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MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "clsWorkSheet"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit


Private m_wsSheet As Worksheet

Private m_varAry As Variant

Private m_lRow_DataST As Long
Private m_lCol_DataST As Long
Private m_lRow_DataED As Long
Private m_lCol_DataED As Long

Private m_lRow_DataCount As Long
Private m_lCol_DataCount As Long

Private m_lRow_Last As Long
Private m_lCol_Last As Long

Private m_lRowHeader_Count As Long
Private m_lColHeader_Count As Long

Private m_lRowEmpty_Count As Long
Private m_lColEmpty_Count As Long

Private m_lRow_BaseLine As Long
Private m_lCol_BaseLine As Long

Private m_lRow_Table_ST As Long
Private m_lCol_Table_ST As Long

Private m_lLastRow_Method As Long
Private m_lLastCol_Method As Long


Private Sub Class_Initialize()

Set m_wsSheet = Nothing
m_varAry = Empty
m_lRow_DataST = -1
m_lCol_DataST = -1
m_lRow_DataED = -1
m_lCol_DataED = -1
m_lRow_DataCount = -1
m_lCol_DataCount = -1
m_lRow_Last = -1
m_lCol_Last = -1
m_lRowHeader_Count = -1
m_lColHeader_Count = -1
m_lRowEmpty_Count = -1
m_lColEmpty_Count = -1
m_lRow_BaseLine = -1
m_lCol_BaseLine = -1
m_lRow_Table_ST = -1
m_lCol_Table_ST = -1
m_lLastRow_Method = -1
m_lLastCol_Method = -1

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

Set m_varAry = Nothing
Set m_wsSheet = Nothing

End Sub


Public Property Get varAry(Optional ByVal lRow As Long = 0, Optional ByVal lCol As Long = 0) As Variant
If lRow > 0 And lCol > 0 Then
varAry = m_varAry(lCol, lRow)
varAry = MyTranspose(m_varAry)
End If
End Property

Public Property Let varAry(ByVal lRow As Long, ByVal lCol As Long, ByVal varValue As Variant)
m_varAry(lCol, lRow) = varValue
End Property

Public Property Let varAry_set(ByRef varAry As Variant)
m_varAry = MyTranspose(varAry)
End Property

Public Property Get varAry_RowCount()
varAry_RowCount = Get_ArrayCount(m_varAry, 2)
End Property

Public Property Get varAry_ColCount()
varAry_ColCount = Get_ArrayCount(m_varAry, 1)
End Property

Public Property Get Row_DataStart() As Long
Row_DataStart = m_lRow_DataST
End Property

Public Property Get Col_DataStart() As Long
Col_DataStart = m_lCol_DataST
End Property

Public Property Get Row_DataCount() As Long
Row_DataCount = m_lRow_DataCount
End Property

Public Property Get Col_DataCount() As Long
Col_DataCount = m_lCol_DataCount
End Property

Public Property Get Row_Last() As Long
Row_Last = m_lRow_Last
End Property

Public Property Get Col_Last() As Long
Col_Last = m_lCol_Last
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = m_wsSheet.Name
End Property

Public Property Let Name(ByVal str As String)
m_wsSheet.Name = str
End Property

Public Property Get Sheet() As Worksheet
Set Sheet = m_wsSheet
End Property

Public Property Get Row_Table_ST() As Long
Row_Table_ST = m_lRow_Table_ST
End Property

Public Property Get Col_Table_ST() As Long
Col_Table_ST = m_lCol_Table_ST
End Property

Public Property Get Row_HeaderCount() As Long
Row_HeaderCount = m_lRowHeader_Count + m_lRowEmpty_Count
End Property

Public Property Get Col_HeaderCount() As Long
Col_HeaderCount = m_lColHeader_Count + m_lColEmpty_Count
End Property



Public Sub Init_Proc(Optional ByRef ws As Worksheet = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal lRowHeaderCnt As Long = -1, Optional ByVal lColHeaderCnt As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal lBaseRowLine As Long = 1, Optional ByVal lBaseColLine As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal lRowEmpty_Cnt As Long = 0, Optional ByVal lColEmpty_Cnt As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal lLastRow_Method As Long = 1, Optional ByVal lLastCol_Method As Long = 1)

If Not ws Is Nothing Then Set m_wsSheet = ws

m_lLastRow_Method = lLastRow_Method
m_lLastCol_Method = lLastCol_Method

If lRowHeaderCnt < 0 Then Exit Sub
Call Me.Release_Filter

m_lRowHeader_Count = lRowHeaderCnt
m_lColHeader_Count = lColHeaderCnt
m_lRowEmpty_Count = lRowEmpty_Cnt
m_lColEmpty_Count = lColEmpty_Cnt
m_lRow_BaseLine = lBaseRowLine
m_lCol_BaseLine = lBaseColLine

m_lRow_DataST = 1 + lRowHeaderCnt + lRowEmpty_Cnt
m_lCol_DataST = 1 + lColHeaderCnt + lColEmpty_Cnt

m_lRow_Table_ST = 1 + m_lRowEmpty_Count
m_lCol_Table_ST = 1 + m_lColEmpty_Count

Select Case m_lLastRow_Method
Case 1
m_lRow_DataED = m_wsSheet.Cells(m_wsSheet.Rows.Count, m_lCol_BaseLine).End(xlUp).Row
Case 2
m_lRow_DataED = Get_LastRow_supperts_MergeCell
End Select

Select Case m_lLastCol_Method
Case 1
m_lCol_DataED = m_wsSheet.Cells(m_lRow_BaseLine, m_wsSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Case 2
m_lCol_DataED = Get_LastCol_supperts_MergeCell
End Select

m_lRow_Last = m_lRow_DataED
m_lCol_Last = m_lCol_DataED
m_lRow_DataCount = m_lRow_DataED - m_lRow_DataST + 1
m_lCol_DataCount = m_lCol_DataED - m_lCol_DataST + 1
m_varAry = m_wsSheet.Range(m_wsSheet.Cells(1, 1), m_wsSheet.Cells(m_lRow_Last, m_lCol_Last))
m_varAry = MyTranspose(m_varAry)

End Sub



Public Sub Refresh_Proc(Optional ByVal lRowHeaderCnt As Long = -1, Optional ByVal lColHeaderCnt As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal lBaseRowLine As Long = -1, Optional ByVal lBaseColLine As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal lRowEmpty_Cnt As Long = -1, Optional ByVal lColEmpty_Cnt As Long = -1, _
Optional ByRef varAryHeader As Variant = Empty)

Dim i As Long

If lRowHeaderCnt <> -1 Then m_lRowHeader_Count = lRowHeaderCnt
If lColHeaderCnt <> -1 Then m_lColHeader_Count = lColHeaderCnt
If lRowEmpty_Cnt <> -1 Then m_lRowEmpty_Count = lRowEmpty_Cnt
If lColEmpty_Cnt <> -1 Then m_lColEmpty_Count = lColEmpty_Cnt
If lBaseRowLine <> -1 Then m_lRow_BaseLine = lBaseRowLine
If lBaseColLine <> -1 Then m_lCol_BaseLine = lBaseColLine

m_lRow_DataST = 1 + m_lRowHeader_Count + m_lRowEmpty_Count
m_lCol_DataST = 1 + m_lColHeader_Count + m_lColEmpty_Count

m_lRow_Table_ST = 1 + m_lRowEmpty_Count
m_lCol_Table_ST = 1 + m_lColEmpty_Count

Select Case TypeName(varAryHeader)
Case "Empty"

Select Case m_lLastRow_Method
Case 1
m_lRow_DataED = m_wsSheet.Cells(m_wsSheet.Rows.Count, m_lCol_BaseLine).End(xlUp).Row
Case 2
m_lRow_DataED = Get_LastRow_supperts_MergeCell
End Select

Select Case m_lLastCol_Method
Case 1
m_lCol_DataED = m_wsSheet.Cells(m_lRow_BaseLine, m_wsSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Case 2
m_lCol_DataED = Get_LastCol_supperts_MergeCell
End Select

m_varAry = m_wsSheet.Range(m_wsSheet.Cells(1, 1), m_wsSheet.Cells(m_lRow_DataED, m_lCol_DataED))
m_varAry = MyTranspose(m_varAry)

Case "Variant()"

m_lRow_DataED = 1
m_lCol_DataED = Get_ArrayCount(varAryHeader)
ReDim m_varAry(1 To m_lCol_DataED, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To m_lCol_DataED Step 1
m_varAry(i, 1) = varAryHeader(i - 1)
Next i

End Select

m_lRow_Last = m_lRow_DataED
m_lCol_Last = m_lCol_DataED
m_lRow_DataCount = m_lRow_DataED - m_lRow_DataST + 1
m_lCol_DataCount = m_lCol_DataED - m_lCol_DataST + 1

End Sub



Public Function Get_CellValue(ByVal strSearch_Target As String, ByVal lReturn_POS As Long, _
Optional ByVal bSearch_Direction_Row As Boolean = True) As Variant

On Error GoTo END_PROC
If bSearch_Direction_Row = True Then
Get_CellValue = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(strSearch_Target, m_varAry, lReturn_POS, False)
Get_CellValue = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch_Target, m_varAry, lReturn_POS, False)
End If

End Function


'検索文字列を開始から終了の間から見つける(シート内から) Index+Match版

Public Function Get_CellValue2(ByVal strTarget As String, ByVal lReturnLineNo As Long, _
ByVal lSearchLineNo As Long, _
Optional ByVal bSearch_Direction_Row As Boolean = True) As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim lResult As Long

Get_CellValue2 = ""
With m_wsSheet
If bSearch_Direction_Row = True Then
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, lSearchLineNo), .Cells(m_lRow_Last, lSearchLineNo))
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lSearchLineNo, 1), .Cells(lSearchLineNo, m_lCol_Last))
End If
On Error Resume Next
lResult = WorksheetFunction.Match(strTarget, rng, 0)
On Error GoTo 0 '発生しているエラーをクリア
If bSearch_Direction_Row = True Then
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, lReturnLineNo), .Cells(m_lRow_Last, lReturnLineNo))
Get_CellValue2 = CStr(WorksheetFunction.index(rng, lResult, 1))
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lReturnLineNo, 1), .Cells(lReturnLineNo, m_lCol_Last))
Get_CellValue2 = CStr(WorksheetFunction.index(rng, 1, lResult))
End If
End With
Set rng = Nothing

End Function



Public Function Get_CellValue3(ByVal strSearch_Target As String, ByVal lSearch_POS As Long, _
ByVal lReturn_POS As Long, _
Optional ByVal bDirection_Row As Boolean = True) As String
Dim i As Long

Get_CellValue3 = ""
If bDirection_Row = True Then

For i = LBound(m_varAry, 2) To UBound(m_varAry, 2) Step 1
If strSearch_Target = CStr(m_varAry(lSearch_POS, i)) Then
Get_CellValue3 = CStr(m_varAry(lReturn_POS, i))
Exit Function
End If
Next i


For i = LBound(m_varAry, 1) To UBound(m_varAry, 1) Step 1
If strSearch_Target = CStr(m_varAry(i, lSearch_POS)) Then
Get_CellValue3 = CStr(m_varAry(i, lReturn_POS))
Exit Function
End If
Next i

End If

End Function



Public Function Search_CellNo(ByVal varTarget As Variant, ByVal lLineNo As Long, _
Optional ByVal bSearch_Direction_Row As Boolean = True) As Long

Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
If bSearch_Direction_Row = True Then
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, lLineNo), .Cells(m_lRow_Last, lLineNo))
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lLineNo, 1), .Cells(lLineNo, m_lCol_Last))
End If
End With
On Error Resume Next
Search_CellNo = -1
Search_CellNo = WorksheetFunction.Match(varTarget, rng, 0)
On Error GoTo 0 '発生しているエラーをクリア
Set rng = Nothing

End Function



Public Function Search_CellNo2(ByVal strSearch_Target As String, ByVal lSearch_POS As Long, _
Optional ByVal bDirection_Row As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bSearch_Top As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim i As Long

Search_CellNo2 = -1
If bSearch_Top = True Then
If bDirection_Row = True Then

For i = LBound(m_varAry, 2) To UBound(m_varAry, 2) Step 1
If strSearch_Target = CStr(m_varAry(lSearch_POS, i)) Then
Search_CellNo2 = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i


For i = LBound(m_varAry, 1) To UBound(m_varAry, 1) Step 1
If strSearch_Target = CStr(m_varAry(i, lSearch_POS)) Then
Search_CellNo2 = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i

End If
If bDirection_Row = True Then

For i = UBound(m_varAry, 2) To LBound(m_varAry, 2) Step -1
If strSearch_Target = CStr(m_varAry(lSearch_POS, i)) Then
Search_CellNo2 = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i


For i = UBound(m_varAry, 1) To LBound(m_varAry, 1) Step -1
If strSearch_Target = CStr(m_varAry(i, lSearch_POS)) Then
Search_CellNo2 = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i

End If
End If

End Function



Public Function Search_CellNo2_Double(ByVal strTarget1 As String, ByVal strTarget2 As String, _
ByVal lPOS1 As Long, ByVal lPOS2 As Long, _
Optional ByVal bDirection_Row As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bSearch_Top As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim i As Long

Search_CellNo2_Double = -1
If bSearch_Top = True Then
If bDirection_Row = True Then

For i = LBound(m_varAry, 2) To UBound(m_varAry, 2) Step 1
If strTarget1 <> CStr(m_varAry(lPOS1, i)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_1
If strTarget2 <> CStr(m_varAry(lPOS2, i)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_1
Search_CellNo2_Double = i
Exit Function
Next i


For i = LBound(m_varAry, 1) To UBound(m_varAry, 1) Step 1
If strTarget1 <> CStr(m_varAry(i, lPOS1)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_2
If strTarget2 <> CStr(m_varAry(i, lPOS2)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_2
Search_CellNo2_Double = i
Exit Function
Next i

End If
If bDirection_Row = True Then

For i = UBound(m_varAry, 2) To LBound(m_varAry, 2) Step -1
If strTarget1 <> CStr(m_varAry(lPOS1, i)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_3
If strTarget2 <> CStr(m_varAry(lPOS2, i)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_3
Search_CellNo2_Double = i
Exit Function
Next i


For i = UBound(m_varAry, 1) To LBound(m_varAry, 1) Step -1
If strTarget1 <> CStr(m_varAry(i, lPOS1)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_4
If strTarget2 <> CStr(m_varAry(i, lPOS2)) Then GoTo CONTINUE_4
Search_CellNo2_Double = i
Exit Function
Next i

End If
End If

End Function



'bAcross 選択範囲のセルを行ごとに結合するフラグ
'bMerge 結合フラグ (true 結合 false 解除)

Public Sub MergeCell(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, ByVal lRowED As Long, ByVal lColED As Long, _
Optional ByVal bAcross As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal bMerge As Boolean = True)

Dim rng As Range
Dim bFlag As Boolean
bFlag = False
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
If bMerge = True Then
If Application.DisplayAlerts = True Then
bFlag = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
Call rng.Merge(bAcross)
If bFlag = True Then Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Call rng.UnMerge
End If

End Sub



Public Sub Draw_RuledLine(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, ByVal _
lRowED As Long, ByVal lColED As Long, _
Optional ByVal LS As XlLineStyle = xlContinuous, _
Optional ByVal BW As XlBorderWeight = xlThin, _
Optional ByVal CI As XlColorIndex = xlAutomatic)

Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
With rng.Borders
.LineStyle = LS
.Weight = BW
.ColorIndex = CI
End With

End Sub



Public Sub Draw_RuledLine_Top(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, _
ByVal lRowED As Long, ByVal lColED As Long, _
Optional ByVal LS As XlLineStyle = xlContinuous, _
Optional ByVal BW As XlBorderWeight = xlThin, _
Optional ByVal CI As XlColorIndex = xlAutomatic)

Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
With rng.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = LS
.Weight = BW
.ColorIndex = CI
End With

End Sub



Public Sub Draw_RuledLine_Left(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, _
ByVal lRowED As Long, ByVal lColED As Long, _
Optional ByVal LS As XlLineStyle = xlContinuous, _
Optional ByVal BW As XlBorderWeight = xlThin, _
Optional ByVal CI As XlColorIndex = xlAutomatic)

Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
With rng.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = LS
.Weight = BW
.ColorIndex = CI
End With

End Sub



Public Sub Draw_RuledLine_Inside(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, ByVal lRowED As Long, ByVal lColED As Long, _
Optional ByVal LS As XlLineStyle = xlContinuous, Optional ByVal BW As XlBorderWeight = xlThin, _
Optional ByVal CI As XlColorIndex = xlAutomatic)

Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
With rng.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = LS
.Weight = BW
.ColorIndex = CI
End With
With rng.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = LS
.Weight = BW
.ColorIndex = CI
End With

End Sub



Public Sub Draw_RuledLine_OutFrame(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, ByVal lRowED As Long, ByVal lColED As Long, _
Optional ByVal LS As XlLineStyle = xlContinuous, Optional ByVal BW As XlBorderWeight = xlThin, _
Optional ByVal CI As XlColorIndex = xlAutomatic)

Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
Call rng.BorderAround(LS, BW, CI)

End Sub



Public Sub Change_CellBackColor(ByVal lRowST As Long, ByVal lColST As Long, ByVal lRowED As Long, _
ByVal lColED As Long, ByVal lColor As Long, _
Optional ByVal lFontColor As Long = -1)
Dim rng As Range
With m_wsSheet
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(lRowST, lColST), .Cells(lRowED, lColED))
End With
With rng
.Interior.Color = lColor
If lFontColor <> -1 Then .Font.Color = lFontColor
End With

End Sub

what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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