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Question 1
2.5 Points

What are the pros and cons of a command line interface?

Some things are hard or impossible to do on the command line, like graphics, most office applications and surfing the web (the web is not the same as the Internet).
Things that require a lot of typing, such as long file names, can be annoying without minimal cut/paste support.
For most people, learning and remembering typed commands is hard unless they use the commands all the time.

In almost all cases, the command line is much faster and easier to use for an expert, not for a beginner.
The command line can be used remotely with greater ease than GUIs; remote GUI's are SLUGGISH.
When absolute precision is necessary, a mouse/GUIs are too inaccurate.
For complex tasks, the command line can be scripted to automate things.
Question 2
2.5 Points

For what reason Banker’s algorithm is named so? What parameters it use for deadlock avoidance?

Banker's algorithm is a deadlock avoidance algorithm. It is named so because this algorithm is used in banking systems to determine whether a loan can be granted or not.
Question 3
2.5 Points

Write a solution to Dining philosopher problem from your own perspective.

A solution of the Dining Philosophers Problem is to use a semaphore to represent a chopstick. A chopstick can be picked up by executing a wait operation on the semaphore and released by executing a signal semaphore.
Question 4
2.5 Points

Differentiate between SJF and LJF CPU scheduling algorithms

Shortest Job First (SJF)
Short processes are executed first and then followed by longer processes.
The throughput is increased because more processes can be executed in less amount of time.
It does not lead to convoy effect.
It has a smaller average turn-around time and average waiting time thus increasing the effectiveness of the system.

Longest Job First (LJF)
Longer processes are executed first and then followed by shorter processes.
The throughput is decreased because fewer processes can be executed in a certain amount of time.
It might lead to the convoy effect.
It has a very larger average turn-around time and average waiting time. This results in slow processing and decreases the effectiveness of the system.

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