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Hi Sir,
I am writing to you regarding the issue with the Assistant manager ( Aman Sharma ) that he doesn't want me in the process due to personal issue.
I would like to let you know that the AM and the operation manager planed to exit me from the company. Actually on August 13, 2020 my team leader called me and there were BHR and AM on the conference call, the BHR told me that I have Parked 3 incidents in wrong path which will lead to ZTP as CSAT manipulation and asked to team leader to show that incident. In the evening, TL called me and showed that cases, I saw that and there was no error from my side, it was issue in the system and explained to the team leader. The TL agreed with me that there are other agents also face such issue due to system error. The team leader sent a mail on my favor as there was no CSAT manipulation and issue was genuine.
After that, the HR not confirmed the status yet due to national holiday and A.M. sent another email oreoverto delete the process and domain ID of mine even I said to AM that I explain the issue to my TL, he just ignore that and told me to cross check with other TL that was clearly waste of the time.
Moreover, The Aman sharma ( AM) has some personal issue with me from long time I don't know why, in month of July, he manipulated my Data scores and sent my Name in the BQ list, which is against the TP policies. Then First Time my name in BQ. I am employee of this organisation for around 2 years my all targets score met. Once I joined the BQ session and confirm the same from HR, he told me that you are not in BQ as your all scores are met in last 3 months, kindly take action on AM for this too.
In conclusion, I just want to know many other agent's incidents also found in the same scenario, they only got warning letter for it so why would I exit even I did not do anything wrong there was clearly system error as my TL know it, The AM only doing this for his ago issue please give me resolution on priority, act of kindness.
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Regards; Team

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