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EP6: Six minutes with Jane Doe
At first, Holiday's hoverboard was starting to act up and the hoverboard was trying to DRAG her into the class door. Right after school, Cyrus and Birdie were talking and Cyrus noticed that Holiday was gone. Holiday went to the HOSPITAL and she was trying to find her medical records. When she searched up her name (Holiday enderson) it didn't pop up, but WHEN she searched up "The girl that drowned" showed up! And then she found out that her "mom" named her "Jane Doe".. Why would she do that..

In a hover bored 9/1/2020
After the accident on the hover board, Holiday saw the guy from 1 year ago, the guy that could fly showed and his name was Badger, Badger warned Holiday that her "family" was keeping a scret from her. After that day she her "dad" and her "mom" talking that she wasn't in the family. The dad said "she will never know"..

9/2/2020 ep 5 First day of school..
At first Cyrus and Holiday went too her first day of middle school, they met this one girl named Brinnley. Holiday and Cyrus spoke to her and they kinda faught because she was kinda rude. After that arguing, Holiday went to her science room and she sat right next to Brinnley. Then when the science teacher was teaching was teaching, Holiday's hoverboard TURNED ON and when Brinnley heard it, SHE SNITCHED on her and now the teacher is demanding for Holidays back pack.

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