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heyo bronado
duuuude it's so cool to have a pen pal. anyways, sorry for taking so long to respond, there are just literally so many birthdays in august and i've been making things to send to my sister, so thats ma b. but responding to your letter, and idk this may kinda sound weird, but referring to what you said about 'changing in quarantine' (lol I'm still kinda in arben professional email mode) I guess I've become a lot less apologetic. Like, it used to be like my entire life was a youtube apology video, if that makes sense, lol. Like I couldn't say anything to anyone I wasn't already friends with as to make sure I don't come across negatively in any way. But now I'm like, fuck that. I'm still not in the dancing at a random mcdonalds stage of confidence yet lol, but I guess that's next haha. Oh duuude there was this youtuber lady who, in her rv, just drove around the us for like five days with two of her buddies but in every state they went thrifting. Like bro that sounds so epic. speaking of epic, you should totally listen to gus dapperton, who is a very dapper fellow indeed. idk if you already do but the good songs that I like are post humourous, first aid, my favorite fish, world class cinema, and other things that I'm too brain lazy to think of. Lol, I was going to sit in a park like under a tree and read a book (ew ik, lol, but the book was for school) and my dad said no because someone was going to come up behind me with a frying pan and abduct me. Lmao at this point I don't care anymore and I'm just amused by what he thinks goes down in public parks near glen ridge. idk if I already told you, so excuse my tiny bean brain, but dr. gage literally said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" (to the virus) and I just- literally how does he have any authoritative position. They started marching band practices yesterday (and guess who wasn't there, lol, I guess I've finally escaped the never-ending cult) and apparently aidan gage, his son, was conveniently off in some 'blueberry orchard' and unable to make the practice. I'm scared to look into that. but I heard that not only did dr gage arrive late, but he didn't know he was the staff member that was supposed to take forms and temperatures, so he literally had to drive to like cvs or whatever and get a thermometer. dude you really dodged a bullet last year, lol. personally I agree with tilda's idea to have a marching band show all on minecraft. now that's innovation that excites. sorry bout all this marching band mumbo jumbo, i literally don't give a rat's ass about not being in it, but I do love the comedic aspects of dr. gage's loonacy. and for once it's good to hear about all of his crazy poo poo ness without having to suffer through it, lol. Also ive listened to a youtube mix of le festin and it was an enjoyable experience, lol. well okie I'll stop blabberin' now and leave you at peace. Also I'm at a (brief? idk) stage where I just hate all boys. they really do be just horny and gross. well to close this letter in a good way without leaving you on the thought of stinky boys, I'm also in the mood to bake bunny shaped bread and if I do I'll save u a bunny :) (I'd bake it safe so it won't be contaminated or whatever)
<3 amanda
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Regards; Team

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