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Live - Dr D most likely has extensive knowledge about history, which is definitely an important topic. His additional love for politics could identify him as the key leader of the group. Not to even mention he has a strong healthy body

Die - Mrs D. has an MA in psychology and is a mental health clinic counsouler. I bet she would be real good at helping people stay normal and not go crazy in a post-apoctalypic world. However, this is about who dies not lives. so she tgotta go

Die - Bobby D is a mentally deficient child, I doubt that has much use to the group. Even IF HE is strong I'm sure an adult is way stronger

Die - Mrs. G really has no accomplishments in life. She is not required for the survival as she has no traits that are redeemable

Die - Joseph G is literally an infant. He is more of a burden that he is as POTENTIAL assistance for the future of the group. He would need too much care and attention and take too many potential resources just for his potential as an adult. In their current situation, they need more adults. Children can come later...

Live - Mary E. While we don't want to spread traits of poor eyesight. Mrs. Mary would be a good candidate for making a new generation. Not to mention, she is artistic which can be important for finding creative solutions to problems. Being a trade school graduate, she probably also has good knowledge of worthwhile trades.

Live - Mrs. C An electronics engineer will definitely help the group in obtaining power in whatever stronghold they set up. She can also use her knowledge of electricity to create new innovative inventions to help the group survive.

Live - Mr. B - Mr. B would be execellent at reinforcing buildings and fixing things such as tools or walls or whatever needs repairing. He is definitely a must with his outdoor skills and knowledge of construction making him a survival expert.
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