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Medical Astrology
Pisces before birth
astrology always works with polarity libra rules kidney rules sugar. headaches, tension headaches, head strong, going to fast. go to polarity of venus, enjoy breath. rules kidney. saturn creates boundaries skins creates boundaries. 1st and 7th house.

2nd house. neck, fifth chakra, voice, throat, ruled by venus in taurus also likes pleasures with five senses. polarity is scorpio, colon we need to have colonic, letting go. letting go of what the body doesnt need anymore. drink juices that allows us to let it go..

gemini, airs of the body, lungs, hands. communications. two lungs two hands. polarity is saggitarius. people who thinks a lot. rules by nervous system, mercury, anxious in saggitarius the polarity. a pair in which we need to practice of calmness. stop running around even with our minds. mercury likes to go around visiting neighbors, cousin, sister, siblings, brothers. in saggitarius we like to visit friends and other coutries. most important is how to calm the nervous system.

cancer and capricorn, cancer rules emotions. capricorn rules bones. cancer rules the stomach, capricorn rules calcium. the skeletal system, when we don't have a good diet and eat a lot of sweets, the body takes the calcium out of the bone to compensate to create a homeostasis. so we supposed to take a little bit care when we intake sugar. "I'm guilty here" said Dr. Maru. we have to understand why we eat sugar. emotional eater. venus is involves here. and jupiter rules the liver. we cant devide the planet and assign to a pair cause other planet co rules. cancer do I value myself. capricorn saturn did i find a place in the universe. or am i still feeling insecure where i am in the world of professions. cancer is in the fourth house and its where the souls enter its where the roots are. the cardinal point is north. bottom of the chart is IC. the bottom part of the sky the where the soul from and we go roots. the country where we born. capricorn in the 10th house rules career and rules fruit of our labor.

Leo and its polarity aquarious. leo rules the heart the heart is the center of the circulatory system. aquarious air allows the circulation of the blood. if we are stuck in some thoughts and we are stuck in some behaviour. we cannot actually flow and allow the blood to flow. aquairous is a mental signs. use that air to become objective. become the witness. oh im feeling this, im stuck with my behaviour. am i narcissictic. is there emotion that where not nurtured when i was achild. am i playful. can i play after work. use my creativity thats not work related to have pleasure. to use and express myself in a creative way. heart community. aquarious rules community

and last, virgo and pisces. virgo, i take care of the diet. here and now whenever i take good care of my diet, i have a better immune system. lymphatic system. regulates the toxins. I can also go to water. pisces hot springs and clean myself with the toxins. mars aries dont have time venus is indecisive. kidneys cleanse lymphatic system cleanse we don't become indecisive I find it very interesting.

when we are rigid to ourselves and we cant bend over we are stubborn we cant bend our knees kneel down. sometimes we need to kneel down to pray or to surrender. its importantn to surrender and go with the flow. because sometiems we don't know so much we don't know our souls we had to experience,. we need to die we need to let go. we demand a lot of ourselves. there's one area of our life that ended. we need to let go so we can start a new. we have the ability to kneel down. ability to let go of grudges instead of holding them. let go of what the body doesn't need anymore so we don't crystalize anything. did you move on. did you have a chironic wound. everyone is wounded healer. take advantage of the wound cause in the process of healing that wound that the soul decided to bring here. help others in healing.

cleanse the skin, enjoy the bass. enjoy that letting go process. find the hearbs that let go of the body. allow the blood to circulate. allow your air to circulate. allow the knees to bend. allow your voice to sing and allow the heart to be happy. joyous playful like a happy child.
My notes: allowing the knees to bend. to let go of fear. to restraint oneself to allow the flow of the universe. of other beings.
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