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Special Weapons and Tactics, application format 2.0

Part I. Basic Information

1.1 In-game name: Kanat
1.2 Account name: EmirRyZ2855
1.3 Playtime (screenshot required):

Reveal hidden contents

1.4 Arrests (screenshot required):

Reveal hidden contents

1.5 Screenshot of /mypunishments:

Reveal hidden contents

1.6 Your country and timezone: Turkey/Istanbul - GMT+3
1.7 Can people understand you when you speak in English?: Yes, people understand me without difficulty when I speak English.
1.8 How do you think people would describe you?:Most of people don't like me when they don't know me. But when they start hanging out with me all of them think I'm respectful, happy, cool, and trustworthy person.
1.9 What motivates you when playing SAUR?: Spending time with my friends, making money and joining the teams I aim for gives me morale.
2.0 What demotivates you when playing SAUR?: The only thing that depresses me is when I'm doing something important or in training, the game is shut down.

Part II. Motivation

2.1 Explain to us why you want to be part of the S.W.A.T team: I tried my luck for SWAT exactly two years ago, but my English was bad at the time, but I wanted to join so much that I was not accepted because my English was bad, so I tried my luck again 3 month ago, I was not accepted because I made some grammer mistakes. Every time I wasn't accepted, I was generating ambitions and developing myself. SWAT has been a goal for me and I always run behind of my goals until I'm going to try until I reach my goal, so I want to join in.
2.2 Give us a reason why we should accept you instead of another applicant: I want you to choose me over the others because I'm always improving myself and my English I've been trying to join SWAT for a long time it's been my goal SWAT I never say I'm the best player I'm the person like the others I want to be a part of SWAT if you see fit I won't let you down. I promise, I will be a player worthy of SWAT, a respectful, trustworthy and good player.
2.3 Do you have any specific goals you want to achieve inside S.W.A.T?: My sole purpose now for SWAT is to be able to participate and provide the best service to you and other valued members of the government.
2.4 Tell us the name of the last group you were in and the reason you aren't in it: The last team I served on was Special Forces. the reason I'm not on the team right now is because my goal is to join SWAT. I took permission from the management team. for leaving team but I didn't get accepted. I haven't joined any team since.
2.5 What do you think your strenghts and weaknesses are when playing MTA: First of all, let me talk about my strengths, I can adapt to the new team immediately, I will get along well with the players on my team, I will not fight with them, I will follow the orders of my leaders immediately, and I will treat everyone on my team with respect, not only on my team I treat other players with respect because the first rule is respect. My weaknesses I have a hard time communicating with people whose English is bad. players whose internet is bad.
2.6 In your opinion, describe what qualities a good leader should have: A good leader should be able to act with understanding and empathy when his members make a small mistake, reassure their members, be impartial and fair in the fights that come out of the team, be patient and calm, and be able to come up with practical and quick solutions to the problems that come out. I think a good leader needs to have those qualities.
2.7 Do you think of yourself as a leader or follower?: If I can join now, I consider myself a follower because I like being managed more than managing, it's fun to me, but if I'm promoted to manager, I'll be happy to manage.

Part III. Rules and General Knowledge

3.1 List server events you think are priorities of the S.W.A.T team: My opinion Warzone - Securicar - Ammo Transport - Bank Robbery - Assault mission - Casino Robbery - Robbery Raid - Andromada Mission - Doomsday - They must prevent conflicts in cities.
3.2 What is a valid reason to skip a training/operation?: As far as I'm concerned, everyone needs to participate in operations and training as long as they don't have a very urgent job. for example, someone in his family had an accident this is a valid reason, but breakfast or food is not a valid reason for training or not participating in the operation, this is my personal opinion.
3.3 Who is allowed to give you permission to host a training?: Only Sergeant+ can give permission to host a training.
3.4 Is the use of a 'Seasparrow' allowed as a way of support during turfing operations?: No, it can't be allowed.
3.5 Can a Sergeant spawn the M.C.C. without permissions?: Sergeant can spawn M.C.C. in reasonable situations.
3.6 Are you obligated to follow SAUR and S.W.A.T rules as part of the group?: Yeah, I definitely have to.
3.7 Choose the word with the closest meaning to "Trustworthy" (Resolute, Tenacity, Relevant, Insolent & Reliable): Synonyms with Reliable.
3.8 Is there anything else you think we should know that can potentially influence our decision?: (optional): I wish all my participating friends Success Good luck.
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Regards; Team

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