YOU CANNOT GO WITH PANDORA! YOU WILL GO WITH ME!". "Okay" he replied in a low voice. But that was the moment the Pandora girl walked in. She started blushing like mad and said "hi!". then she noticed Miliscent. She stared at her and the noticed that Miliscent was staring at Braile. Then she said to Braile " Braile, who is this girl who is staring at you. But before he could answer, she put her hand around his and pulled him up, then she walked with him out the door while whispering to him "oh my god! what did she say to you? what did she do to you? don't worry, i will fix you up" he nodded at her greatfully and with her support headed to the frost dormitory. Miliscent was mad. She ran after him and told Pandora " you wanna know who i am? i am braile's girl. not you. i am" at this pandora turned around, cast a spell, miliscent went flying but got up quickly. lilac and noah were still scared so they were still hugging each other. Then pandora walked out the door, boarded her shimmer and headed to Florex with Braile. Miliscent chased after them but me, lilac and noah got tired of watching and hearing her scream so we headed into our beds and fell fast asleep.

CHAPTER 10: the winter ball
everyone was buzzing about. today is the winter ball. i went outside and found Braile looking miserable. i asked why. he told me " when i first came to Stila, i saw Miliscent. I thought she was pretty so i got her gifts everyday. after a while she finally took interest in me. it was nice and fun for a while but one day her friend Ben came and she started spending time with him more. i didn't think she liked him cause she told me that. i thought she didn't want me anymore so i asked Pandora to the dance. then Miliscent found out i asked her and what happened yesterday happened." he finished with a sigh. "I'm sorry" i told him. just then Pandora walked in from the back. Braile hadn't noticed her. so she put her hand around him and his frown immediately turned into a smile and a sigh of relief. he leaned on her and fell fast asleep. she slowly stroked his hair then turned to me. "tough life he has had eh?" "talk about it" i said. "i'm Pandora" she told me "i know, Braile was talking about you". she blushed a bit and said "friends?" sure!" i replied. i told her to wait with Braile. i called Lilac and Noah and told them to follow me. I introduced them to Pandora. she said hello. then Pandora gently woke Braile up by whispering to him "Prince Braile wake up". he woke up with a smile. lilac and noah quickly introduced themselves then we set off to get ready for the ball. i helped everyone and everyone helped me get ready. they thought even if i wasn't going i should still dress up. when we left we saw that there were a ton of people on the staircase. we decided to check it out. what we saw was not enjoyable. Miliscent was walking in between the people on the staircase thinking she looked like a queen. when she reached the bottom she laid her eyes upon Braile. she said "oh Braile, come with me to the ball will you? and carry my purse for me doll! thanks!". Pandora heard this. So she took Braile's arm very delicately and marched off like a fairy. everyone on the staircase got off and quickly ran to Pandora. She noticed us trying to follow her. So she sent a few people to be with us and the others to be with her. Surprisingly the people didnt mind. when we got their i headed off to the shore and told the people not to come with me.

CHAPTER 11: Cute and fluffy
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