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<p><strong>Are you being wicked?</strong></p>

<p>Wickedness is a state of being wicked and to be wicked simply mean to be a evil, to be morally wrong, to cognitively disregard justice, truth, honor, good sense of judgement. According to <a class="fr-green" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a> that&nbsp;</p>


<p>Among theologians and philosophers, it has the more specific meaning of evil committed consciously and of free will.</p>

<p>It can be deduced that wickedness.</p>

<p>* It is an intentionally destructive act.</p>

<p>* It is a decision but a harmful one.</p>


<p>Our world today is fill with all kind of wickedness, they are many and glaring that our society is all phase of work and life and it well define before us that we don&#39;t need to guess to know if it is wickedness or not. But one fact remain that wickedness is personal thing and it is a choice, but you should know that it have never be well with the wicked and it will never being well with them.</p>

<p>From the Bible Isaiah 3:11(New International Version)</p>


<p>&nbsp;Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done.</p>


<p>Wickedness is different ways and dimension, but being wicked, is a thorn in the life of people, communities and systems, It gives a corrosive identity, that no one will mean well for the wicked.</p>


<p>Conclusively, the wickedness are the acts of men, and some don&#39;t when they become &nbsp;wicked, check out for the signs , being remorseless, cruel, lack humility, happy in other downfall, being manipulative and desensitized to other wicked act and if you found out, that they are one of this trait, change because you are hurting someone or people.&nbsp;</p>

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