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var gravityScore,
href = window.location.href;

(function loadModule() {
function initLoad() {
if (href.includes("")) {
if (href.includes("/learn")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Learn</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Just wait for this script to finish!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="learnButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("learnButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
} else if (href.includes("/flashcards")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Flashcards</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Changelog:</h4>+ Added Match time freeze for regular match and diagrams<br>+ Added Gravity score exploit to get ANY score you want!<br>+ Added custom alert box<br>+ Fixed graphics<br>- Removed useless alert boxes.<h4>Instructions:</h4>Umm why are you here? Go cheat somewhere else...<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="flashcardsButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
} else if (href.includes("/write")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Write</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Instructions:</h4>You dont even have to wait,<br> this is my favorite one to watch!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="writeButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("writeButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
} else if (href.includes("/spell")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Spell</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Nothing! Bypassed having to press enter!<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="spellButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("spellButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
} else if (href.includes("/test")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Test</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Press "c" (Or the key specified in settings) to toggle the answers.<br>(Be subtle when using)<br><br><button class="UIButton" id="testButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("testButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
} else if (href.includes("/micromatch")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Micromatch</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Instructions:</h4>The timer will be paused when at choosen time.<br>The answers will also be highlighted for you.<br>At your leisure, solve the questions.<br><h4>Match Time: </h4><input type="text" id="matchTimeInput" value="0"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="micromatchButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
insaneWin("match", 0.5);
} else if (href.includes("/match")) {
try {
getClass("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display = "none";
} catch(e) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Match</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Instructions:</h4>The timer will be paused when at choosen time.<br>The answers will also be highlighted for you.<br>At your leisure, solve the questions.<br>By clicking INJECT the score will be automatically sent to Quizlet's servers. You do not even have to finish the game for your score to be sent!<br><h4>Match Time (Seconds): </h4><input type="text" id="matchTimeInput" value="' + (0.5) + '"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="matchButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("matchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
insaneWin("match", getId("matchTimeInput").value);
} else if (href.includes("/gravity")) {
cAlert('<h2>Game Mode: Gravity</h2>Thank you for using this Quizlet Gravity Hack<br>This hack injects a score into Quizlet: simply enter what score you want and run the script! <br><h4>Instructions:</h4>Press space when the answer appears in the input area. If you get an answer wrong, press space in the input to continue quickly.<br>By clicking INJECT the score will be automatically sent to Quizlet's servers.<br><h4>Gravity Score: </h4><input type="text" id="gravityScoreInput" value="' + (4294967295) + '"></input><br><br><button class="UIButton" id="gravityButton" type="button"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>Inject</span></span></button>');
getId("gravityButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
insaneWin("gravity", getId("gravityScoreInput").value);
} else if (href.includes("/live")) {
cAlert("Please use the live inject button for Quizlet live!");
} else {
alert("Error: Unknown URL, please file an error with your current URL if you wish for me to fix it!");
} else {
alert("Please go to Quizlet to use this extension!");

function testMode() {
var question = getClass("TermText notranslate");
for (var i = 0; i < question.length; i++) {
question[i].innerHTML += '<br><small style="font-weight: bold; display: block;" class="answers">' + findAnswerGlobal(question[i].innerHTML) + "</small>";
document.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
var key = ("c")
if (e.key == key) {
var answer = getClass("answers");
if (answer[0].style.display == "block") {
for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
answer[i].style.display = "none";
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < answer.length; i++) {
answer[i].style.display = "block"

function gravity() {
var createListener = true;
var input = getClass("GravityTypingPrompt-input js-keymaster-allow")[0];
if (input) {
input.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if (e.which == "32" && getClass("GravityTerm-content")[0]) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);

setInterval(function() {
input = getClass("GravityTypingPrompt-input js-keymaster-allow")[0];
if (createListener && input) {
createListener = false;
input.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if (e.which == "32" && getClass("GravityTerm-content")[0]) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);
if (input && getClass("GravityTerm-content")[0]) {
input.value = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("GravityTerm-content")[0].innerText.trim());
} else {
createListener = true;
if (getClass("GravityCopyTermView-input")[0]) {
getClass("GravityCopyTermView-input")[0].value = getClass("TermText notranslate")[1].innerHTML;
}, 100);

function submit() {
input = getClass("GravityTypingPrompt-input js-keymaster-allow")[0];
if (input) {
var keyEvent = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
char: "Enter",
key: "Enter",
shiftKey: false,
keyCode: 13,
which: 13

function write() {
var remaining = parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML);
for (var i = 0; i < remaining; i++) {
getId("user-answer").value = Math.random();
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button"),
span = document.querySelectorAll("span");

if (getId("user-answer")) {
getId("user-answer").disabled = true;
getId("user-answer").value = findAnswerGlobal(getClass("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML);
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (buttons[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML == "Answer") {
try {
for (var i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
if (span[i].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML == "Override: I was right") {
} catch (e) {}
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (buttons[i].innerHTML == "Press any key to continue") {
} else if (buttons[i].innerHTML == "Start Over") {
return 1;
setTimeout(write, 0);

function spell() {
if (getClass("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML == "100%") {
return 1;

try {
if (getId("js-spellInput").style.visibility == "visible") {
var answer = Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById.filter(function(term) {
var ques = document.getElementById("js-spellPrompt").innerText.trim();
if (term.word == ques) {
return true;
} else if (term.definition == ques) {
return true;

if (answer.word == document.getElementById("js-spellPrompt").innerText.trim()) {
document.getElementById("js-spellInput").value = answer.definition;
} else {
document.getElementById("js-spellInput").value = answer.word;
setTimeout(spell, 10);
} catch(e) {
setTimeout(spell, 500);

function submit() {
input = getId("js-spellInput");
if (input) {
var keyEvent = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
char: "Enter",
key: "Enter",
shiftKey: false,
keyCode: 13,
which: 13

function match() {
button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button &&;
setTimeout(function() {
if (getClass("UIModalBody").length && false) {
window.setInterval = console.log;
} else {
for (let x = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < x; i++) {

function colorCode() {
if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile") || getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")) {
for (var F = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < F; i++) clearTimeout(i);
var tiles = getClass("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile");
var colors = ["#FF0000", "#FF0000", "#FF6600", "#FF6600", "#FFFF00", "#FFFF00", "#00FF00", "#00FF00", "#00FFFF", "#00FFFF", "#0033FF", "#0033FF", "#FF00FF", "#FF00FF", "#CC00FF", "#CC00FF", "#6E0DD0", "#6E0DD0", "#C0C0C0", "#C0C0C0", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#A52A2A", "#A52A2A", "#F6CFFF", "#F6CFFF", "#CFD9FF", "#CFD9FF", "#FBFFA3", "#FBFFA3", "#FFD1A3", "#FFD1A3", "#710000", "#710000"];
for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
tiles[i].style.backgroundColor = colors[i];
for (var j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++) {
if (tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML == findAnswerGlobal(tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML)) {
tiles[j].style.backgroundColor = colors[i];
}, (1000));

function micromatch() {
button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button &&;
setTimeout(function() {

if (getClass("UIModalBody").length) {
setInterval = console.log;
} else {
for (let x = setTimeout(";"), i = 0; i < x; i++) {
var tiles = getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"); //[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML
for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {

if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile")[i].classList[1] != "is-selected") {
click(getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")[i].childNodes[0], "pointerdown");
for (var j = 0; j < tiles.length; j++) {
if (tiles[j].childNodes[0].innerHTML == findAnswerGlobal(tiles[i].childNodes[0].innerHTML)) {
if (getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridTile")[j].classList[1] != "is-selected") {
click(getClass("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")[j].childNodes[0], "pointerdown");
j = tiles.length;
function click(e, t) {
if (e.fireEvent) e.fireEvent("on" + t);
else {
var n = document.createEvent("Events");
n.initEvent(t, !0, !1), e.dispatchEvent(n);
}, (1000));

function learn() {
var loop = setInterval(function() {
if (getClass("ProgressSegmentedSemicircle-percent")[0].innerHTML == "100%") {
msg("Quizlet - Learn Mode", "You have finished the set! Stopping the answer script!<br><br>");
} else {
if (getClass("AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-inner")[0] !== undefined) {
var questions = document.getElementsByClassName("AssistantMultipleChoiceQuestionPromptView-termOptionInner");
Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms.forEach(function(term) {
var question = document.getElementsByClassName("FormattedText notranslate TermText")[0].innerText.trim();
if (question == term.word || question == term.definition) {
for (let i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {
if (questions[i].innerText.trim() == term.word || questions[i].innerText.trim() == term.definition) {
setTimeout(function() {
var buttons = getClass("UIButton");
var button =, 0).filter(function(e) {
return e.innerText.trim() == ("Press any key to continue");
if (button[0] !== undefined) {
}, 400);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
var buttons = getClass("UIButton");
var button =, 0).filter(function(e) {
return e.innerText.trim() == ("Press any key to continue");
if (button[0] !== undefined) {
}, 400);
}, (700));

function checkCheckbox() {
getClass("UIButton UIButton--whiteBorder UIButton--fill")[0].click();
if (getClass("UICheckbox-input")[3].checked && getClass("UICheckbox-input")[2].checked !== true && getClass("UICheckbox-input")[4].checked !== true) {
getClass("UIButton UIButton--inverted")[0].click();
return 1;
if (getClass("UICheckbox-input")[4].checked === true) {
if (getClass("UICheckbox-input")[2].checked === true) {
if (getClass("UICheckbox-input")[3].checked === false) {
getClass("UIButton UIButton--inverted")[0].click();

function findAnswerGlobal(question) {
if (Quizlet.assistantModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms
return getAnswer(Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms, question);
} else if (Quizlet.learnGameData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms
return getAnswer(Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms, question);
} else if (Quizlet.testModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.testModeData.terms
return getAnswer(Quizlet.testModeData.terms, question);
} else if (Quizlet.spellModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById
return getAnswer(Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById, question);
} else if (Quizlet.matchModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.matchModeData.terms
return getAnswer(Quizlet.matchModeData.terms, question);
} else if (Quizlet.gravityModeData !== undefined) { //Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms
return getAnswer(Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms, question);
} else {
return 0;

function getAnswer(s, t) {
var e = s;
if (t.indexOf("_") != "-1") {
if (t.slice(-1) == "_") { //Underscore at end
for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) {
if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
return e[i].word;
} else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
return e[i].definition;
} else if (t[0] == "_") {
for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { //Underscore at start
if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1") {
return e[i].word;
} else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1") {
return e[i].definition;
} else {
for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { //Underscore in middle
if (e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1" && e[i].definition.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
return e[i].word;
} else if (e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_").slice(-1)[0]) != "-1" && e[i].word.indexOf(getClass("qDef TermText")[0].innerHTML.split("_")[0]) != "-1") {
return e[i].definition;
var answers = [];
for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++) {
e[i].definition = e[i].definition.replace("n", "<br>");
e[i].word = e[i].word.replace("n", "<br>");
if (t == e[i].word) {
} else if (t == e[i].definition) {
return answers[Math.floor(Math.random() * answers.length)];

function cAlert(message) {
var html = '<div class="UIModal is-white is-open" id="customMessageContainer" role="document" tabindex="-1"> <div class="UIModal-box"> <div class="UIModalHeader"> <div class="UIModalHeader-wrapper"> <span class="UIModalHeader-close"> <div class="UIModalHeader-closeIconButton"> <span class="UIIconButton"> <button class="UIButton UIButton--inverted" type="button" id="customCloseButton" onclick="document.getElementById(&quot;customMessageContainer&quot;).remove();"> <span class="UIButton-wrapper"> <svg class="UIIcon UIIcon--x-thin"> <noscript></noscript> <use xlink:href="#x-thin"></use> <noscript></noscript> </svg> </span> </button> </span> </div> </span> <div class="UIModalHeader-childrenWrapper"> <h3 class="UIHeading UIHeading--three"><span id="customTitle">Alvin’s Hacked Quizlet Hack</span></h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="UIModalBody"> <div class="UIDiv SetPageEmbedModal-content"> <div> <p class="UIParagraph"><span id="customMessage">Good Luck! <br>'+message+'</span></p></div></div></div></div></div>';
var j = document.createElement('div');
j.innerHTML = html;

function insaneWin(game, score) {
var data = {}

if (game == "gravity") {
if (!score) {
score = prompt("Highest possible score is 4294967295.nScore: ", 4294967295);
data = {
sessionId: undefined,
score: score,
previous_record: Quizlet.highscoresModalData.previousRecord,
time_started: - 63641,
selectedOnly: false

if (game == "match") {
if (score.indexOf(".") == -1) {
score += "0";
score = score.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
data = {
score: Math.min(Math.max(5, score), 4294967295),
previous_record: Quizlet.matchModeData.recordTime,
too_small: 0,
time_started: Quizlet.SERVER_TIME,
selectedOnly: false

var message = {
data: obfuscate(JSON.stringify(data), 77)

var send = new XMLHttpRequest;
send.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (send.readyState === 4) {
try {
var response = JSON.parse(send.responseText);
if (send.status == 200) {
msg("Success!", "Injected a " + game + " score of " + JSON.parse(send.responseText).responses[0].models.session[0].score + " into " + JSON.parse(send.responseText).responses[0].models.user[0].username + "'s (" + JSON.parse(send.responseText).responses[0].models.user[0].id + ") account!");
} catch(e) {
msg("Error!", "Sending negative numbers, decimal numbers, and numbers lower than five will not work! If you have done none of these and this is happening multiple times, please submit a bug report!");
}"POST", document.location.href + "/highscores");
send.setRequestHeader("CS-Token", Quizlet.getCsToken());
send.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
send.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

function msg(title, message) {
var html = `
<div class="UIModal-backdrop is-included is-visible"></div>
<div class="UIModal is-white is-open" role="document" tabindex="-1">
<div class="UIModal-box">
<div class="UIModalBody">
<div class="MatchModeInstructionsModal MatchModeInstructionsModal--normal">
<h3 class="UIHeading UIHeading--three"><span>${title}</span></h3>
<div class="UIDiv MatchModeInstructionsModal-description">
<p class="UIParagraph"><span>${message}</span></p>
<div class="MatchModeInstructionsModal-button"><button class="UIButton UIButton--hero" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('custom-alert-box').remove();"><span class="UIButton-wrapper"><span>OK</span></span></button></div>
var elem = document.createElement("div"); = "custom-alert-box";
elem.innerHTML = html;

function getId(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);

function getClass(id) {
return document.getElementsByClassName(id);

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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Long File

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