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The Dragons Keep
I play a giant with a bow.

I come from a poor village in a valley where I am the best archer in my village so I left to better my experience. So I set out on a journey I ventured for days and days until I finally reached the iron gate in the cold cobblestone castle wall and as it lowered I was greeted by one of the king's men who led me through the towns and toward the stunning palace where I met the king. “You seem worthy follow me.” he said he lead me to a trapdoor in the floor, it opened and i could see a spiral staircase that “watch your head” he said as we walked down it seemed to go on forever, it opened to a large room “here is my valuables vault” “wow this is more gold then i've seen in my hole live!” i said “yeah i like to come down here and admire it sometimes.” he said “over here” he took me to a pedestal at the back of the room “this is where i need a dragon skull and you are going to get it for me” he explained “how am i supposed to get it back here?” i asked “here” he said as he gave me a bag of holding “i don't think it going to fit.” i said “stick your hand in it.” he said “uhh… ok” i go to stick my hand in and my whole arm could fit “cool right?” he said “my gods, how.” i said surprised “magic.” he said “cool” i said still astonished “oh, here” he takes out a map “here is a map where you will find it, now go.” and with that i was off to slay the dragon, it was going to be difficult but i couldn't do it alone luckily i had a mage friend named Mark that could help me so we began our long and treacherous journey toward “the dragons keep!” which is a cave on the map which was to be expected but it's still one hell of a journey on path but luckily we can go off road
A long time later( lazy writing)

FINALLY we had arrived. It's been so long but we finally made it to the cave in the mountain just as it started to rain. Ok let's do this, we entered the dark cave we could barely see so i tried to lite a torch and with each spark of the flint we could get a glimpse of the inside of the cave unforchunetly it was to wet but then my friend said i got this and cassted elimination on a piece of copper and he toast it into the middle of the room. As i walked throw what looks like hundreds of skeletons from different animals some i recognise and some that are to mangled to recognise so he casted detect magic and the hole room was filled with light as we quickly rummaged throw their stuff i gave it all to him to keep in his bag of holding. As I walked to the copper piece on the floor of the cave, I picked it up and asked, “are we reddy?” i said “yeah im just gathering some casting material from these bodies” he said wiel stuffing items in his bag. “ok, i am going to follow the cave further back.” i said “wait up.” he said we followed the back until we reached a huge open room with two cave entrances at the back. “here.” he said, casting eloomanation on another piece of copper and giving me the other bag of holding. “You go right and I'll go left and here take this.” he gives me another bag of holding “ok thanks.” I said as we momentarily went our separate ways. I followed the twists and turns until I reached a giant lava lake “nope.” I left and went into the other cave. I could see a bright room, I ran to it and I saw mountains and mountains of gold, platinum and gems hundreds of times more than the kings valt but out of the corner of my eye I could see Mark hastily shovelling gold and gems into his bag of holding “hey.” i said quietly
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