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Chapter 1 -Native Peoples of America, to 1500

 League of the Iroquois - 1400.
 Before they were at war and that was followed be a time of peace.
 This was one moment in a long history that began more than 10,000 years before Christopher Columbus reached the Americas.
 They saw themselves as multigenerational families rather than as individuals.
 They emphasized reciprocity and mutual obligation rather than coercion as a means of maintaining harmony,
 They saw the entire universe, including nature, as sacred.
 This was contradictory to European thought.

The First Americans 13,000-2,500 BCE
 Most came from Northeastern Asia during the last Ice Age. Land Bridge
 The interacted through trade and travel.
 They learned and had much in common despite their diverse linguistic, ethnic, and historical backgrounds.

Peopling New Worlds
Two Theories
 1. Siberian hunters crossed the land bridge (chasing game)
 2. Some arrived much earlier by boat.
 American probably arrived by both routes by 13,000 BCE, if not earlier.
 Ancestors of some came later, also from northeastern Asia. They settled in Alaska and northwestern Canada in about 7,000 BCE. Some speakers later migrated to the SW to form the Apaches and Navajos.
 After 3000 BCE, non-Indian Eskimos, or Inuits, and Aleuts began crossing the Bering Sea from Siberia to Alaska.
 Paleo-Indians established the foundations of Native American life. Traveled in bands and exchanged goods and ideas and intermarried with other groups.
 Most scientists believe the extinction of big game mammals was part of environmental changes associated with the end of the Ice Age.

Archaic Societies
 With environmental changes, smaller game became more available and could sustain larger populations better (100-150).
 Men became responsible for fishing, and hunting while women produced wild plant products.
 Religious healers could be either male or female.
 Women became good at manipulating the soil to grow plants - early farming.
 Mesoamerican they grew maize, the forerunner of today's corn.
 For a thousand years after plants were first domesticated, crops made up a small part of an Americans' diets. Meat, fish, and wild plants still predominated.

Cultural Diversity
 After about 2,500 BCE, many Native Americans began cultivating crops and creating extensive networks.

Mesoamerican and South America
 Farming became more important.
 After 2,000 BCE some farming societies produced crop surpluses that they traded.
 Pyramids were built, hierarchies were established, and artisans created statues of the rulers and the gods.
 Hereditary rulers exercised absolute power; however, their realms were limited to a few closely clustered communities. These were called chiefdoms.
 These societies were very advanced. Example: Mayan
 Aztecs sacrificed humans for their hearts and blood. They also learned to farm different types of soils - highlands, lowlands, and wet areas.
 The Aztecs collected taxes and had other people pay tribute to them.
 Inca - also very advanced.

The Southwest
 Hohokam and Anasazi.
 Hohokam - irrigation canals, permanent towns.
 Anasazi - harvesting crops, living in permanent villages, making pottery, and architecture.
 Their demise was drought. They had to break up the larger communities and form smaller communities.

The Eastern Woodlands
 The Mississippi Valley to the Atlantic Ocean.
 There were many rivers. As a result, many eastern Indians established populous villages and complex confederations well before adopting full-time, maize-based farming.
 Adena became the Hopewell. They were moundbuilders. The mounds usually contained graves. They did little farming.
 Agriculture did not become a dietary mainstay for Woodlands people until between the 7th and 12th centuries CE, as women moved beyond gathering and minor cultivating activities to become the major producers of food.
 The Mississippian people were the first full-time farmers.
 They believed their chiefs to be related to the sun and they would kill family members that survived them when they died. They did this because they wanted the family to accompany the chief to the after life.
 The Chokia were an established Mississippi culture.
 Mississippians spread new strains of maize and beans, along with techniques and tools for cultivating these crops. Only in some northernly places they weren't able to grow maize.
 The Woodlands used slash-and-burn method. It was environmentally sound and economically productive.

Nonfarming Societies
 On the Northwest coast, from the Alaskan panhandle to northern California, and in the Columbia Plateau, Indians devoted each year to catching salmon and other spawning fish. They learned how to dry the fish so it would last them the entire year.
 Therefore, these groups were stationary.
 They were good artists. Chiefs conducted trade, diplomacy, war, and religious ceremonies.
 Plains Indian hunters pursued a variety of game animals, including antelope, deer, elk, and bear, but their favorite prey was buffalo or bison. Buffalo could be used to provide a variety of products.

North American Peoples On the Eve of European Contact
 By 1,500 CE, native peoples had transformed the Americas into a dazzling array of cultures and societies.
 7-10 million people lived in present day United States.
 They had hundreds of languages and dialects.
 They all were based on kinship, the norms of reciprocity, and communal use and control of resources.
 Trade facilitated the exchange not only of goods but also of technologies and ideas.

Kinship and Gender
 They lived in extended families.
 They usually married in their teens, after winning social acceptance as adults, and, generally after a period or sexual experimentation.
 Some tribes gave precedence to the female's family, while others gave precedence to the male's family, and others gave no preference.
 They usually saw homicide to be solved by the victim's family and the perpetrator. Sometime the victim's family could accept the gift if they deemed it appropriate. If it wasn't settled, political leaders tried to resolve the dispute. Sometimes armed retaliation would ensue. Such feuds could escalate into wars between communities.
 Women did most of the cultivating, except in the SW where both men and women shared duties.
 Because women ran the fields, they were often given more power than most European women were.

Spiritual and Social Values
 Their religions revolved around the conviction that all nature was alive, pulsating with spiritual power.
 They put a great deal of merit into their dreams and would often go on a vision quest where they would fast until they saw visions.
 They had medicine men and women who used medicinal plants and magical chants to cure illness. They also served as spiritual advisors.
 They stressed cooperation.
 The system of reciprocity: a system of give and take was important. This was not to ensure equality it was to maintain equilibrium and interdependence between individuals of unequal power and prestige.
 By giving gifts, they obligated members of the community to support them and to accept their authority, however limited.

 Before European arrived, Native Americans had tapped the secrets of the land, sustaining themselves and flourishing in almost every environment.
 Natives saw themselves as participants in a natural and spiritual order that pervaded the universe, and their attitudes, as expressed in their religious practices, were gratitude and concern lest they violate that order.
 Some, not all, Native Americans were careful conservationists. Some killed more than they could eat, or burned more than they wanted, or lived in an area too long so as to deplete the soil.
 Europeans divided the land into plots, each to be owned by an individual or family.
 They ignored and belittled Native American strategies that allowed natural resources to renew themselves.


 Christopher Columbus landed on Oct. 12, 1492 and where he landed he named San Salvador.
 Columbus believed he had reached Asia.
 People of the America's became intertwined in colonial societies, obligatory and forced labor relations, trade networks, religious missions, and wars.
 There were also environmental effects of unprecedented interactions of animals, plants, and germs.
 There were efforts by several European nations to increase their wealth and power through the control of the land and labor of non-Europeans they considered less than civilized.

African and European Peoples
 In Africa, some empires grew and flourished because of long distance trade. A market economy was emerging alongside an older social and religious customs.
 European countries were trying to expand.
 An intellectual Renaissance was underway in Europe. There were profound divisions among Roman Catholics were leading to a religious Reformation.

Mediterranean Crossroads
 Before the 15th century, intercontinental travel and trade were unknown on the Atlantic Ocean.
 Mediterranean commerce was closely intertwined with religion and politics. Christianity and Islam were spreading.
 Both religions reinforced the political and economic links being forged between them.
 Later on they fought each other.

West Africa and Its People
 The Trans-Saharan caravan trade stimulated the rise of grassland kingdoms and empires whose size and wealth rivaled any of Europe at that time.
 They had Muslim rulers and Mali was the leading power in the West African savanna. Mali's best known city, Timbuktu, was widely recognized for its intellectual and academic vitality and for its beautiful mosque, designed and built by a Spanish Muslim architect.
 By the 16th c. most of Mali had been absorbed by Morocco in the North.
 The West Coast of African was rich in gold (Gold Coast). Many European nations became very interested in this part of Africa.
 The Portuguese have new naval technology and they are going to lead the way in exploration.
 In West Africa, the close-knit kinship groups united them together. They also lived in a system of mutual obligations to kinfolk.
 West Africans viewed marriage as a way for extended families to forge alliances for mutual benefit.
 Many families traced their bloodlines matrilineally. This, in effect, allowed African women to have a certain status within society.
 West African suffered a high mortality rate, so husbands and wives tried to have a lot of children.
 They depended on farming. Men and women both farmed. They would rotate crops to get the most out of the soil. They had crops such as yams, sugar cane, bananas, and eggplant, among other foods, as well as cotton for weaving cloth.
 Religion permeated African life. Africans believed another world lay beyond the world they knew with their five senses.
 African religion differed from other traditions in its emphasis on ancestor worship; in which departed forebears were venerated as spiritual guardians.
 A strong moralistic streak ran through African folk tales.

European Culture and Society
 When Columbus landed on San Salvador, Europe was going through a Renaissance. Intellectuals and poets believed that their age marked a return to the ideals of ancient Greek and Roman civilization.
 Renaissance scholars strove to reconcile to explore the mysterious nature, to map the world, and to explain the motions of the heavens.
 It was also an era of intense artistic creativity.
 A concern for power and rank dominate European life between the 15th and the 17th centuries.
 Gender, wealth, inherited position, and political power affected every European's status, and few lived outside the reach of some political authority's taxes and laws.
 Conflicts between states, between religions, and between social classes constantly threatened the balance.
 Spain did not have glory in Columbus' discovery, because the effects would not be known for some time, however they were proud that they reclaimed the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims.
 75% of Europeans were peasants. They often rebelled, but to no avail.
 There was a sharp rise in population in Europe, but not enough to sustain the population. 55 million in 1450 to 100 million by 1600. They did not have enough food to support all of the people.
 The English began the enclosure system, where they began enclosing farms.
 Because of the population growth, deforestation resulted from increased human demand for wood to use as fuel and building materials. This also deprived them of wild food and game.
 European towns had a few thousand people, typically. They were often dirty and disease ridden.
 Immigration from the countryside increased city populations.
 In Western Europe, prices rose while wages fell during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. This widened the gap between the rich and the poor.
 Parliament passed Poor Laws that ordered vagrants whipped and sent home, but most offenders only moved onto other towns.
 Europeans also had reciprocity. Theirs rested on the upper classes to act with self-restraint and dignity, and the lower classes to show deference to their "betters." It also hinged on an assumption that the seller would charge a "just" price."
 However, this did not last. Merchants kept ledgers and charged interest on borrowed money or sellers' price increases in response to demand.
 Joint-stock companies formed.
 An idea that wealth was the most important thing emerged. People owed each other nothing except to pay off debts.
 The rich wanted to maintain their status and the poor wanted to restrain the irresponsible greed of the rich.
 Their families were usually nuclear families. Children were a source of labor and women were expected to maintain the household and raise the children. Women were expected to be obedient to their husbands.

Religious Upheavals
 All Christians, Jews, and Muslims - worshiped a single supreme being, based on the God of the Hebrew Bible.
 Many Europeans feared witches by the 16th century.
 Others looked to astrology, insisting that a person's fate depended on the conjunction of various planets and stars. Such beliefs in spiritual forces not originating with a supreme deity resembled those of Native Americans and Africans.
 The papacy wielded great power. They sold indulgences- these were like get our of jail free cards.
 The sale of indulgences provoked charges that the materialism and corruption infecting economic life had spread to the Church.
 Luther led the Protestant Reformation. This changed Christianity forever.
 Luther spoke out about the policies of the Church. He said the Church gave people false confidence that they could earn salvation simply by doing good works.
 He believed that faith was the most important thing - not good works.
 Others also followed in Luther's steps but put a different spin on their interpretation of the Bible and the purpose of the Church.
 John Calvin - believed in predestination, God had pre-chosen which people would be saved.
 Anabaptists - they criticized the rich and powerful and sought to restrict baptism to "converted" adults. Judges and mainstream Churches persecuted these people.
 Protestants had these things in common: they denied that God had endowed priests with special powers, laypeople should take responsibility for their own spiritual and moral conditions, had a high value on reading, believed that they should be able to read the Bible themselves in the vernacular, it condemned the replacement of traditional reciprocity by market-place values.
 Catholic reform: Jesuits, Council of Trent: tried to get rid of corruption and encouraged public participation.

The Reformation in England, 1533-1625
 It began with King Henry VIII (1509-1547). He wanted a male heir, but his wife, Catherine of Aragon, failed to produce a son. Henry wanted his marriage annulled and the pope refused this request.
 Henry then persuaded Parliament to pass a series of acts in 1533-34 dissolving his marriage and proclaiming him supreme head of the Church of England (or Anglican Church).
 Rulers after Henry went back and forth from Catholicism to Protestantism.
 Puritans - wanted to reform the Church of England from within, they declined to break openly with it.
 Separatists - insisted that a "pure" church had to avoid all contact with the Anglican "pollution."
 Puritanism appealed to only a few noble, elite and poor. Its primary appeal was instead to the small but growing number of people in the "middling" ranks of English society - landowning gentry, yeoman farmers, merchants, shopkeepers, artisans, and university-educated clergymen and intellectuals. Self-discipline became a central part of their lives both secularly and spiritually.
 The Catholic Church saw Elizabeth as a heretic, so she supported the Puritans and embraced militant anti-Catholicism.
 James I, Elizabeth's successor, opposed Puritan efforts to eliminate the office of bishop. Although James insisted on outward conformity to Anglican practice, he quietly tolerated Calvinists within the Church of England who did not dissent loudly.

Europe and the Atlantic World, 1440-1600
 At the beginning of the 15th c., European wealth was situated in Mediterranean city-states such as Florence and Venice. Over the next two centuries this wealth shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.
 Portugal and Spain led a new imperialism across the Atlantic.
 Two important outcomes: Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the colonization of new lands, especially in the Americas.

Portugal and the Atlantic, 144-1600
 Portugal led the way.
 In the early 15th c. they came up with new technology: a triangular Arab sail made a vessel more maneuverable vessel, the caravel, which sailed more easily against the wind, they mastered the compass and astrolabe, by which they got their bearings on the open sea.
 Without this technology the travel would have been impossible.
 The Renaissance "new learning" helped sharpen Europeans' geographic sense.
 Led by Prince Henry "the Navigator" (1394-1460) Portugal was the first nation to capitalize on these developments.
 He hoped to find a sea route to Asia that would enable Portugal to bypass Mediterranean traders in tapping the markets of that continent as well.
 1488 - Bartolomeu Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope and on to India.
 The Portuguese failed to destroy older Euro-Asian commercial links, although they remained and imperial presence in the Indian Ocean and present-day Indonesia.
 They brought Europeans face-to-face with black Africans and an already flourishing slave trade.

The "New Slavery" and Racism
 Slavery was well established in 15th c. Africa.
 Africans could be enslaved because of indebtedness or through a long-distance commercial trade. Some of the slaves were indebtors or they had been caught in wars.
 The Portuguese originally traded through African -controlled commercial networks.
 Portuguese traders enriched favored African rulers not only with gold and other luxury products but also with guns. This disrupted the way of life in Western Africa because many native Africans took part in the slave trade because of the wealth that was brought to them in return.
 Differences to earlier forms of slavery:
 The unprecedented magnitude of the trade resulted in demographic catastrophe for West Africa and its peoples.
 Nearly 12 million Africans would be shipped in horrific conditions across the sea.
 African slaves were subjected to new forms of dehumanization.
 By 1450, the Portuguese and Spanish created large slave-labor plantations on their Atlantic and Mediterranean islands. The plantations grew sugar.
 They were regarded as property rather than people of low status.
 They were subjected to labor that was unending, exhausting, and mindless.
 Finally, race became the ideological basis of the new slavery.
 Their blackness along with their religion and customs, dehumanized them in Europeans eyes.
 They justified it as their Christian duty.
 Slavery became a lifelong, hereditary, and despised status.

Europeans Reach American, 1492-1541
 Columbus believed he could reach Asia by sailing West. He was obsessed with this idea. He believed he could carry Christianity around the globe and liberate Jerusalem from Muslim rule, but he also wanted wealth and glory.
 It is believed that the Early Norse, English fisherman may have already landed in North America on its northern coasts.
 But, Columbus was funded by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.
 Treaty of Tordesillas - It drew a line in the mid-Atlantic dividing all future discoveries between Spain and Portugal.
 He landed on Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic). He was never an effective leader and died feeling he did not get recognized for his accomplishments.
 England's Henry VII ignored the Treaty of Tordesillas and sent John Cabot (an Italian navigator) to explore the North Atlantic in 1497. He also thought he had reached Asia.
 Portugal got a foothold in the eastern part of S. American and Spain had much of the rest.
 Ferdinand Magellan sailed around the Southern tip of South America to the Philippines. He was killed there, but some of his crew made it back - being the first ones to sail around the world.
 France joined in 1524. King Francis I dispatched an Italian navigator, Giovanni da Verrazano, to find a more direct "northwest" passage to the Pacific. He explored from the Carolinas to New Foundland.
 Jacques Cartier probed the coasts of New Foundland, Quebec, and Nova Scotia and sailed up the St. Lawrence River.

Spain's Conquistadors, 1492-1536
 Columbus was America's first slave trader and conquistador.
 Encomiendas - grants awarding Indian land, labor, and tribute to wealthy colonists. The earliest encomiendas were gold mines, which produced limited profits for a few mine operators.
 The encomiendas were exploitative. Many died from being overworked, malnutrition, and disease.
 The Portuguese then started shipping Africans to use as labor.
 Africans were seen as less than human and beyond hope of redemption. So, they could be exploited without limit.
 Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico and got enemies of the Aztecs to help him conquer that people.
 Moctezuma offered them gold and the Spanish became greedy.
 Small pox was a huge factor in the Spanish defeat of the Aztec because they had not built up immunities from it yet.
 Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca. Small pox and native unfamiliarity with European ways and weapons enabled a small army to overpower them.
 When Cortes landed in 1519, Mexico's population had been between 13 and 25 million. By 1600, it was around 700,000.
 America had witnessed the greatest demographic disaster in world history.

The Columbian Exchange
 Small pox - In the larger West Indian Islands, 95% of the native population perished within 30 years because they were not immune to European disease.
 Europeans introduced cattle, horses, sheep, swine, chickens, wheat, and other grains, coffee, sugar cane, numerous fruits and garden vegetables, many species of weeds and insects, and rodents to America.
 Enslaved Africans carried rice and yams.
 America transferred corn, varieties of beans, white and sweet potatoes, manioc, tomatoes, squash, pumpkins, peanuts, vanilla, cacao, avocados, pineapples, chilies, tobacco, and turkeys.
 European weeds and domesticated livestock changed many American environments.
 Livestock ate indigenous plants, enabling hardier European weeds to take over. Wild animals stayed away, depriving Indians a critical source of food.
 Free roaming livestock also invaded Indians fields, eating their crops. So, colonists' lives directly impinged on the lives of Native peoples.
 However, the availability of food allowed a population growth to occur.
 There was also a large mixing of peoples.
 Mestizo population - Mixed Spanish and Indian.
 Colonial societies differed significantly in their official attitudes toward the different kinds of interracial union and in their classifications of the children who resulted.
 Spain took in far more American silver than its economy could absorb, setting off inflation that eventually engulfed all of Europe.

Footholds In North America, 1512-1625
 The earliest colonies failed, generally because they were predicated on unrealistic expectations of fabulous wealth and pliant natives.
 The diminishing of native populations was due to disease, and the rise of the English, French, and Dutch power finally made colonization possible.
 By 1624, each colony developed a distinct economic orientation and its own approach to Native Americans.

Spain's Northern Frontier, 1512-1625
 Juan Ponce de Leon conquered Puerto Rico and looked for gold and slaves in Florida.
 Cabeza de Vaca went from Florida to North Mexico and wrote a compelling literary work on North America before permanent colonization.
 De Soto went from Tampa Bay to the Appalachians.
 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led a massive expedition to look for the "Seven Golden Cities of Cibola". He didn't find anything.
 For several decades after these failed venture, Spain's principal interest north of Mexico and the Caribbean lay in establishing strategic bases to keep out French and English intruders.
 In 1565, the Spanish established the first successful European settlement in St. Augustine, Florida. It was a lone military stronghold and a base for many religious missions that ultimately failed.

France: Initial Failures and Canadian Success, 1541-1610
 Verrazano and Cartier marked the beginning of French exploration.
 Cartier tried to build a colony on Stadacona Indian land (near Quebec), but Native resistance and problems with scurvy caused them to abandon the colony.
 French Huguenots briefly established a base in what is now South Carolina.
 France had a difficult time colonizing.
 A French dominated fur trade blossomed near New Foundland.
 Most traders recognized the importance of reciprocity in dealing with Native Americans. They were generally more successful.
 The French sent Samuel de Champlain to establish the colony of New France at Quebec in 1608.
 Champlain made alliances with the Montagnais and Algonquins of the St. Lawrence and the Hurons of the lower Great Lakes. Their common enemy were the Mohawks.
 The Battle of Lake Champlain (where Champlain killed Mohwak chiefs and some 50 others along with taking a dozen prisoner) marked the end of casual Indian-European encounters in the Northeast and the beginning of a deadly era of trade, diplomacy, and warfare.
 The French gained access to the thick beaver pelts of the Canadian interior in exchange for European goods and protection from the Iroquois.

England and the Atlantic World, 1558-1603
 England had two objectives in the Western Hemisphere in the 1570's. The first was to find the Northwest Passage to Asia and discover gold on the way. The second was to raid Spanish fleets and port from Spain to the West Indies.
 Sir Walter Raleigh obtained a royal patent (charter) in 1584 to start an English colony, which they named Virginia.
 Raleigh persuaded Elizabeth to dispatch a colonizing expedition to Roanoke.
 At first, all was going well. The Roanoke Indians fed the colonists. This led them to wonder why they should work at all.
 They refused to grow their own food. Fearing a Roanoke attack, the colonists killed the. Roanoke leader.
 Many left the colony and the others left behind were never heard from again. Many assumed that they began living with Croatoan Indians.
 This experience gives us some truths about European expansion.
 First, even a large-scale, well-financed colonizing effort could fail, given the settlers' lack of preparedness for the American environment.
 They did not bring enough provisions for their first winter, and they didn't want to grow their own food.
 Most assumed that the Natives would submit to their authority and feed them as they looked for gold.
 Colonizing attempts would have to be self-funded.
 Conflict with the Spanish was a real concern.
 In 1588, the British defeated the Spanish Armada.

The Beginnings of English Colonization, 1603-1625
 James took the throne in England and Phillip III took the throne in Spain.
 Spain renounced its claim to Virginia.
 Joint-Stock Companies - business corporations that would amass capital through sales of stock to the public - could raise enough funds for American settlement. Such stock offerings produced large sums with limited risk for each investor.
 The Virginia Company of Plymouth received a grant extending south from modern Maine to the Potomac River, and the Virginia Company of London's ands ran north from Cape Fear to the Hudson River.
 The Virginia Company of Plymouth disbanded after 2 years of unsuccess.
 The Virginia Company of London settled Jamestown.
 The colonists neglected to plant crops.
 38 out of 105 remained after the first year.
 They lacked effective leadership
 John Smith was left to fend for the colony. He organized the colonists into work gangs to ensure sufficient food and housing for winter. He laid down rules for maintaining sanitation and hygiene to limit disease. He brought order through military discipline. During the next winter, Virginia lost just 12 men out of 200.
 Smith maintained satisfactory relations with the Powhatans in part through his personality, but he also employed calculated demonstrations of English military strength to make the settlers' actual weakness.
 John Smith returned to England after being wounded in a gunpowder explosion.
 Again, the colonists struggled. They expected the Natives to give them corn. About 400 died out of 500. Virginia did win the first Anglo-Powhatan War, however the population remained small.
 Tobacco emerged as Virginia's salvation.
 John Rolfe, who married Pocahontas, spent time adapting Caribbean tobacco to conditions in Virginia.
 By 1619, the product commanded high prices, and exported a lot to Europe.
 “Headright System” – The Virginia Company awarded a fifty-acre piece of land for each person entering the colony or to whoever paid that person’s passage. Some people could afford to pay a lot of people so they acquired sizeable chunks of land.
 Many people agreed to work as indentured servants for fixed terms, usually four to seven years.
 The Virginia Company abandoned military rule and provided for an assembly to be elected. THIS WAS THE FIRST REPRESENTATIVE LEGISLATURE IN NORTH AMERICA.
 By 1622, Virginia faced 3 serious problems
 1. Local officials systematically defrauded the shareholders by embezzling treasury funds, overcharging for supplies, and using company laborers to work their own tobacco fields. They profited but the company sank deep into debt.
 2. The colony’s population suffered from a high death rate. Most from malnutrition or from salt poisoning, typhus, or dysentery. They usually got these from drinking out of the James River.
 3. Relations with the Powhatans steadily worsened.
 After the Virginia Company sent more men, there was a second Powhatan- Anglo War. The Indians were defeated and lost most any chance of defeating the colonists.
 This clash left the Virginia Company bankrupt and James I concerned over complaints from the officers.
 James revoked the charter in 1624, and Virginia became a royal colony.
 About 500 lived there with a handful of blacks, most were unfree laborers and most would die early deaths.

New England Begins, 1614-1625
 1614 New England rose as the next English colony. John Smith thought it a good place, but the Indians needed to be dealt with.
 1616-1618 most Indians died from disease.
 1620 – Virginia Company gave a patent to London merchants headed by Thomas Weston for a settlement. 102 families on the Mayflower went to live on the land. They were to send lumber, fish, and furs back to Weston for 7 years, after which time they would own the land.
 The leaders, and half of its members were separatist Puritans who fled England to the Netherlands to practice their religion freely. Fearing that their children were assimilating into Dutch culture they fled to America.
 Nov. 1620 the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Bay. They agreed to sign the Mayflower compact before they landed. By this document they constituted themselves a “civil body politic,” or government, under English rule, and established the colony of New Plymouth, or Plymouth.
 Weakened by the journey and the winter, half died.
 Squanto (a Wampanoag Indian) and Samoset (an Abenaki from Maine) helped the settlers, both spoke English.
 Squanto showed them how to grow corn, using fish as a fertilizer.
 The alliance did not last long. With weapons the colonists became dominant. They forced the Wampanoag’s to acknowledge English sovereignty.
 Relations with the Indians also enabled Plymouth to become economically self-sufficient. They went from communal farming to individually owned plots.
 The Plymouth colonists’ lasting importance was three-fold
o 1. They constituted an outpost for Puritans dissenting from the Church of England.
o 2. They proved that a self-governing society consisted mostly of farm families could flourish in New England.
o 3. They foreshadowed the aggressive methods that later generations of European Americans would use to gain mastery over Indians.

The Enterprising Dutch, 1609-1625
 Most of the Netherlands were Calvinists.
 1609 – Henry Hudson sailed up the river named for him, traded with Native Americans, and claimed the land for the Netherlands.
 They established the colony of New Netherland near present day Albany.
 In 1626, the Dutch bought an island which they named Manhattan and named the settlement New Amsterdam.
 They lived by the fur trade.
 They depended on the Mohawks as commercial clients and as allies.
 16th c. marked the emergence of an Atlantic world linking Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
 Kings and emperors in W. Africa were trading wealth, even slaves.
 Europe used knowledge to expand overseas.
 This brought few benefits to African and Native Americans. They have been denigrated throughout history.

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