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Hello, I here to tell you a story. a story about a child. a child who has been through hell. when I say hell I mean hell. oh, you don't believe me let me explain from the beginning. This young woman was a child. shes 15 she names him Joel.he was her first. he's been through stuff but were talking about her next child. she has her next son a little later. this child was a sick baby. around this time she has another child. named aspen. when that sick baby turned 2 they got surgery on the side and the head. they now only have one kidney. later on in their lives, everything was great. the sick chid of course went to the hospital often and the doctors didn't have a clue why this chid was so sick? and what was the coss. They all lived in Kingman Arizona, their mother took the sick child to the phoenix hospital. after a couple of years. the child is now 6, the doctors find out what's wrong. they child has press one. a rare illness. the sick kid scared being different but being okay with this gets put on a diet. the sick kid goes back to school after everything was better. they make friends. but they got a name they didn't want. 'the sick kid' they went buy that from everyone. their friends the bullies even themself looked in the mirror and sees 'the sick kid'. they shoved if off. they want on with life. got worse the pain got worse their mom takes them to the hospital it just gets worse. they get into deep depression they can't take all of this. their mom tries everything their mom makes fundraisers. their now 9, their losing friends. and getting worse. they go to a better hospital. its across the wold. they're now 10. they find out what's wrong they have pancreatitis. now they're scared for life. they now know they need another surgery. they move their entire family moves closer. as they wait till the day comes for there surgery. their 11. they get the surgery. they're now on a lot of meds. and now is diabetic. going through depression and is scared any moment they might just collapse on the floor and die. how do I know this? well, let me tell you something. this person is me. im tray and this is my story of how my life is a living hell.
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