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[12/9 22.48] Kamil:
[13/9 12.45] Fesa: Ada approach yg bisa dipake untuk konten-konten ntar, keknya sih nyambung sama yg disaranin pak tom jg
[13/9 12.46] Fesa: Pertama, sociology of knowledge
[13/9 12.47] Fesa: Kedua, intellectual history
[15/9 22.13] Ekky Nusalinea: Btw coba kalian nonton film theory
[15/9 22.13] Ekky Nusalinea: Dia editingnya sederhana
[15/9 22.14] Ekky Nusalinea:
[15/9 22.17] Kamil: Oh gini aja

2 Production (Camera, Audio, Props)
2 Video Editor
1 Video Editor Assistant
*3 Content Writers (Covered by Ekky, Fesa, and Angga)*
1 Talent
1 Graphic designer
2 illustrators
1 SEO Specialist
1 Accountant
[15/9 22.27] Ekky Nusalinea: oh oh!!! i have several topics already sebenarnya!
1. Kenapa folkor Indonesia banyak hantu wanita? - bisa dikaji dari dg gender studies (Sebenarnya kajian ttg hantu wanita ni menarik sih karena di asia, rerata mirip!!)
[15/9 22.28] Ekky Nusalinea: 2. Kenapa rumah tua dan kosong sering diasosiasikan dengan rumah angker?
3. Lukisan2 berhantu. Kenapa orang sering bilang suatu lukisan tu berhantu?
[15/9 22.29] Ekky Nusalinea: 4. Perbedaan approach towards death di Indonesia. Jawa vs Toraja par example
[15/9 22.30] Ekky Nusalinea: Toraja tu menarik sih. You can literally sleep beside dead grandpa and be cool abt it
[15/9 22.30] Ekky Nusalinea: Sedangkan di sumatera, makin cepet dikubur, makin bagus
[15/9 22.31] Ekky Nusalinea:
[15/9 22.32] Ekky Nusalinea: ini juga menarik banget karena dia bahas kematian dari perspektif naturalis dan akademik + cultural
[15/9 22.32] Ekky Nusalinea: Ask a Mortician nama channelnya
[15/9 22.37] Ekky Nusalinea:
[15/9 22.42] Angga Sasjep '14: Dan di toraja, kalo belum ada upacara Rambu Solo, mereka percaya bahwa arwahnya masih ketahan di dunia. Belom bisa oergi ke alam baka
[15/9 22.42] Angga Sasjep '14: Sekali uoacara rambu solo bisa milyaran harganya :(
[15/9 22.43] Angga Sasjep '14: Makanya banyak yg simpen jenazahnya di rumah
[15/9 22.44] Angga Sasjep '14: Terus tanduk2 kerbau yg dipotong itu dipajang depan rumah.. jadi keliatan mana yg tajir, mana yang belum
[15/9 22.44] Angga Sasjep '14: Iyaak.. ada yg bahkan simpen jenazahnya samoe berapa puluh tahun baru bisa bikin upacara
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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