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You're in BlueCoat! It's exactly the same BlueCoat you remember, but everything seems slightly taller

The password is the house that Padpuff was the head of in BlueCoat.


watch tower of god

are you happy with your face and demenor, you are undeniably specked into cute but it feels like you want to be cool
thinking about what fantacy race you would be, i think elf, i did think fey or beastman but changed answer
sad that perople are bad and humanity could be so mucvh better if we where more intelligent
i want to have a body like in a game, but learning skills like in a game would be bad, so keeping progress and no muscle degradation but no auto learning skills

there is a password protected file sent from sophia

1 then 5... so maybe a space between letters 1 and 2? or she learnt different indent styles so maybe a tab( more likely tab as she said if i can sent files from my phone to pc and she was doing data stuff recently) or a slash

item 1
fish on a board... harmonious, crucien carp,chopping board, 3 wood 3 preservaives, craft time 1 min

item 2
office chair... civic, 3 steel 3 cotton, craft time 1 min

item 4
ukulele, natural, 60 wood 3 natural essence, craft time 6 hr

item 3
rococo table...elegant,60 wood 3 elegant essense, craft time 1h30

item 5
drum set, cool, 30 steel, craft time 5 hr

item 6
elegant chair, elegant, 15 wood 15 cotton, craft time 4 hours

item 7
classic sofa, natural, 30 cotton 30 wood 3 natural essence, craft time 12 hrs


specific to me and a few people around the world




[email protected]

Kaiyato finds an email address. It’s a bit blurry though. He discovers that the email is [location of 2018 prom (19 lowercase letters with no
spaces)][Padpuff’s favourite number] For example, [email protected]. Padpuff tells him the ancient folk tale: if you email a
picture to prove you recently absorbed some V itamin D from the sun, to this email address, you might just get a reply that contains the next clue for your
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Regards; Team

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