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the creation of the universe

name - the chamber(?)

the world is a big hospital,to leave it is impossible

the source of the creation of the universe - the unknown,God appeared in it after the creation

the purpose of existence is unknown, but the universe is not a hospital for some other universe,as new residents from outside is not supplied

the light source is a huge lamp over the hospital,turning off her from the window you can see only darkness,in the premises of the chamber has a bulb of the usual size,having the function of quartz treatment
instead thank God people say thank lamp

endless building, varied entities

races-fluids, people, damaged
fluids are substances created from various liquids that can take any form
damaged - people with mutations(no reason found), can change their shape, but not as flexible as fluids, consist of solid matter(like people), have different skin color, do not have abilities

the relationship between races is neutral, excluding groups of people and the damaged, who are opposed to each other
the deity is a ball of light that can take any shape

the nature of the deity is observation, and interventions in the world are extremely infrequent, both positive and negative

caterpillars the size of cats,
mists - pieces of matter that have various magical properties, can harm to a person in large quantities,in the presence of a large number of mists, the work of internal organs is disrupted

hostile animals - large mosquitoes the size of pigeons,
huge woodlice the size of crocodiles,
dark mists

lighting - hospital lamps, light from mists

the basic set of things for each character - sedative pills that remove anxiety and fear,
mini-backpack containing a portal to the item storage,
PDA with the player and chat in messenger,you can install a simple game

messenger - roomchat typical messenger with the ability to send text and media without calls feature

dwelling - single/combined model of the chamber, the walls are covered with blue-green tiles in each ward 1-4 lamp white light,a combined chamber accomodate up to four people
there is a bed,a bedside table-storage: inside much more than outside, socket for charging

non-residential premises - a procedural rooms like in hospitals, storage rooms,
room life support,
portals in the form of elevators,
power supply rooms,
rooms of mists - rooms where many mists have settled and are now uninhabitable,
operating rooms,
rooms for generating household items-according to the schedule, God teleports various items to different rooms - clothing,household chemicals,medicines, and the rest,
classes for children and teenagers,
staff rooms(key card access),

departments of surgery,therapy,cardiology,neurology,intensive care,psychiatry,warehouses,mortuary floors of offices superimposed on each other,forming high-rise,number of floors unknown

clothing style - men in a serious condition wearing a white suit made of light fabric,the style is sporty or classic,also allowed Gothic
the staff goes in typical costumes of the workers of their professions.

the effect of Chamber on people(the effect) - some people, whose mental condition is not normal,also feel physiological effects,there is a system of correlation of psychological disorders and physical ailments
someone is subjected to this effect to a greater extent, someone to a lesser extent, in society is a personal topic

birth of children - a new life is born in the Chamber at the mutual desire of "parents", the child develops in conditions similar to the womb for 9 months and then is given to parents, according to reports, the fetus does not undergo any adjustments, although there is a relationship between the conditions of detention and the formation of mutations

events - sometimes various events occur in the Chamber
safe-procedure time, meal time, quiet time
during quiet time the lights except in an emergency,turn off the population sleeps
dangerous - the raid - the attack of mosquitoes,
flooding - flooding every floor in the hospital is dirty and muddy water,attack of woodlices
the population during the threat events should stay in the chambers and wait for the alarm

communication - in addition to the messenger,the branches present system to alert residents about dangerous events in the amount of two pieces on the wing of the floor
notice of safe events come in messenger

dining room - the dining room is open during meals and for an hour before and after each in Diners include two tables, four chairs at each table, the window of issuing of food and the vending machine
set of meal every day is different,like in window and the machine,the only difference is that you can get standard food,as in conventional cafeterias and in the vending machine to get another,less healthy food(chips,chocolate,carbonated beverages,food for animals)
food to take it is recommended in the chambers,after eating all the dishes refers back to the dining room after meals residents are taking your medications(if prescribed)

life support rooms - rooms with advanced medical equipment that can support life in patients in a terminal state, similar in structure to operating rooms

landfills-rooms with a portal where waste and human corpses are thrown out, it is not known where the portals of landfills lead

the distribution of professions-in some departments depends on race(fluids on good planes,damaged on bad), mainly determined by the behavioral characteristics of the ward resident

psycho-chambers-chambers that have a special aura that has a beneficial effect on patients with mental disorders, calms them and brings them to a stable state, can cure the physiological injuries caused by the effect

language - all residents of the ward speak a special language called MedSim, which is similar to English,but has a much larger amount of terminology that explains the items or phenomena of the ward
some ward residents may be born mute, so they communicate using standard sign language

escape attempts-attempts to leave the wards were never successful,in most cases residents broke windows and jumped out of them, disappearing into the darkness
some people tried to get into the dump portal,but no one else saw them
attempts to escape are prohibited in the ward, and the staff monitors compliance with this rule
attempts to find a way out led to nothing

professions - the ward has staff and patients, and both the patient may be healthy and the staff may be ill,in which case they will be provided with medical care
staff-Department heads, internists,medical specialists, nurses, orderlies,cleaners, cooks,teachers, response service-residents who deal with the consequences of emergencies and dangerous events, monitor the order
randomness determines whether the patient or staff will be a ward resident,and it is possible to change their caste
the school teaches not only staff,but also patients, after which the staff is instructed in accordance with their profession and is considered ready for duty
rewards for work are not provided,but in the chamber this is considered the norm and the staff does their work for free

crime-there is no court in the chamber, the laws are quite standard(murder,theft,causing harm, etc.)
the criminal is considered guilty only if the staff caught the moment of the crime,there are no prisons,the perpetrator is sent to quarantine for a certain period
the crime rate is extremely low,almost all residents are law-abiding and do not express a desire to break the law
after quarantine any criminal has a reduced desire to break the law

prohibited items-the list is extremely small, includes weapons RS (hereafter - response service), improvised explosive devices and narcotic drugs,for distribution, manufacture and use of criminals are assigned a quarantine

RS equipment-chemical protection suit/tight suit that protects against woodlice and mosquito bites, weapons-a rifle that shoots Darts with poisons/tranquilizers, small throwing weapons that release an electromagnetic pulse a few seconds after pulling out the checks, hydraulic pliers to eliminate blockages in emergencies, axes made of reinforced steel with a long axe handle

life span -
people-60-80 years old
fluids - 75-95 years old
damaged - 35-55 years
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